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Fundamentals of Molecular Biology

Code: 37582
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge:
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1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)

1. Explain and contrast the structure of DNA and RNA
2. Explain the importance of 5' and 3' ends of DNA in DNA replication and transfer of genetic information
3. Explain and compare the mechanisms of replication, transcription and translation in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
4. Describe and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of GMO
5. List the basic methods in molecular biology, and their applications
6. Explain types and consequences of mutation
7. Explain principles of regulation of gene expression using lactose and tryptophan operon



1. Introduction to the course, the concept of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, definition of a gene and its relatedness to the protein, genomes, and DNA organization within cells
2. Structure of the nucleic acids DNA and RNA: the nucleotide structure and characteristics of DNA helix
3. DNA replication in prokaryotes and eukaryotes: DNA polymerases, leading and lagging DNA strand synthesis, fidelity of DNA replication, linear replicons, and telomeres
4. Transcription or from DNA to RNA: RNA polymerases, promoters, coding and noncoding strands, introns and exons, termination of transcription
5. Translation or protein synthesis: gene code, rRNA, tRNA, amino acid activation, codon and anticodon, ribosomes
6. Basic methods in molecular biology: PCR (basic principles and primer design), RT-PCR, qPCR,
7. Basic methods in molecular biology: DNA sequencing, Sanger (de-doxy nucleotides) and NGS (next generation sequencing), human genome project, application of DNA sequencing
8. Basic methods in molecular biology: hybridization of nucleic acids (Northern blotting and Southern blotting), RFPL, microarray
9. Basic methods in molecular biology: recombinant DNA technology (principles and application)
10. Basic methods in molecular biology: gene transfer in plants and animals (A. tumefaciens, T plasmid, chimeric animals, viral vectors)
11. GMO organisms, overview, risks and benefits
12. Mutations: transitions, transversions, spontaneous, induced, samesense, missense, nonsense
13. DNA damage and repair (types of DNA damage and DNA repair mechanisms)
14. Regulation of gene expression: regulation at the level of transcription, positive and negative, inducible and repressible
15. Regulation of gene expression: chromatin modulation and RNAi


Students should prepare a short power point presentation on a given or chosen topic related to the course. Oral presentation is obligatory.
  1. Cooper & Hausman - Stanica, molekularni pristup: treće izdanje, 2004, Medicinska naklada
  2. D. L. Nelson, M. M. Cox. Lehninger, Principles of biochemistry. 6th edition., W. H. Freeman & Co. New York 2013.
  3. Stryer, Berg, Tymoczko - Biokemija, Školska knjiga, treće izdanje 2013
  4. Robert J. Booker - Genetics, Analysis and priciples: 3rd ed. 2009
  5. Lodish et al. - Molecular Cell Biology: 5th ed. 2003, 6th ed. 2008, 7th ed. 2012
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: