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Field Course in Botany and Zoology

Code: 40676
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Antun Alegro
prof. dr. sc. Mladen Kučinić
izv. prof. dr. sc. Sandra Hudina
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Josip Skejo - Field exercises
Danijel Škrtić , mag. biol. exp. - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


All teaching activities will be held in Croatian. However, foreign students in mixed groups will have the opportunity to attend additional office hours with the lecturer and teaching assistants in English to help master the course materials. Additionally, the lecturer will refer foreign students to the corresponding literature in English, as well as give them the possibility of taking the associated exams in English.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 120
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Introduction to the area of field work and the basic features of the diversity of flora and fauna in the continental Croatian area, Banovina , Nature Park , Papuk , the Kupa River , river Petrinjčica , rivers Sunja .
2. Introduction to the methods of collecting, preparing, determination and labeling of different groups of plants.
3- Introduction to the methods of collecting, preparing, determination and labeling of different groups of animals.
4 Discovering the diversity of plants and animals in the meadow habitat types and methods of their study.
5. Introduction to the diversity of plant and animals in the forest habitat types and methods of their study.
6th Introduction to the diversity of plant and animal species in water habitat types , such as the Kupa River , river Petrinjčica , Sunja rivers , wetlands in the Nature Park , the lake and the upper parts of the mountain streams in Nature Park.
7. Introduction with Nature Park and Papuk and problems arising in the protection of flora and fauna in these areas.
8. Analysis of the problem of invasive species in the world and in Croatia and the problems that arise from them in the protection of diversity in a given area ; getting to know the most common invasive species in areas of scientific fieldwork .
9. Introduction with the herbarium and zoological collections in the studies of diversity, taxonomy, systematics and evolution of plants and animals. Introduction to the implementation of the project Genetic diversity of life, Earth Barcode of Life, and the meaning and the need barcodies of fauna and flora on the Croatian territory. Use of this project in taxonomic, phylogenetic and phylogeographic researches.
10th Understanding the potential of plant and animal life as well as possible areas of research molecular biologist

1. Introduce classical and modern methods of collecting and recording of plants and animals in a particular area.
2. Develop an awareness of purposeful gathering material in nature, without undue sacrifice of plants and animals, for the purpose of protecting and preserving a particular area.
3. Introduce a variety of flora and fauna in the continental Croatia.
4. Understand the processes leading to the diversity of flora and fauna in a particular area,
5. Adopt basic knowledge about the project, which studies the genetic diversity of life, Earth Barcode of Life, and on its implementation in Croatia.

The course is delivered through field work, determination of plants and animals and the creation of basic student herbarium collections-
  1. I Habdija, I., Primc Habdija, B., Radanović, I., Vidaković, J., Kučinić, M., Špoljar, M.,Matoničkin, R., Miliša, M., 2004: Protista, Protozoa i Metazoa, Invertebrata. Funkcionalna građa i praktikum. Samobor : Meridijani, 2004
  2. Mitić B.(2014: Terenska nastava iz botanike za studente 1. godine studija biologije. Interna skripta
  3. Chinery, M. (2012) Insects of Britain and Western Europe. Bloomsbury Publishing, 320 str., London.

    Harde, K.W. & Severa, F., (1999) A field guide in colour to Beetles. Polygrafia, pp. 334. Praque.

    Lafranchis , T. (2004) Butterflies of Europe. Diatheo, 351 str., Paris.

    Kučinić, M. & Plavac, I., (2009) Danji leptiri - Priručnik za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, 41 str., Zagreb.

    Kučinić, M., Mihoci, I. & Delić, A., (2014) Leptiri oko nas. Školska knjiga, 184 str., Zagreb.

    Matoničkin, I., Primc-Habdija, B. & Habdija, I., (1999) Beskralješnjaci, Biologija viših Avertebrata. Školska knjiga, 609 str., Zagreb.

    Tolman, T., & Lewington, R. 2009: Collins Butterfly Guide. William Collins, 384 str., London.
  4. Domac R 2004: Flora Hrvatske. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
4. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular study - Molecular Biology
Consultations schedule: