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Insect Ecology

Code: 44543
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Mladen Kučinić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Previšić
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Mladen Kučinić - Practicum
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Previšić - Practicum

dr. sc. Fran Rebrina - Lectures
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Lectures and practicum
1. Ecology of insects and applied entomology: agricultural, veterinary and medical entomology. History of Entomology in Croatia.

2. Morphological features of insects. The relations of insects to other groups of arthropods.

3.-8. Showing evolution, systematics, morphology and ethology of individual orders of insects. In this view, it will include the lines: Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Blattodea, Mantodea, Orthoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Neuroptera, Megaloptera, Siphonaptera, Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera,
Trichoptera, Lepidoptera.

9. Biotic interactions: insects and plants (insects as pollinators and herbivors).

10. Biotic interactions: insects as predators, parasites and parasitoids.

11. Insect societies (different sociality levels, eusocial Hymenoptera and Isoptera).

12. Insects in freshwaters (life cycles, community structure - insects in aquatic food webs and habitats, application in monitoring of freshwaters).

13. Life beneath our feet: insects in leaf litter and soil (life cycles, community structure - insects in soil food webs).

14. Insects: threats, conservation and future distribution.

Learning outcomes:

1. Understanding morphological concepts of different orders of insects.

2. Understanding morphological and evolutionary relationships between different orders of insect and other arthropods.

3. Understanding of major evolutionary and ecological patterns and processes responsible for insect diversity.

4. Explanation of main biotic interactions between insects and other organisms, and their role in shaping communities and ecosystems.

5. Understanding threats to insect diversity and evaluation of conservation measures for species and habitats.
  1. Obavezna literatura

    Gullan P.J. & Cranston P.S., (2005) The Insects: An Outline of Entomology. Blackwell Publishing, 3rd ed., Oxford.

    Matoničkin, I., Primc-Habdija, B.. & Habdija, I. (1999) Beskralješnjaci, Biologija viših Avertebrata. Školska knjiga, 609 str. Zagreb.

    McGavin, G.C., (2001) Essential Entomology. Oxford Universiyt Press, 318 str., Oxford.

    Dopunska literatura

    Chinery, M. (2012) Insects of Britain and Western Europe. Bloomsbury Publishing, 320 str., London.

    Kučinić, M. & Plavac, I., 2009: Danji leptiri - Priručnik za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, 41 str., Zagreb.

    Kučinić, M., Mihoci, I. & Delić, A., 2014: Leptiri oko nas. Školska knjiga, 184. str., Zagreb.

    Price P.W., Denno R.F., Eubanks M.D., Finke D.L. & I. Kaplan (2011) Insect Ecology: Behavior, Populations and Communities. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

    Grimaldi D. & M.S. Engel (2005) Evolution of the Insects, Cambridge University Press, New York.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular module - Terrestrial Ecosystems
Consultations schedule: