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Plate tectonics

Code: 71938
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Alan Moro
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Crust, mantle, core and plate structure. Plate geometry and velocity. Euler poles. Isochrones and velocities. Ridges and rifting, trenches and subduction, transform faults and fracture zones.
Triple junctions and their stability. Plate motion and velocity on sphere. Earthquakes and plates. Earthquakes at transfom faults, trenches and ridges. Magnetism and isochrones, Earth magnetic field, rocks magnetization. Reversals of the magnetic field. Magnetostratigraphy. Polar wandering and plate motion. What drives the plates?

Learning outcomes:

Basic knowledge and understanding of the Earth layers and interior processes.
Basic knowledge on tectonic plates, their boundaries, sedimentary and magmatic processes in boundary areas.
Representing the tectonic plates as a plane and representing their move on a plane.
Ability to use techniques needed for drawing circles movements on a sphere.
Understanding the tectonic plates moving on the sphere.
Understanding the link between plate motions and earthquakes.
Understanding paleomagnetism and its connection to plate motions.
  1. Allan Cox & Robert B. Hart (1986): Plate Tectonics - How it Works (Blachwell Scientific Publication; Inc.; 392 p.)
  2. Wolfgang Frisch, Martin Meschede & Ronald Blakey (2011): Plate Tectonics - Continental Drift and Mountain Building (Springer; 212 p.).
  3. Philip Kearey, Keith A. Kleppeis & Frederick J. Vine (2009): Global Tectonics (third edition; Willey-Blackwell; 482 p.)
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Environmental Geology
Mandatory course - Regular study - Geology
Mandatory course - Regular study - Geology
Consultations schedule: