1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Practicum |
30 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
1. Analyze important discoveries and experiments in the history of microbiology and appreciate the impact and importance of microbiology in everyday life.
2. Recognize a diversity of microorganisms and explain their basic characteristics, structure of prokaryotic and archaeal cells, viral particles as well as their genomes.
3. Discuss the role of miroorganisms in many processes in nature, their characteristics as human, animal and plant pathogens and describe their application in industry, food production, biotechology and the protection of environment.
4. Consider the interaction of natural sciences and technology in addressing problems in food production, pharmaceutical industry, energy and resources supply and environment protection.
5. Understand with research, the presence and role of microorganisms in different environmental conditions, their basic life-cycles and adaptation to environment.
6. Apply various microbiological and laboratory techniques in cultivation, detection, characterization and other studies of bacteria and viruses.
Course content:
1. Tree of life. Microbiology - definition and its origin. Basic characteristics of bacterial cells - size, morphology, arrangement.
2. Organization and common features of bacterial and archaeal cells. Cell walls' structure of bacteria and archea. External structures.
3. Cytoplasmic structures of bacterial and archaeal cells and its' functions. Bacterial genomes
4. Bacterial physiology - metabolic types of bacteria. Toxins.
5. Ecology of bacteria and environmental microbiology. Microbial interactions. Biogeochemical cycling.
6. Food microbiology. Industrial microbiology and biotechnology.
7. Pathogenicity of bacteria.
8. Archea
9. Virology and importance of viruses, virus diseases.
10. Basic characteristics of viruses.
11. Morphology and structure of virus particles, types and characteristics of viral genomes and replication strategies of viruses.
12. Methods for detection and characterization of viruses.
13. Oncogenic viruses.
14. Basic characteristics of subviral pathogens - virus satellites, viroids, prions.
15. Viruses in biotechnology and biological control, vaccines and antiviral treatments.
1. Bacterial cell-types,
2. Staining of bacterial cells in microscopy,
3.-4. Isolation of bacteria from different substrates,
5.-6. Cultivation on artificial media
7.-8. Identification of specific physiological processes of bacteria,
9. Virus culture,
10.-11.Experimental inoculation of plant and animal viruses,
12. Viral inclusions in the infected cells,
13.-14. Serological methods in virology,
15. Purification and spectrofotometric analysis of virus particles.
- Juretić, N. (2002) Osnove biljne virologije, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
- Presečki, V. et al. (2003) Virologija, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb.
- Duraković S, Redžepović S (2002) Uvod u opću mikrobiologiju I. Kugler, Zagreb.
- Prescott LM, Harley JP, Klein DA (2002) Microbiology. McGraw-Hill, Boston
- Web presentation of lectures, Biološki odsjek, PMF (http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol)
- Web presentation of practicals, Biološki odsjek PMF (http://www.pmf.unizg.hr/biol)
- Nester EW, Anderson DG, Roberts CE, Pearsall NN, Nester MT (2001) Microbiology. McGraw-Hill, Boston.
- Atlas RM (1997) Principles of Microbiology. WBC McGraw-Hill, Boston.
- Strauss JH, Strauss EG (2002) Viruses and Human Disease. Academic Press, San Diego.
- Wiley J, Sherwood L, Woolverton C (2013) Prescott's Microbiology, 9th edition, McGraw Hill, Boston
Prerequisit for:
Fundamentals of Molecular Biology
Cell Biology
Cell Biology