Central Chemical Library is one of the largest chemistry libraries in Croatia. It was formed by integrating the holdings of the libraries of the Institute for Physical Chemistry and the Croatian Chemical Society, so parts of library holdings have continuity since 1868. When the library was moved to the new Department of Chemistry building in 2005, its holdings were merged and now cover the fields of chemistry, partly mathematics, physics, biology, chemical engineering and technology and related sciences. Central Chemical Library is intended primarly for the students and employees of Department of Chemistry, but it is also open to all other users.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry
Horvatovac 102a, HR-10000 Zagreb

Opening hours
Monday –Thursday 9:00 - 19:00
Friday 9:00 - 16:00
Library staff
Branka Maravić, head librarian
Zdenka Kuri, librarian
Phone: +385 (0)1 4606-471, 4606-472
E-mail: skk@chem.pmf.hr
Information services
Interlibrary loans
Citation analysis
Photocopying and scanning
Informations for users
Central chemical library lends books to the students and employees of the Faculty of Science. Scientific journals, thesis, encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries and other reference materials can be used only in the reading room. Journal papers can be photocopied or scanned in the library.
External users can borrow books through the interlibrary loan.
Central chemical library catalog
Central chemical library printed journals catalog (pdf format)
Hrčak - central portal of Croatian scientific journals
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) -an online directory that indexes and provides access to open access, peer-reviewed journals
Croatica Chemica Acta – journal of The Croatian Chemical Society
Bibliografic and citation databases
Croatian scientific bibliography CROSBI – comprehensive bibliography of scientific publicationsproduced by Croatian scientists: journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, theses, reports, manuscripts, etc.
Current contents
Web of science
Reference resources
General chemistry glossary
IUPAC nomenclature and terminology
Who is who in Croatian science
Biographies of notable scientist
The Nobel prize internet archive
Faculty of Science repository
Faculty of Science repository is digital collection of thesis, dissertations and scientific research papers created by Faculty's academic staff and students.