Title: | Associate Professor |
Location: | 9 |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 4877 742 |
Internal phone number: | 112 |
E-mail: | |
Official web page URL: | http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol/duje.lisicic |
Department: | Division of Animal Physiology |
Graduation year: | 2000 |
mr.sc. graduation year: | 2005 |
PhD graduation year: | 2009 |
Employed in this institution since: | 2001 |
integrated undergraduate and graduate
I was born on August 6, 1976 in Split, Croatia where I studied where at the Faculty of Science and graduated as the professor of Biology and Chemistry. I become employee of the Department of Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science in Zagreb in 2001 as a professional associate and then as a junior assistant. I become M.Sc. at the University of Zagreb in 2005, and in 2009 I gained a PhD. I became a Research Associate (Biology) in 2011, and assistant professor at the same institution in 2014 where I still work today.
My area of scientific interest is comparative animal physiology and behavior, ecophysiology and interspecific relationships. I am particularly interested in complex biological / biomedical problems at the level of the whole organism that require integrative physiological, evolutionary and / or behavioral analysis. To do so, I study animal models in the laboratory and in natural environment.
I participate in teaching at University courses on Physiology, Animal behaviour, Immunology and Laboratory Animals in Scientific Research. I was mentor or co-mentor in the preparation of 29 graduate theses, one master and several scripts for students. In addition, I actively participate in the work of student organizations (mentor at student organisation of Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in the field of herpetology and mammology; and participate in the work of the group of students in Health Polytechnic Zagreb - EkoZvu). I am the author of several invited lectures, both of national and international.
I participate in 19 papers in the journal cited by CC and six articles cited with SCI, two papers in other journals. I participated in number of national and international conferences, as well as in the development of 19 scientific and professional studies in the field of herpetology, ornithology and mammology.
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