1. Know the basics of anatomical structure of the human body .
2. Detect the basics of anatomical structure of organs and systems of the human body .
3. Detect the basics anatomic relationships of organs and the structures of the human body.
4. Knowing the basis of comparative evolutionary similarities and differences in the structure of the human body compared to vertebrates .
5. Be able to identify on the cadavers and preparations basics of anatomical structure of the human body .
1. Introduction to the anatomy of the human body, and spine
2. Bones and joints of the trunck , bones and joints of the legs
3. Bones of the haed , innervation of the face, orbits , n . facialis , n . maxillaris , n . ophthalmic, n . oculomotorius , n . trochelaris , n . abducens
4. Nasal cavities , n . olfactory , oral cavity , pharynx , larynx , n . mandibularis , n . hypoglsossus , n . glossopharyngeus , n . vagus
5. Muscles of the neck , n . accessorius , cervical plexus , blood vessel of the neck , thyroid , trachea , esophagus , brachial plexus , muscles, nervs and blood vessels of the shoulder, upper arms , forearms and hands , arms lymph
6. Thoracic cavity and thoracic wall, nn . intercostales , lungs, heart , great vessels of mediastinum , chest piece of the trachea and esophagus , vagus and phrenic nerve , truncus symphaticus
7. Abdominal cavity and abdominal wall , division area of the abdomen , peritoneal space , stomach and duodenum , small and large intestine , liver , veina portae , spleen , lymphatic system
8. Retroperitoneal space , kidneys and ureters , abdominal aorta and branches , inferior vena cava and their tributaries , lumbar plexus , the adrenal glands , the sympathetic chain of retroperitoneum
9. Pelvic cavity , arteria et vena iliaca communis , arteria et vena iliaca interna et externa , urinary bladder and urethra , male genitals , female genitals , sacralis plexus , autonomic nervous system of pelvic cavity
10. Muscles, nerves , blood and lymph vessels of the gluteal region , thigh , lower leg and foot .
11. Eye , dioptric condition of the eye , eye adaptation to light / darkness and the distance / proximity , the blood vessels of the eye , n . opticus , external ear , middle ear , inner ear , nervus vestibulocochlearis
12. Central nervous system , spinal cord , medulla oblongata , pons , cerebellum , midbrain , diencephalon, telencephalon , cerebral ventricles.
1. Bone and joints of the trunck , arms and legs
2. Bone of the head
3. Demonstration section of the head and neck
4. Demonstration section of the arms
5. Demonstration section of the thorax
6. Demonstration section of peritoneal space
7. Demonstration section of retroperitoneal space and pelvic
8. Demonstration section of legs
9. Demonstration section of the brain