About employee

prof. dr. sc. Aleksandar Lukić

Title: Full Professor
Location: 349
Public phone number:01/4895 455
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Social Geography




integrated undergraduate and graduate



Aleksandar Lukić was born in Zagreb on 19 November 1977. After completing the Vth Gymnasium second school, he graduated from the study of geography at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb in 2001 and that same year enrolled in the postgraduate study programme Geographic basis of spatial planning. In 2009, he defended his Doctoral dissertation entitled “Typology of rural areas in Croatia – geographic aspects”, under the mentorship of Professor Dane Pejnović. He attended postdoctoral training at the Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire, UK (2011). He has been employed at the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science since 3 September 2001, and was appointed an assistant professor in 2010 and associate professor in 2016. He has served as Head of the Division of Social Geography, and Assistant Head of the Department of Geography, and he is currently head of the Doctoral study of Geography: Space, Region, Environment, Landscape.

His scientific interests are primarily focused on rural and sub-rural areas. He examines the theoretical approaches, typologies and scenarios of development in rural areas, regional and spatial planning of rural and suburban areas, and rural tourism and recreation. From the geographic aspect, he has researched the quality of life in city regions, shopping centres and cycling traffic. He has participated in many domestic and international scientific projects, and was leader of the international UKF project “Planning, policies and measures for integrated rural development in Croatia” and the bilateral Croatian-French project (COGITO) “Cooperatives and regional development: a comparative analysis of France and Croatia'' (in cooperation with the Jean Moulin University in Lyon. From 2014 to 2017, he led a Croatian Science Foundation (CSF) project entitled “Application of scenario methods in the planning and development of rural areas in Croatia” (CRORURIS). He is currently participating in a CSF research project “Solidary economy in Croatia: an anthropological perspective”. He is involved in applied research and led or cooperated on many projects for the European Territorial Observatory Network (ESPON), Central Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, City of Zagreb Office for Strategic Planning and Development, and others.

He is author of 32 scientific papers published in scientific journals, conference anthologies and scientific books. He published the scientific monograph Mozaik izvan grada – tipologija ruralnih i urbaniziranih naselja Hrvatske [Mosaic outside the city – typologies of rural and urbanised settlements in Croatia]. He has presented at some 30 scientific conferences in Croatia and abroad, and published some 30 expert and popular science articles in print and electronic publications. He is a member of the Executive Board of the Commission for the Sustainability of Rural Systems of the International Geographic Union, member of the Scientific Council for tourism and space of the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts, member of the Evaluation Panel in the field of the natural and technical sciences of the Croatian Science Foundation, member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Hrvatski Geografski Glasnik and member of the Croatian Geographic Society. He is vice-chairperson of the Croatian Section of the European Council for the Village and Small Town (ECOVAST).

At the Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, he teaches the courses Rural geography, Restructuring rural areas, Basics in regional and spatial planning, Heritage and tourism in rural areas. At the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, he teaches Fundamentals in spatial planning. He has supervised 55 graduate and 12 baccalaureate final papers.

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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