Title: | Full Professor |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 6189 706 |
Internal phone number: | 133 |
E-mail: | |
Department: | Division of Botany |
Graduation year: | 2001 |
PhD graduation year: | 2007 |
Employed in this institution since: | 2001 |
integrated undergraduate and graduate
2007 PhD Thesis Succession of phytoplankton functional groups in polimictic karstic lakes at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science. Field: Biology-Ecology (Phycology)
2002-2007 PhD studies at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science. Field: Biology-Ecology (Phycology)
1995-2001 Undergraduate studies leading to the Degree of Teacher of Biology and Chemistry at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Croatia. Diploma paper titled “Cytogenetic analysis of Allium commutatum Guss. callus tissue” presented on February 6th 2001 (mentor-prof. Mirjana Pavlica PhD, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb)
1991-1995 High school in Pag, Croatia (Opća gimnazija Bartul Kašić)
1983-1991 Primary school in Pag, Croatia (OŠ Juraj Dalmatinac)
Scholarship and courses
2018 DNAqua-Net training school on the "Application of (e)DNA in aquatic bioassessments", 22-26 October 2018. University of Bucharest (Rumunjska)
2017 IRSAE summer school Integrating ‘Omics’ Technologies into Aquatic Ecology: New perspectives in Metagenomic, Metabolomic and Bioinformatic applications in the study of aquatic ecosystems June, 26-30 2017, FEM, San Michele all’Adige, Italija
2005 Three month scholarship Hungarian Government) at University of Debrecen (Dr. Istvan Grigorszky)
2004 Course Freshwater Algae at Iowa Lakeside Laboratory, Iowa State University lead by Dr. James L. Wee
2003 Course in Freshwater Algal Identification, University of Durham lead by Dr David John and Prof. Brian Whitton
2021 Primer software „Workshop on Multivariate Analysis in Ecology(& Other Sciences), using PRIMER version 7”, Engleska, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, voditelj: Dr.sc. Paul Somerfield
2018. ECOSTAT Nutrient workshop “Developing, understanding and using nutrient boundaries”, Bucharest, Romania
2014 Management of intelectual property in research and development for natural and technical sciences (Upravljanje intelektualnim vlasništvom u istraživanju i razvoju za prirodne i tehničke znanosti); Center for research, development and technology transfer at University of Zagreb, within European project „BISTEC – Building innovation support through efficient cooperation network“. Zagreb
2014 How to write a good project for financing of research and innovation programs for EU Horizon 2020, Zagreb
2011 Informative workshop “Marie Curie scholarships”, EURAXESS, Zagreb
2011 Professionalization of PhD Supervisor lead by Johana Sonnevela (University of Utrecht)- Workshop for mentors, Zagreb
2020-2022 - Lecturer in charge
Botany 35804-Molecular biology (I year, mandatory) (1/3)
Field Course 40928-Environmental studies (II year, mandatory) (biology ½)
Protists 37612 Environmental studies (I year, elective) (2/3)
Ecology of Protists -Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective) (1/2)
Freshwater Plankton (44562) - Ecology and Nature Preservation (II year, elective) (1/2)
Freshwater Plankton (course held in English) (196199) - Ecology and Nature Preservation (II year, elective) (1/2)
Integrated undergraduate and graduate
Algae and Student Projects (208674) Biology and Chemistry Education (IV year, elective)
Algae in Biological Valorisation of Freshwater Ecosystems (151870) – Biology, Ecology (elective)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection (II year, mandatory)
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agriculture
Microbial diversity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (144082) Graduate university study/ Agroecology/ Microbial biotechnology in agriculture (I year, mandatory), 3 hours
Lecturer: Botany 35804 (undergraduate university study – Molecular biology (I year, mandatory 4+4+0),1/3; Ecology of Protists (graduate university study – Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective 2+2+0), ½; Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection at Department of Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb (II year, mandatory 2+1)-practical work; Field Course 40928 (undergraduate university study - Environmental studies (II year, mandatory)- biology topics ½; Microbial diversity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (144082) Graduate university study/ Agroecology/ Microbial biotechnology in agriculture (I year, mandatory)
Lecturer: Botany 35804 (undergraduate university study – Molecular biology (I year, mandatory 4+4+0),1/3 Ecology of Protists (graduate university study – Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective 2+2+0), ½; Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection at Department of Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb (II year, obligatory 2+1)-practical work; Field Course 40928 (undergraduate university study - Environmental studies (II year, mandatory)- biology topics ½; Algae and Fungi 40657 (I year, Mandatory course - Biology and Chemistry Education); Field course in biodiversity of invertebrates and protists 40657 (III year, Biology and Chemistry Education); Protists 37612 (undergraduate university study- Environmental studies (I year, elective course); Microbial diversity of natural and anthropogenic ecosystems (144082) Graduate university study/ Agroecology/ Microbial biotechnology in agriculture (I year, mandatory)
Lecturer: Botany 35804 (undergraduate university study – Molecular biology (I year, mandatory 4+4+0),1/3; Ecology of Protists (graduate university study – Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective 2+2+0), ½; Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection at Department of Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb (II year, mandatory 2+1)-practical work; Field course 40928 (undergraduate university study - Environmental studies (II year, mandatory)- biology topics ½.
