About employee

izv. prof. dr. sc. Slaven Gašparović

Title: Associate Professor
Function:Head of the Division of Regional Geography and Methodic
Location: 228
Public phone number:01 4895 436
Internal phone number:436
E-mail: E-mail
Department: GEOG - Division of Regional Geography and Methodic
Graduation year:2001
PhD graduation year:2014
Employed in this institution since:2009




integrated undergraduate and graduate



By prior arrangement by email slaveng@geog.pmf.hr.


Scientific interests:

Transportation, Transportation geography, Transportation planning, Urban geography, Rural Geography, Environmental issues, Quantitative methods, Qualitative mtehods

Transport disadvantage, Transport based social exclusion, Equity in transportation, Vulnerable groups in transportation, Travel behaviour, Transport planning, Spatial planning, Urban planning, Urban-rural issues, Social networks, Environmental citizenship



July 2001 – August 2001 – Croatian Bureau Of Statistics – referent for 2001 Census

September  2001 – August 2009 – geography teacher at:

     September 2001 – January 2004 – Elementary school ‘’Netretic’’ in Netretic

     September 2003 – January 2004 – Elementary school ‘’Ljudevit Gaj’’ in Zapresic

     September 2003 – August 2004 – High school ‘’Industry and Trade Vocational School’’ in Karlovac

     January 2004 – August 2009 – High School of Economics and Tourism in Karlovac

2007/2008 and 2008/2009 – assistant – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography

September 2009 – October 2014 – junior researcher-assistant – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods

November 2014 – August 2018 – postdoctoral fellow – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods

September 2018 → Assistant Professor – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods



September 1984 – June 1992 – Primary school in Duga Resa

September 1992 – June 1996 – High school in Duga Resa (gymnasium)

October 1996 – February 2001 – M.Ed. of Geography, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography

December 2009 – July 2014 – PhD study of geography, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography



2002 – Geography teacher professional exam

Erasmus placement programme 2012/2013 – 15th April 2013 – 15th July 2013 at University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography

14th July 2014 – PhD thesis defended at University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography (theme ''Impact of transport disadvantage on everyday life of highschool population of City of Zagreb'', supervisor: Martina Jakovcic, Assis. Prof)

Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM), COST TU1209, Lisbon, Portugal, 16th-30th March 2015, host: Prof Joao de Abreu e Silva, title ‘’Impact of transport on life opportunities of faculty students’’

Training school, COST TU1209, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4th-7th May 2015, TEA Time in Thessaloniki: Methodological Analysis for Assessing Equity in Transportation


Scientific and other projects:

2009 – 2014 – scientific project Urban systems in spatial development of Croatia, MSES, associate (principal investigator: Full Prof. Dražen Njegac)

2014 – 2015 – Croatian-Austrian bilateral project ''Spatial impact of postindustrial and postsocial redevelopment of brownfield locations on urban development. Comparative analysis of Vienna and Zagreb”, associate, (principal investigator Martina Jakovčić, Assis. Prof.)

2014 – 2015 – project “Sinergy“, associate, City Office for the Strategic Planning and Development of the City of Zagreb

2013 – 2016 – project “CH4LLENGE“, associate, City Office for the Strategic Planning and Development of the City of Zagreb

2018 – 2019 – Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project ''Comparative analysis of spatial development of tourism in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia'', associate, (principal investigator Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, Assoc. Prof.)

2020 → scientific project ''Establishing Criteria for the Evaluation of Modernization and (Post-) Transition Processes in Croatian Rural Areas through a Case Study of the Rural Lika Area'', Croatian Science Foundation (principal investigator: Assis. Prof. Anita Busljeta Tonkovic)


COST Action memberships:

2013 – 2017 – MC Member of COST Action TU 1209 ''Transport Equity Analysis: assessment and integration of equity criteria in transportation planning (TEA)''

2014 – 2018 – MC Member of COST Action TU 1305 ''Social networks and travel behaviour''

     ESR Coordinator

     STSM Commitee Member

2015 – 2019 MC Member of COST Action TU1408 ''Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD)''

2016 – 2020 MC Member of COST Action CA15122 ''Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy (ROSEnet)''

2017 - 2022 MC Member of COST Action CA16229 ''European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC)''

     vice-leader ECIEC

2018 - 2023 MC Member of COST Action CA17114 ''Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth (YOUNG-IN)''

