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CATURBO - ChAracteristics of TURbulence of the BOra wind

Scientific project of the Croatian Science Foundation


October 7, 2014


Department of Geophysics, Faculty of Science is organizing an international scientific workshop


"Workshop on Advances in Meso and Micro-meteorology".


More about the Workshop can be found here.


April 17, 2014


In organization of Croatian Society of Mechanics professor Branko Grisogono, CATURBO project leader, will have on Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 15:00 hours at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb (Ivana Lučića 5) in Hall F a lecture entitled


"Recent meteorological investigations of bora wind".


More about the lecture can be found on

Author: Antun Marki

February 21, 2013


Professor Branko Grisogono, CATURBO project leader, was a guest of the radio-show "From the world of science" on Croatian Radio Sljeme with the topic


"Investigations of turbulence of the bora wind".


The content of the radio-show (in Croatian) could be given ear clicking the link below



Author: Antun Marki

February 20, 2013


The CATURBO scientific project was publicly introduced at the Geophysical Department of the Faculty of Science troughout a lecture (in Croatian).


Official invitation and summary (in Croatian) can be found here.



Author: Antun Marki


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