1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Practicum |
15 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduction to engineering geology; engineering geological investigation fundamentals. The Role of an Engineering Geologist. Elements of an Investigation. Types of Investigation. Engineering soil. Describing Soil for Engineering Purposes. The Engineering Properties of Soils. Uses of Soil Science Classification. Engineering properties of rocks. Intact Rock. Rock Masses. Engineering Classification of Rocks. Clastic sedimentay rocks. Geological Description. Engineering Properties of Sandstones and Conglomerates. Engineering Problems with Shales and Mudstones. Engineering Properties of Sites in Sandstone and Shale. Soluble rocks: limstone, dolomite and evaporites. Geological Description. Solution Processes and Their Effects. Engineering Properties of Limestone and Evaporites. Plutonic igneous rocks. Geological Description. Weathering of Plutonic Rocks. Engineering Properties of Plutonic Rocks. Volcanic rocks. Geological Description. Weathering of Volcanic Rocks. Engineering Problems with Volcanic Rocks. Metamorphic rocks. Geological Description. Weathering in Metamorphic Rocks. Engineering Problems in Metamorphic Rocks. Residual soils. Geological Description. Engineering Properties. Colluvium and talus. Geological features. Engineering Problems in Debris. Coarse grained soils. Geological Description. Engineering Features. Engineering Problems in Sands and Gravels. Clays. Geological Description. Engineering Problems in Clays. Loess. Geological Description. Engineering Properties of Loess. Soils of cold climate. Engineering Properties of Till, Fluvial-Glacial Deposits, Quick Clays and Permafrost. Engineering Problems in Soils of Cold Climate. Subsurface water. Basic Hydrogeological Parameters. Engineering Significance. Control of Subsurface Water. Geodynamic phenomena. Risk and Geologic Forecasting of Hazard. Earthquake-Induced Processes. Volcanic Processes. Landslides. Subsidence. Expansive Soils. Shoreline Processes. Instrumentation. Instrument Components. Instrument Types and Applications. Planning an Instrumentation Program. Engineering geological exploration. Engineering Geological Maps. Remote Sensing. Subsurface Exploration. Construciton uses of rocks. Aggregates. Riprap and other large rock materials. Graphic slope stability analysis. Geomechanical rock classification. Borehole log design. Interpretation of engineering geological units.
- Johnson, R.B. & J.V. DeGraff (1988): Principles of engineering geology.- John Wiley and So., New York, 497 p.
- Goodman, R.E. (1993): Engineering geology. Rock in engineering construction.- John Wiley and So., New York, 412 p.
Prerequisit for:
Structural geology and tectonics