     STSM coordinator, later Grant Award Coordinator

     ITC coordinator

2019 - 2024 MC Member of COST Action CA18213 ''Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion (RNYN)''

     STSM coordinator

2020 - 2024 MC Member of COST Action CA19123 ''Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment''

     WG1 co-leader

     Gender balance Advisor

2022 → WG member of COST Action CA21125 ''A European forum for revitalisation of marginalised mountain areas (MARGISTAR)''



2010 – coordinator for Department of Geography on University of Zagreb Fair 2010

2010 → member of editorial board of website Geografija.hr

2011 – coordinator for Department of Geography on University of Zagreb Fair 2011

2011 – representative for Department of Geography in Committee for collaboration between Faculty of Science and secondary schools

2019 – coordinator for Master course ''Spatial planning and regional development''


Memberships in scientific organisations and authorities:

1996 → member of Croatian Geographical Society

2018 → Editorial board member for scientific journal ''Acta Geographica Croatica''


Committees, boards and working groups:

2009 – member of State committee for competition in geography for elementary and secondary school pupils (2009/2010)

2014 – member of State committee for competition in geography for elementary and secondary school pupils (2014/2015)


Teaching activities:

2009/2010 → Transport geography – seminar (undergraduate students)

2009/2010 → Regional Geography of Croatia – seminar (undergraduate students)

2009/2010 → Transport and Spatial Organisation – seminar (graduate students)

2016/2017 → City in regional planning – lectures (part) and seminar (graduate students)

2017/2018 → Transport geography – lectures (part) (undergraduate students)

2018/2019 → Computer Assisted Statistical Analysis – lectures and seminar (graduate students)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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List of select publications

Khalifé, M., Chaker, R., Gasparovic, S., 2022: Environmental education and digital solutions: An analysis of the Lebanese context’s existing and possible digital actions, Frontiers in education, 7, 958569.

Marciniak, M., Jaskulska, S., Gasparovic, S., Janiūnaitė, B., Horbačauskienė, J., Glavak Tkalić, R., 2022: The Psychological Well-Being and Civic Engagement of Polish, Croatian and Lithuanian Academic Students during COVID-19 Outbreak, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (18), 11202.

Gašparović, S., Šulc, I., 2022: Adoption of Environmental Citizenship Concept Amongst University Students in Croatia: The Examples of Tourism and Transportation, in: 8th International Scientific Conference GEOBALCANICA 2022 Proceedings, Belgrade, Serbia, 09-10 May 2022, Geobalcanica Society – Skopje, North Macedonia, 59-74.

Mamucevska Bojadjieva, D., Cvetanoska, M., Kozheski, K., Mujčinović, A., Gašparović, S., 2022: The Impact of Education on Youth Employability: The Case of Selected Southeastern European Countries, Youth & Society, 54(2_suppl), 29S-51S.

Šaškor, O., Gašparović, S., 2021: Social aspect of the impact of maritime transport – A case study of the city of Supetar on the island of Brač, in: Book of Proceedings of Fifth Congress of Geographers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ed. Mirić, R.), Sarajevo, 18-20 November 2020, Geographical Society in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 261-275.

Gasparovic, S.; Prieto-Flores, O., 2021: Editorial: Lessons on Building More Sustainable Rural Societies: Youth and Mobility, Sustainability, 13 (18), 1-4.

Makar, M., Gašparović, S., 2020: Spatial differentiation of the impact of transportation on people's everyday life, Geografski pregled - Geographical Review, 42, 83-100.

Gašparović, S., Opačić, V. T., 2020: Transport accessibility as a factor of tourist flow in Croatian national parks and nature parks, in: Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia (eds. Koderman, M., Opačić, V. T.), Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Hrvatsko geografsko društvo, Koper, Zagreb, 27-52.

Gericke, N., Huang, L., Knippels, M.-C., Christodoulou, A., Van Dam, F., Gasparovic, S., 2020: Environmental Citizenship in Secondary Formal Education: The Importance of Curriculum and Subject Teachers, in: Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education (eds. Hadjichambis, A. Ch., Reis, P., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D., Činčera, J., Boeve-de Pauw, J., Gericke, N., Knippels, M.-C.), Springer, Cham, 193-212.

Šulc, I., Morgado, S., Đorđević, Z., Gašparović, S., Radović, V., Keranova, D., 2020: Societal Issues and Environmental Citizenship, in: Conceptualizing Environmental Citizenship for 21st Century Education (eds. Hadjichambis, A. Ch., Reis, P., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D., Činčera, J., Boeve-de Pauw, J., Gericke, N., Knippels, M.-C.), Springer, Cham, 49-66.

Antoniou, C., Shach-Pinsly, D., Sprumont, F., Gasparovic, S., 2020: A typology of urban analysis models: disciplines and levels, in: Digital Social Networks and Travel Behaviour in Urban Environments (eds. Plaut, P., Shach-Pinsly, D.), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 135-154.

Gasparovic, S., Sulc, I., 2019: Education for Environmental Citizenship in Croatia, in: European SWOT Analysis on Education for Environmental Citizenship (eds. Hadjichambis, A. Ch., Reis, P., Paraskeva-Hadjichambi, D.), Intitute of Education – University of Lisbon, Cyprus Centre for Environmental Research and Education, European Network for Environmental Citizenship – ENEC Cost Action, Lisbon, Lemesos, Brussels, 73-81.

Opačić, V. T., Gašparović, S., Dolenc, N., 2019: Analysis of recreational function of chosen green spaces in the City of Zagreb – differences in visitors’ habits, Geoadria, 24 (1), 23-51.

Šipuš, D., Abramović, B., Gašparović, S., 2019: Equity fare system: Factors affecting fare structure in integrated passenger transport, Transportation research procedia, 40, 1192-1198.

Serna, A., Gasparovic, S., 2018: Transport Analysis Approach Based On Big Data And Text Mining Analysis From Social Media, Transportation Research Procedia, 33, 291-298.

Gašparović, S., 2018: Quantitative Assessment of the Transport Disadvantage Level, in: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering ICTTE Belgrade 2018 (ur. Čokorilo, O.), Beograd, 27.-28. rujna 2018.,  City Net Scientific Research Center, Beograd, Srbija, 817-823.

Gašparović, S., 2017: Transport Disadvantaged Spaces, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 7 (4), 516-533.

Gasparovic, S., 2017: Transport Disadvantage and Extracurricular Activities: the Example of Secondary School Students of the City of Zagreb, in: Proceedings of 22nd International Conference on Urban Planning, Regional Development and Information Society, REAL CORP 2017 (ur. Schrenk, M., Popovich, V. V., Zeile, P., Elisei, P., Beyer, C.), Vienna, CORP - Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning, Vienna, Austria, 599-607.

Gašparović, S., 2017: Transport Disadvantage and Evening Outings: The Example of High School Students of the City of ZagrebInternational Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 7 (3), 312-327.

Abreu e Silva, J., de Oña, J., Gasparovic, S., 2017: The relation between travel behavior, ICT usage and social networks. The design of a web based survey, Transportation Research Procedia, 24, 515-522.

Miletić, G.-M., Gašparović, S., Carić, T., 2017: Analysis of Socio-spatial Differentiation in Transport Mode Choice Preferences, Promet - Traffic & Transportation, 29 (2), 233-242.

Gašparović, S., 2016: Impact of ICT on some segments of everyday life of high school population of the City of Zagreb, in: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering ICTTE Belgrade 2016 (ur. Čokorilo, O.), Beograd, 24.-25. studenog 2016., City Net Scientific Research Center, Beograd, Srbija, 155-164.

Gašparović, S., 2016: Theoretical postulates of transport disadvantage, Hrvatski geografski glasnik. 78 (1), 73-95.

Harjač, D., Gašparović, S., Jakovčić, M., 2015: Prometno-geografska obilježja Varaždinske županije – stanje i perspektive razvoja, Acta Geographica Croatica, 41/42, 19-50.

Gašparović, S., 2014: Impact of transport disadvantage on education of high school population of the City of Zagreb, in: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering ICTTE Belgrade 2014 (ur. Čokorilo, O.), Beograd, 27.-28. studenog 2014., City Net Scientific Research Center, Beograd, Srbija, 789-800.

Gašparović, S., Jakovčić, M., 2014: Transport disadvantage: the example of high school population in the City of Zagreb, Geoadria, 19 (1), 61-99.

