Call for applications for enrolment in postgraduate university studies (doctoral studies) in Biology, Physics, Geology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Interdisciplinary doctoral study in Oceanology, and Doctoral Study in Geography: Space, Region, Environment, Landscape, for the acquisition of academic degree of PhD in the academic year 2022./2023.

Please read the call for applications on this link carefully.

Author: Ivana Erdelez
News list

Internal conference for doctoral candidates geo_doc


First year PhD students present the results of their first year of research and provide an overview of the state of global knowledge on their topic as it relates to their research. Due to the nature of the content, the presentation is oral.

Second year PhD students present the results of their scientific research. The presentation can take the form of a poster or an oral presentation.



The first internal conference for PhD students was held in 2015 with 4 oral presentations. Over the years, the conference grew as shown in the graph below. In 2020, there were 10 oral and 5 poster presentations with about 40 participants. The conference was organised in two parallel sessions with two guest lecturers. The response from our PhD students has been very positive. 

In addition, 2019/20 was the reaccreditation of the Doctoral study in Geography: space, region, environment, landscape, with geo_doc highlighted as an example of good practice.

Last year's conference was held at the Department of Geography on 9th of July 2021.


Fig. 1. Number of oral and poster presentations on geo_doc conferences