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Field Course

Code: 40876
ECTS: 2.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Toni Nikolić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Zoran Marčić
Lecturers: Sara Pleše , mag. oecol. - Field exercises
dr. sc. Ivana Rešetnik - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 90
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Field course in botany with 45 h of teaching is directly related to the content of the course Systematic Botany (40340) (4035)

Learning outcomes

Participants will be able to

1. Use materials and methods of plant material collecting on the ground
2. Use determination keys to identify plants
1. Collect herbarium of 150 sheets
2. Identify and differentiate the most significant family
3. Classify taxa due to the similarity / dissimilarity
4. Explore the composition of the flora of selected family on a smaller area
8. Show presentation about flora diversity of explored family
Course content

1. Field trip: acquainted with the GPS device, field orientation, geocoding the standard points for direct mapping and defining the grid units for indirect mapping, collecting herbarium material
2. Field trip: learning the main characteristics of the most important families and species, collecting herbarium material
3. Field trip: learning the main characteristics of the most important families and species, collecting herbarium material
4. Field trip: learning the main characteristics of the most important families and species, collecting herbarium material
5. Field trip: learning the main characteristics of the most important families and species, collecting herbarium material

The remaining 45 hours of the course is directly tied to the course Vertebrates (40873) and is executed according to the following plan:


1. Familiarisation with the basic methods for sampling vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals)
2. Familiarisation with the proper means of handling and keeping wild animals (keeping, housing, feeding, protection from stress during transport)
3. Learn an appropriate attitude towards laboratory animals and learn about the penalties for violations of the Animal Welfare Act and the Wild Animal Protection Act.
4. Analyse vertebrates in the future Dinara Regional Park; explain the biogeographic significance of the Cetina watershed and Lake Peruća, Croatia's largest artificial reservoir, and the vertebrate fauna of Vransko Lake Nature Park.

In the field, learn how to use relevant methods for:
1. sampling fish
2. finding and sampling amphibians and reptiles
3. catching, ringing and watching birds
4. familiarisation with and use of determination keys for vertebrates
5. vocal determination of birds
6. sampling methods for small mammals and monitoring bats

Students are divided into smaller groups, and independently conduct research tasks and attain skills that will be applicable in creating independent research, collecting samples, processing samples, processing and interpretation of results and writing up the results. The field class includes visits to particularly interesting areas in terms of biogeography and students learn about the mechanisms of their management. The field course is held in the area of the future Dinara Regional Park, Cetina River basin, Lake Peruća and Vransko Lake Nature Park.
  1. Arnold, N., Ovenden, D. (2002): Reptiles and Amphibians of Europe (Collins Field Guide). Collins, 272 pp
  2. Henzel, H., Fitter, R., Parslow, J. (1996): Ptice Hrvatske i Europe. Collins & Hrvatsko ornitološko društvo, Zagreb (Hrvatski prijevod i prilagodba Radović, J. i sur.), 384 pp
  3. Maitland, P.S. (2000) Hamlyn Guide to Freshwater Fish of Britain and Europe. Hamlyn; 2nd revised edition, 256 pp
  4. Macdonald, D.W., Barrett, P. (1999): Mammals of Britain and Europe (Collins Field Guide). Harpercollins Pub Ltd, 312 pp
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Passed : Plant Morphology and Anatomy
Attended : Vertebrates
6. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology
Consultations schedule: