Raspored sjednica Vijeća Geološkog odsjeka u ak. god. 2024./25. i datuma predaje materijala za Povjerenstvo za nastavu nalazi se ovdje.
Zvanje: | viši asistent |
Lokacija: | 025 GPZ |
Telefon: | 01/ 460 6103 |
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Zavod/služba: | Geološki odsjek |
Sanja Šuica rođena je 19. listopada 1986. godine u Metkoviću, gdje je završila osnovnu i srednju školu. Diplomirala je 2010. godine na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, na studiju geologije, smjer geologija mineralnih sirovina i geofizička istraživanja, s temom Geokemijske i tektonomagmatske karakteristike jastučastih bazalta iz ofiolitnih melanža Dinarida (mentor: prof.dr.sc. Boško Lugović). Tijekom studija 2009. godine osvojila je Rektorovu nagradu za samostalni studentski rad Petrografsko-geokemijska obilježja i arheološki značaj vulkanskih žrvnjeva iz Bribirske glavice u Dalmaciji (mentor: prof.dr.sc. Boško Lugović). Doktorirala je na Rudarsko-geološko-naftnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu u znanstvenom području prirodnih znanosti, znanstveno polje geologija, grana mineralogija i petrologija s temom Granitoidi podloge Panonskoga bazena u području istočne Hrvatske (mentorica prof.dr.sc. Vesnica Garašić). Za znanstvenog suradnika iz polja geologija izabrana je 2022. godine.
Od 2024. godine zaposlena je na Geološkom odsjeku Prirodoslovno-matematičkog fakulteta kao viša asistentica na projektu HRZZ IPS-2023-02-2683 Taložna evolucija gornjokrednih dubokomorskih bazena u Dinaridima (voditelj: izv.prof.dr.sc. Borna Lužar-Oberiter). U periodu od 2010. do 2024. godine bila je zaposlena u INA-Industrija nafte d.d. kao stručnjak za petrologiju, gdje je bila zadužena za mineraloško-petrografske analize, uključujući optičku mikroskopiju, skenirajući elektonski mikroskop (SEM) i mikroramansku spektroskopiju. Tijekom karijere u naftnoj industriji sudjelovala je u brojnim projektima vezanim uz istraživanje naslaga Panonskog bazena te stijena podloge neogena u Hrvatskoj. Suradnica je na projektu HRZZ UIP-2019-04-7761 Miocenska sin-riftna evolucija Sjevernohrvatskog bazena (Karpatsko-Panonska regija): “multi-proxy” pristup, korelacija i integriranje sedimentnog i vulkanskog zapisa (voditelj: dr.sc. Mihovil Brlek, HGI) te na internom istraživačkom projektu Hrvatskog geološkog instituta Geološka evolucija Zapadnog Savskog bazena – Starosti i Geodinamika (voditelj: dr.sc. Marko Špelić, HGI).
Članica je Hrvatskog geološkog društva (HGD) i Znanstvenog savjeta za naftno-plinsko gospodarstvo i energetiku Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti. Sudjelovala je u u prezentiranju izložbe „Upoznaj Zemlju – zaviri u mikroskop!“ u organizaciji HGD-ovog Odsjeka za geobaštinu.
Impact of the Jenkyns Event on shallow-marine carbonates and coeval emerged paleoenvironments: the Plitvice Lakes region, Croatia
Characterizing the ~15.3 Ma explosive eruption: Insights from volcaniclastic deposits across the Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides
Characterizing the ~15.3 Ma explosive eruption: Insights from volcaniclasticdeposits across the Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides
The Alps as the main source of sand for the Late Miocene Lake Pannon (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)
Spread and frequency of explosive silicic volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region during Early Miocene: Clues from the SW Pannonian Basin and the Dinarides
Provenance and depositional environment of Middle Miocene silicic volcaniclastic deposits from Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin, Carpathian-Pannonian Region)
Tracing widespread Early Miocene ignimbrite eruptions and petrogenesis at the onset of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region silicic volcanism
Petrography of the Upper Miocene sandstones from the North Croatian Basin: Understanding the genesis of the largest reservoirs in the southwestern part of the Pannonian Basin System
Iron speleothems of the waterfall near Varaždinske toplice
Tephrostratigraphy of the Early and Middle Miocene volcaniclastic horizons in Croatia -widespread silicic explosive eruptions
The oldest Miocene volcaniclastics of the Carpathian–Pannonian Region based on U–Pb zircon LA-ICP-MS dating in the Mura Depression (Northwestern Croatia)
The Eggerian tuffs of the Hrvatsko Zagorje Basin
A time-space window between Eocene karst bauxite genesis and the first molasse deposition in the Dinaric Foreland Basin in the North Dalmatia, Croatia
Volcanic sources and sinks of the Alpine-Mediterranean Region: A window into silicic volcanism and paleoenvironments during Early-Middle Miocene
Eurasian Ice Sheet derived meltwater pulses and their role in driving atmospheric dust activity: Late Quaternary loess sources in SE England
Petrography and geochemistry of granitoids and related rocks from the pre-Neogene basement of the Slavonia-Srijem Depression (Croatia)
Perspectives on the Early Miocene silicic volcanism of the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Diachronous Flooding During Pannonian Basin Extension (Central Europe): Constraining the Miocene Incursion of the Central Paratethys using High-Precision Geochronology
Karst bauxite formation during Miocene Climatic Optimum (central Dalmatia, Croatia): mineralogical, compositional and geochronological perspectives
Integrated study and stratigraphic implications of Miocene volcaniclastic deposits on Mt. Medvednica (North Croatian Basin)
The link between Central Dalmatian karst bauxites (Croatia) and Miocene Climatic Optimum
Miocene syn‑rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian–Pannonian Region): new constraints from Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora volcaniclastic record with regional implications
Neogene Sedimentological and Geochemical Model of the Mura basin, NW Croatia, SW Margins of the Central Paratethys
A report on the well-preserved Miocene volcanic cone from the Drava Depression, North Croatian Basin – inference from the deep seismic reflection data
Petrology and geochemistry of appinite-granodiorite intrusion from the eastern Drava depression (Eastern Croatia).
Petrology and geochemistry of the A-type granites and related rocks in the Western Srijem area (Eastern Croatia)
Granitoidi podloge Panonskoga bazena na području istočne Hrvatske
Paleogene Basins in Croatia as a Connection between Tisza and Dinarides – A Missing Link.
Miocene syn-rift evolution of the North Croatian Basin (Carpathian-Pannonian Region): 1. Regional magmatic activity and Mts. Kalnik and Požeška gora pyroclastic record
Multidisciplinary approach in core analyses of the Legrad-1JR reservoir
Petrographic characteristics of the appinite-granodiorite intrusion, eastern Drava depression (Eastern Croatia)
Tectono-magmatic significance of the pillow basalts from the ophiolitic mélange of the Dinarides
Preliminary research results of granitoids from the Croatian part of the Pannonian Basin basement
The occurrence of phosphate in the Lower Badennian deposits of Čepelovac-1S well in the western part of Drava Depression (Pannonian Basin, Croatia)