1. Pure substances (phase diagrams, phase transitions, properties of pure substances, liquids and gases).
2. Mixtures (composition of mixtures, phase diagrams, colligative properties).
3. Colloid systems.
4. Thermochemistry (internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs energy).
5. Equilibrium of chemical reactions (equilibrium constants, factors that influence equilibrium constants).
6. The examples of equilibrium reactions (solubility, acid-base reactions, buffers, ...).
Chemical kinetics (rate of reactions, the order of reaction, mechanisms of reactions).
Electrochemistry (redox reactions, galvanic cell, electrolysis).
Presentation of teaching materials.
Selection of examples and exercises.
Preparation of demonstrational experiment.
Preparation of laboratory exercise.
Preparation of procedure for laboratory exercise.
- to define phase diagram
- to discriminate pure substances and mixtures
- to explain colligative properties
- to define colloid systems
- to explain the first and the second laws of thermodynamics
- to explain equilibrium constant
- to define factors that influence equilibrium constants
- to describe examples of equilibrium reactions
- to define the order of chemical reactions
- to prepare a laboratory exercise related to the subject of the course
- P. W. Atkins, J. de Paula: Elements of Physical Chemistry, 5. izd., Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009.
- T. Cvitaš: Fizikalna kemija, rkp. u pripremi i dijelom dostupan u SKK i na mrežnoj adresi
- T. Cvitaš, I. Planinić, N. Kallay: Rješavanje računskih zadataka u kemiji, I i II dio, Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, Zagreb, 2008.
- V. Tomišić, T. Preočanin i N. Kallay, Predavanja za kolegij "Osnove Fizikalne kemije" (skripta za internu upotrebu), Fizičko-kemijski Zavod, PMF, 1998-2009.
- P. Atkins i J. de Paula: Physical Chemistry, 9. izd., Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2010.