Lecturer: Botany 35804 (undergraduate university study – Molecular biology (I year, mandatory 4+4+0),1/3; Ecology of Protists (graduate university study – Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective 2+2+0), ½; Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection at Department of Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb (II year, mandatory 2+1)-practical work; Field course 40928 (undergraduate university study - Environmental studies (II year, mandatory)- biology topics ½; Protists 37612 (undergraduate university study- Environmental studies (I year, elective course) 2/3; Freshwater Plankton (44562) - Ecology and Nature Preservation (II year, elective)1/2
Lecturer: Botany 35804 (undergraduate university study – Molecular biology (I year, mandatory 4+4+0),1/3; Ecology of Protists (graduate university study – Environmental studies module Biological environmental protection (II year, elective 2+2+0), ½; Microbiology of the ecosystem 33829 (undergraduate study Urban forestry, nature and environment protection at Department of Forestry at Faculty of Forestry of University of Zagreb (II year, mandatory 2+1)-practical work; Field course 40928 (undergraduate university study - Environmental studies (II year, mandatory)- biology topics ½.
2005 -2008
Actively involved in practical work from Biology of Algae and Fungi (two subject study program Biology-chemistry and Molecular biology program), Algae and Fungi (one subject teaching study program Biology), Protists (undergraduate study program Environmental studies)
Actively involved in practical work from Biology of Algae and Fungi, for programmes: professor of biology and chemistry and engineers of Molecular biology as well as Algae and Fungi for professor of biology and field work for student of second year at Department of Biology, Faculty of Science Zagreb.
Administrative, organizational and public work
2018 Founder of The Croatian National Diatom Collection
2014 Secretary of Croatian Biological Society
2012-2013 Assistant for investments at Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; Head of the Department: Prof Göran Klobučar, PhD
Show publications in CRORIS
1. Selak, Lorena; Osterholz, Helena; Stanković, Igor; Hanžek, Nikola; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Dittmar, Thorsten; Orlić, Sandi (2022) Adaptations of microbial communities and dissolved organics to seasonal pressures in a mesotrophic coastal Mediterranean lake. Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1111/1462-2920.15924
2. Novosel, Nives; Mišić Radić, Tea; Levak Zorinc, Maja; Zemla, Joanna; Lekka, Malgorzata; Vrana, Ivna; Gašparović, Blaženka; Horvat, Lucija; Kasum, Damir; Legović, Tarzan; Žutinić, Petar; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (2022) Salinity-induced chemical, mechanical, and behavioral changes in marine microalgae. Journal of Applied Phycology doi:10.1007/s10811-022-02734-x
3. Gligora Udovič, Marija; Kulaš, Antonija; Šušnjara, Mirela; Arapov, Jasna; Blanco, Saul; Levkov Zlatko (2022) Cymbopleura amicula stat nov. et. nom. nov. (Bacillariophyceae)—a rare diatom species from a karst river in Croatia. Phytotaxa, 532, 2; 139-151. doi:10.11646/PHYTOTAXA.532.2.2
4. Šimunović, Maja; Kulaš, Antonija; Žutinić, Petar; Goreta, Gordana; Gligora Udovič, Marija (2022)Phytoplankton metrics for trophic and ecological status assessment of a natural karstic lake. Acta Botanica Croatica, 81, 2; ABCRA 25, 25 doi:10.37427/botcro-2022-016
5. Donis, Daphne; Mantzouki, Evanthia; McGinnis, Daniel F.; Vachon, Dominic; Gallego, Irene; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Domis, Lisette N. de Senerpont; Teurlincx, Sven; Seelen, Laura; Lurling, Miquel; Verstijnen, Yvon; Maliaka, Valentini; Fonvielle, Jeremy; Visser, Petra M.; …..Maronić, Dubravka Špoljarić; Stević, Filip; Pfeiffer, Tanja Žuna; Vucelić, Itana Bokan; Žutinić, Petar; Udovič, Marija Gligora; ……Akcaalan, Reyhan; Albay, Meric; Alp, Mehmet Tahir; Ozkan, Korhan; Sevindik, Tugba Ongun; Tunca, Hatice; Onem, Burcin; Paerl, Hans; Carey, Cayelan C.; Ibelings, Bastiaan W. (2021) Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999 1-20 doi:10.1002/lno.11963
