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Sustainable Development in Teaching Natural Sciences

Code: 47308
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Mirela Sertić Perić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Mirela Sertić Perić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Students will be able to:
explain the reasons and the need for the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development
analyze the content, forms and methods of teaching in Education for Sustainable Development
apply protocols for measurements in the environment according to the Program GLOBE
evaluate examples of teaching performances and school curricula by using Quality Criteria for schools in education for sustainable development
apply the techniques of interactive teaching in the lesson simulation on the topic of sustainable development
1. Introducing the theme of the course, recall of existing knowledge on sustainable development (brain storming, identifying and classifying the problems of the modern world on a global scale)
2. Changes in land cover, types of changes, causes and consequences of changes; methods of monitoring, remote sensing and verification on the ground (ground truthing); land cover mapping
3. Introduction of the basic ideas and contents of international, scientific and educational Program GLOBE
4. Protocols for phenological observations and theoretical preparation for field work
5. Model of Inquiry Based Learning and comparison with published Croatian GLOBE schools research projects
6. GLOBE protocols for Atmosphere and meteorological measurements
7. International GLOBE web and Croatian Program GLOBE website (the source of valuable information and teaching materials)
8. History of the idea of Sustainable Development, international meetings and agreements, UN- Decade of Education for Sustainable Development
9. Ecological Footprint - theory and application in schools
10. The components of sustainable development (ecology, economy, society)
11. Topics of the Education for Sustainable Development and competencies that students develop
12. Values, attitudes and behavior - the objectives of Education for Sustainable Development
13. Quality Criteria for the schools in education for sustainable development
14. Implementation of Education for Sustainable Development, appropriate approaches for different age groups
15. Topics of education for sustainable development in the curricula of Nature, Biology and Chemistry
1. Analyzing of the problems and challenges of the modern world; looking into the future (a combination of group and individual work)
2. Introducing MUC classification of the land cover; simulation of own classification system and discussion of the principles of classification; discussion of methodological aspects of applied activity
3. Analysis of satellite images and preparation for manual mapping; making own instruments for biological and biometric measurements
4. Definition of measurement area, orientation of the pixel and determination of GPS coordinates, sketch of the field, performing biometric measurements and measurements of the air temperature and humidity, soil temperature and surface temperature of different objects
5. Analysis of the data collected in the field and designing of research questions, hypothesis and research plan
6. Practice GLOBE protocols for measuring air temperature, humidity, rainfall and cloud types and cloud cover
7. Reporting the data obtained by biometric and atmospheric measurements to GLOBE data base, review the GLOBE program website
8. Protocols for soil investigations, according to the Program GLOBE
9. Calculating own ecological footprint
10. Experiential learning of the methods recommended for developing students competences for sustainable development, with methodological analyses
11.Dramatization of the situation, followed by methodological analysis of ESD competences
12. Participants' performance of prepared lesson on a given sustainable development topic
13. Analysis and evaluation of the presented simulation of training sessions
14. Analysis of the Quality criteria for schools in education for sustainable development
15. Review of school curricula with regard to the Quality criteria for schools in education for sustainable development
  1. Obrazovanje za održivi razvoj, priručnik za nastavnike
    Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Zagreb (2010) www.azoo.hr
  2. UNEP: Održiva potrošnja i proizvodnja www.mzopug.hr
  3. Program GLOBE, priručnik za nastavnike (www.globe.gov i http://public.carnet.hr/globe )
  4. Kriteriji kvalitete održivog razvoja za škole, Agencija za odgoj i obrazovanje, Zagreb (2005) www.azoo.hr
  5. Lay V. (2007.): Razvoj sposoban za budućnost. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Zagreb
  6. Breiting S., Mayer M., Mogensen F.(2005.): Quality Criteria for ESD Schools. Austrian Federal Ministry od Education, Science and Culture, Vienna.; www.ensi.org/Publications
  7. Espinet M., Mayer M., Rauch F., Tschapka J. (2005.): Tools for ESD schools. Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Vienna; www.ensi.org/Publications
  8. UNESCO (2005.): Guidelines and Recommendations for Reorienting Teacher Education to Adress Sustainability, (ED/PEQ/ESD), Paris, http://portal.unesco.org/education
9. semester
Izborni predmeti biologija / kemija / nastava - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Izborni predmeti nastava - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: