Title: | Expert associate |
Function: | Assistant |
Location: | 207 |
Public phone number: | +385(0)1 4877 712 |
E-mail: | |
Personal web page: | https://svenhorvatic0.wixsite.com/website |
Department: | Division of Zoology |
Graduation year: | 2015 |
PhD graduation year: | 2021 |
Employed in this institution since: | 2016 |
In 2010, Sven Horvatić enrolled in the Faculty of Science's undergraduate Environmental Sciences programme. He finished his undergraduate studies in 2013 and then enrolled in a master programme in Experimental Biology (Zoology), which he completed in 2015. During his college years, Sven developed an interest in acoustic communication, particularly the sound generation and acoustic behaviour of freshwater and marine fish (gobies). Sven has since had the opportunity to conduct bioacoustic research on gobies for his Ph.D. thesis. Sven finished his doctoral programme (Biology) at alma mater in 2021, defending a doctoral dissertation (thesis title: Acoustic characteristics and phylogenetic relationships of gobies from the family Gobiidae (Teleostei; Gobiiformes). The Ph.D. thesis focused on the sound production of invasive Ponto-Caspian gobies (Ponticola kessleri, Neogobius fluviatilis, and N. melanostomus). Sven has co-authored 21 original scientific works, seven of which I am the first author.
Throughout the academic career, Sven was involved in a number of research activities (student, scientific, and professional) and spent a significant amount of time in the field investigating marine and freshwater ecosystems and collecting data. In the future, he intends to study the functional interaction between invasive species and passive acoustic control measures in aquatic environments (traps, telemetry, etc.). Furthermore, Sven has chosen to focus his academic research on understanding the vocal behaviour and acoustic mechanisms of soniferous fish, as well as exploring marine/freshwater soundscapes, with an emphasis on the spatiotemporal diversity of vocal species. Sven works as an expert associate on research projects in Croatian freshwaters, including fish monitoring programmes and endemic fauna conservation studies. Finally, Sven works as a university assistant, teaching practicums in vertebrate anatomy and freshwater ichthyology.
For more details, please visit personal website: https://svenhorvatic0.wixsite.com/website
Show publications in CRORIS
Croation Ichthiologycal Society (HID), Zagreb
International Bioacoustics Council (IBAC)
BIOM, Zagreb (2016 — 2018)
20 000 Leagues Society, Zadar (2016 — 2017)
Scientific projects
2020 – 2024: ADRICOR - Impact of climate change on coral biodiversity - research of mass mortality events in the Adriatic Sea (director: prof. P. Kružić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia
2023 – 2024: Uncovering the rapid diversification and evolution of highly endemic Mediterranean freshwater fishes (director: prof. H. Svardal). The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA).
2019 – 2020: Joint Danube Survey 4 (director: I. Liska). International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR), Wien, Austria.
Applied projects
2020 – 2020: Analiza bioloških metoda ocjene ekološkog stanja za ribe u europskim interkalibracijskim tipovima rijeka Panonske i Dinaridske ekoregije; Analiza utjecaja okolišnih čimbenika i antropogenih opterećenja na biološke elemente kakvoće (in Eng. “Analysis of biological methods for assessing the ecological status of fish in the European intercalibration types of rivers of the Pannonian and Dinari ecoregions; Analysis of the influence of environmental factors and anthropogenic loads on the biological elements of quality”) (director: prof D. Zanella). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia. In Croatian.
2018 – 2021: Sustavno ispitivanje bioloških elemenata kakvoće u površinskim kopenenim vodama u 2018., 2019., i 2020. godini (in Eng. “Systematic testing of biological quality elements in surface ground waters in 2018, 2019, and 2020”) (director: prof. I. Buj). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia. In Croatian.
2018 – 2021: Measures - Upravljanje i obnova vodenih ekoloških koridora za migratorne vrste riba u Dunavskom slijevu (in Eng. “Measures - management and restoration of aquatic ecological corridors for migratory fish species in the Danube basin”) (director: prof. M. Ćaleta). Croatian ichthyologic society (HID), Zagreb. In Croatian.
2019 – 2021: Usluge analize postojećih podataka o stranim vrstama i IAS s razradom metodologije kartiranja, usluge kartiranja stranih vrsta i IAS s izradom, testiranjem i doradom programa praćenja za IAS, te usluge analize putova unošenja i širenja IAS grupa 13 „Kartiranje stranih i invazivnih stranih vrsta slatkovodnih riba te izrada, dorada i testiranje programa praćenja (in Eng. “Services of analysis of existing data on foreign species and IAS with elaboration of mapping methodology, services of mapping of foreign species and IAS with creation, testing and refinement of monitoring programs for IAS, and services of analysis of paths of introduction and spread of IAS group 13 "Mapping of foreign and invasive foreign species of freshwater fish and creation, refinement and testing of monitoring programs”) (director: prof. M. Ćaleta). Croatian ichthyologic society (HID), Zagreb. In Croatian.
2018 – 2019: Stručna podloga za Plan upravljanja (s akcijskim planom) za vrste roda Salmo (in Eng. Expert study for the Management Plan (with action plan) for species of the genus Salmo”) (director: prof. I. Buj). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia. In Croatian.
2018 – 2019: Usluga izrade stručne podloge – svijetlica i kapelska svijetlica u sklopu projekta “Izrada prijedloga Planova upravljanja strogo zaštićenim vrstama (s akcijskim planovima)” (in Eng. “The service of creating a professional background - Croatian Dace and Karst Dace as part of the project "Development of proposals for Management Plans for Strictly Protected Species (with action plans)”) (director: prof. Z. Marčić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia. In Croatian.
2017 – 2019: Ekološke značajke, struktura ihtiopopulacija i prijedlozi za ustaljenje autohtone ihtiofaune Plitvičkih jezera (in Eng. “Ecological characteristics, structure of ichthyopopulations and proposals for the establishment of autochthonous ichthyofauna of Plitvice Lakes) (director: prof. M. Mrakovčić). Croatian ichthyologic society (HID), Zagreb. In Croatian.
2016 – present: Research and optimization of ichthyocenosis of Butoniga Reservoir for the purpose of reducing the trophic level (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia.
2016 – present: Monitoring project of Croatian freshwater ichthyofauna (zone E – Adriatic) (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia.
2016 – 2021:Biological study of surface water of the hydropower systems Varaždin, Čakovec and Dubrava (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia.
2016 – present: Research and optimization of ichthyocenosis of Butoniga Reservoir for the purpose of reducing the trophic level (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia
2016 – present: Monitoring project of Croatian freshwater ichthyofauna (zone E – Adriatic) (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia
2016 – 2021: Biological study of surface water of the hydropower systems Varaždin, Čakovec and Dubrava (director: prof. P. Mustafić). Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Biology, Croatia
2017. - present
Professional associate, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (Croatia)
2016. - 2017.
Research fellow, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb (Croatia)