About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Nenad Judaš

Title: Associate Professor
Location: 031
Public phone number:4606000
Internal phone number:6368
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry




integrated undergraduate and graduate


Education at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Diploma thesis (Chemistry, 1994); Master of Science thesis (Chemistry, Structural and Inorganic, 1999); Doctoral thesis (Chemistry, Structural and Inorganic, 2004).  

Affiliation and current position: Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Assistant Professor (2007 –).  

Previous positions: Senior Assistant (2005 – 2007); Assistant (1994 – 2005), Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb.  

Visits to foreign research and education institutions: 2008 and 2009, guest researcher, prof. William Jones, University of Cambridge, UK.  

Research interest: preparative and structural chemistry, coordination compounds, crystal engineering, organic, metal-organic and supramolecular synthesis, thermal analysis, X-ray difraction and crystallography  

Scientific papers: co-author of 17 scientific papers in journals indexed in Current Contents database, 3 professional paper and more than 100 oral and poster presentation on scientific and educational conferences  

Awards and recognitions and memberships: three times elected by students as The Best Teacher at the Chemistry Department FoS, UniZg "Brdo 2008", "Brdo 2010" and "Brdo 2011";  Croatian Society of Natural Sciences (secretary), Croatian Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Chemical Society, EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education (national representative), Grand Prix Chimique (national representative and member of the international jury)  

Participation in research projects:  Structural investigation of biological macromolecules by X-ray diraction  119-1193079-1084 PMF/MZOŠ RH 2007. – 2014. (researcher)  Evaluation, development and modernization of teaching and learning chemistry in Croatia  119-0091361-1081 PMF/MZOŠ RH 2007. – 2010. (researcher)  Structural investigation of biological macromolecules; bioinformatics  0119632 PMF/MZOŠ RH 2004. – 2006. (researcher)  Weak interactions and molecular recognition in materials synthesis  0119630 PMF/MZT RH, 2002. – 2004. (researcher)  Coordination compounds and coordination polymers  119409 PMF/MZT RH, 1996. – 2002. (researcher)  Compounds with special properties – synthesis and structure  PMF/MZT RH, 1995. (researcher)  Toward Higher Quality of Chemistry Teacher In-service Training in Croatia.  http://www.iupac.org/web/per/judas, IUPAC/HKD/AZOO, 2010. – 2011. (head)  Qualitative analysis of exams conducted in Croatian primary schools in 2008  NCVVO, 2009. – 2010. (member of the chemistry task group)  Chemical workshop – Inquiry learning,  Program izvaninstitucionalnog odgoja i obrazovanja, E-škola kemije/HKD/MZOS RH, 2004. – 2005. (head)  E-school of Chemistry,  Hrvatsko prirodoslovno društvo/ Hrvatsko kemijsko društvo, 1996. – 2014. (head since 2001. godine)  Internet center for chemistry teaching  CARNET/PMF, 1998. – 2002. (member of the task group)

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