Jakovčić, M., Kajinić, J., Gašparović, S., 2013: Conversion of military brownfield sites : example of conversion of military complex Karlo Rojc in Pula (in Croatian), Annales, Series historia et sociologia, 23 (2), 487-500.

Gašparović, S., Jakovčić, M., Vrbanc, M., 2012: Croatian airports in the European low-cost carrier network, Geoadria, 17 (1), 93-109.

Gašparović, S., 2011: Air transportation and tourism in the Croatian littoral, Geoadria, 16 (2), 155-187.

Njegač, D., Gašparović, S., Stipešević, Z., 2011: Changes in the morphological structure of Osijek after 1991, Acta geographica Croatica, 38 (1), 59-73.

Nikšić, M., Gašparović, S., 2010: Geographic and Traffic Aspects of Possibilities for Implementing Ropeway Systems in Passenger Transport, Promet - Traffic&Transportation, 22 (5), 389-398.

Njegač, D., Gašparović, S., Stipešević, Z., 2010: The Changes in the Functional and Spatial Structure of Osijek after 1991 (in Croatian), Hrvatski geografski glasnik, 72 (2), 101-121.

Professional memberships

2013 – 2017 – MC Member of COST Action TU 1209 “Transport Equity Analysis: assessment and integration of equity criteria in transportation planning (TEA)”


2014 – 2018 – MC Member of COST Action TU 1305 “Social networks and travel behaviour”

  •      ESR Coordinator
  •      STSM Commitee Member


2015 – 2019 – MC Member of COST Action TU1408 ‘’Air Transport and Regional Development (ATARD)’’


2016-2020 MC Member of COST Action CA15122 ‘’Reducing Old-Age Social Exclusion: Collaborations in Research and Policy (ROSEnet)’’


2017-2022 MC Member of COST Action CA16229 ‘’European Network for Environmental Citizenship (ENEC)’’

  •      vice-leader ECIEC


2018 → MC Member of COST Action CA17114 ‘’Transdisciplinary solutions to cross sectoral disadvantage in youth (YOUNG-IN)’’

  •      Grant Awarding Coordinator


2019 → MC Member of COST Action CA18213 ‘’Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion’’

  •      STSM coordinator


2020 → MC Member of COST Action CA19123 ''Protection, Resilience, Rehabilitation of damaged environment''

  • WG 1 co-leader
  • WG 1 gender balance advisor

List of select projects

2009 - 2014 - scientific project Urban systems in spatial development of Croatia, MSES, associate (principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Dražen Njegac)

2014 - 2015 – Croatian-Austrian bilateral project ''Spatial impact of postindustrial and postsocial redevelopment of brownfield locations on urban development. Comparative analysis of Vienna and Zagreb”, associate, (principal investigator Martina Jakovčić, assis. prof.)

2014 - 2015 – project “Sinergy“, associate, City Office for the Strategic Planning and Development of the City of Zagreb

2013 - 2016 – project “CH4LLENGE“, associate, City Office for the Strategic Planning and Development of the City of Zagreb

2018 - 2019 – Croatian-Slovenian bilateral project ''Comparative analysis of spatial development of tourism in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia'', associate, (principal investigator Vuk Tvrtko Opačić, assoc. prof.)

2020 - 2020 → scientific project ''Establishing Criteria for the Evaluation of Modernization and (Post-) Transition Processes in Croatian Rural Areas through a Case Study of the Rural Lika Area'', Croatian Science Foundation (principal investigator: Assis. Prof. Anita Busljeta Tonkovic)

Past employments

July 2001 – August 2001 – Croatian Bureau Of Statistics – referent for 2001 Census


September  2001 – August 2009 – geography teacher in:

     September 2001 – January 2004 – Elementary school ‘’Netretic’’ in Netretic

     September 2003 – January 2004 – Elementary school ‘’Ljudevit Gaj’’ in Zapresic

     September 2003 – August 2004 – High school ‘’Industry and Trade Vocational School’’ in Karlovac

     January 2004 – August 2009 – High School of Economics and Tourism in Karlovac


2007/2008 and 2008/2009 – assistant – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography


September 2009 – October 2014 – junior researcher-assistant – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods


November 2014 – September 2018 – postdoctoral fellow – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods


September 2018 – September 2023 – Assistant Professor – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods


October 2023 – Associate Professor – University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of Geography, Division for Regional Geography and Teaching Methods