6. Stanković, Igor; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Šušnjara, Mirela; Alegro, Antun; Levkov, Zlatko (2022) Diversity and ecology of benthic diatoms in a mire with narrow pH gradient. Fottea, 22, 1; 39-55 doi:10.5507/fot.2021.015
7. Rotter, Ana; Barbier, Michele; Bertoni, Francesco; Bones, Atle M.; Cancela, M. Leonor; Carlsson, Jens; Carvalho, Maria F.; Ceglowska, Marta; Chirivella-Martorell, Jeronimo; Dalay, Meltem Conk; Cueto, Mercedes; Dailianis, Thanos; ……Udovič, Marija Gligora; DeNardis, Nadica Ivošević; ….Ljubešić, Zrinka; ……..Safarik, Ivo; Talve, Siret; Tasdemir, Deniz; Schneider, Xenia Theodotou; Thomas, Olivier P.; Torunska-Sitarz, Anna; Varese, Giovanna Cristina; Vasquez, Marlen (2021) The essentials of marine biotechnology. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 629629, 53 doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.629629
8. Kulaš, Antonija; Gulin, Vesna; Matoničkin Kepčija, Renata; Žutinić, Petar; Sertić Perić, Mirela; Orlić, Sandi; Kajan, Katarina; Stoeck, Thorsten; Lentendu, Guillaume; Čanjevac, Ivan; Martinić, Ivan; Gligora Udovič, Marija (2021) Ciliates (Alveolata, Ciliophora) as bioindicators of environmental pressure: A karstic river case. Ecological Indicators, 124, 107430, 12 doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107430
9. Kulaš, Antonija; Marković, Tamara; Žutinić, Petar; Kajan, Katarina; Karlović, Igor; Orlić, Sandi; Keskin, Emre; Filipović, Vilim; Gligora Udovič, Marija (2021) Succession of Microbial Community in a Small Water Body within the Alluvial Aquifer of a Large River. Water, 13, 2; 115, 23 doi:10.3390/w13020115
10. Novosel, Nives; Mišić Radić, Tea; Zemla, Joanna; Lekka, Malgorzata; Čačković, Andrea; Kasum, Damir; Legović, Tarzan; Žutinić, Petar; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Ivošević DeNardis, Nadica (2021)Temperature-induced response in algal cell surface properties and behavior. Journal of Applied Phycology, 34, 243-259 doi:10.1007/s10811-021-02591-0
11. Hanžek, Nikola; Gligora Udovič, Marija; Kajan, Katarina; Borics, Gábor; Várbíró, Gábor; Stoeck, Thorsten; Žutinić, Petar; Orlić, Sandi; Stanković, Igor (2021) Assessing ecological status in karstic lakes through the integration of phytoplankton functional groups, morphological approach and environmental DNA metabarcoding. Ecological Indicators, 131, 108166, 13 doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108166
2022-2025 NKFIH K137950 Complex Study Of Diatom Diversity With Special Emphasis On Rarity And Invasion; Stenger-Kovács Csilla
2019-2023 Ocean4Biotech CA18238 - European transdisciplinary networking platform for marine biotechnology- COST; Ana Rotter
2021-2024 NATURAVITA – monitoring of the water status, groundwater, recent sedimentation, habitats and fauna - Group 1: Monitoring the ecological status of surface waters and monitoring additional biological indicators; Zlatko Mihaljević
2018-2022 CELLSTRESS: From algal cell surface properties to stress markers for aquatic systems, HRZZ; Nadica Ivošević DeNardis
2017-2021 The TRANITAL project (Origin, fate and TRAnsport modelling of NItrate in the Varaždin ALluvial aquifer), HRZZ; Tamara Marković
2018- Associate professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Department of Botany
2009-2018 Assistant professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Department of Botany
2002-2009 Junior researcher-Assistant, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Department of Botany
2001-2002 Junior researcher, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Division of Biology, Department of Botany