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General Physics 2

Code: 199926
ECTS: 10.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Matko Milin
Lecturers: Deni Nurkić , mag. phys. - Seminar

Deni Nurkić , mag. phys. - Exercises
Bruno Šlaus - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 60
Exercises 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Course goals are to acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge of the electromagnetism basics, gaining operational knowledge of the methods for solving numerical problems in electromagnetism, and achieving skills of reducing the real electromagnetical problems to a physical model, with setting up the appropriate equations.

1.1 formulate and interpret the basic laws of physics including mechanics, electromagnetism and thermodynamics
2.1 develop a way of thinking that allows the student to set the model or to recognize and use the existing models in the search for solutions to specific physical and analog problems
2.2 recognize analogies in the situations that are physically different, as well as in the situations analogous to the physical ones, as well as applying known solutions when solving new problems
5.1 consult professional literature independently as well as other relevant sources of information, which implies a good knowledge of English as a language of professional communication

Upon passing the course on General Physics 2, the student will be able to:
- develop a simple physical model applicable to solving a given problem in electromagnetism;
- set mathematical formulation of a given physical model in electromagnetism;
- solve numerical tasks for known systems in electromagnetism;
- demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts of relativistic physics, and in particular Lorentz transformations;
- demonstrate knowledge of basic concepts of electrostatics and Coulomb's law, as well as Gauss' law and its applications;
- practically use mathematical operators of gradient, divergence and rotation;
- demonstrate knowledge of Kirchhoff's rules for electrical circuits and their application;
- qualitatively and quantitatively describe the electric and magnetic field produced by charge in motion and their relationship;
- demonstrate knowledge of basic assumptions of magnetostatics, Biot-Savart' and Ampere's law, and electromagnetic induction;
- use the method of phasors and complex numbers in solving problems related to alternating current circuits;
- demonstrate knowledge of Maxwell's equations and electromagnetic waves in vacuum.

Lectures per weeks (15 weeks in total):
Week 1: Speed of light. Lorentz transformations.
Week 2: Relativistic addition of velocities. Relativistic dynamics. The relativistic transformation of energy, momentum and force.
Week 3: Electrostatics: electric charge and field. Coulomb's law.
Week 4: Gauss's law and its applications.
Week 5: The electric potential. Field as a potential gradient. The energy of the electric field.
Week 6: Gauss's law in differential form. Poisson's and Laplace's equation. The rotation of a vector field.
Week 7: Conductors and insulators. Faraday cage. Capacitors. Dielectrics.
Week 8: Electricity. Ohm's law. Electromotive force. Kirchhoff's rules.
Week 9: Electric and magnetic fields of charge in motion. The relativistic transformation of electric and magnetic fields.
Week 10: Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's and Ampere's law
Week 11: The magnetic dipole moment. Magnetism in materials. The vector potential.
Week 12: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. Eddy currents.
Week 13: The coil as part of the circuit. Mutual induction and self-induction.
Week 14: Alternating currents and their circles. The method of phasors. The method of complex numbers.
Week 15: Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves in a vacuum.

Exercises follow lectures by content:
Week 1: Lorentz transformations.
Week 2: Relativistic addition of velocities.
Week 3: Relativistic dynamics. The relativistic transformation of energy, momentum and force.
Week 4: : Electrostatics: electric charge and field. Gauss's law.
Week 5: Gauss's law and its applications. The electric potential. Field as a potential gradient.
Week 6: The energy of the electric field. Gauss's law in differential form. Poisson's and Laplace's .equation
Week 7: The rotation of a vector field. Conductors. Dielectrics..
Week 8: Electricity. Ohm's law. Electromotive force. Kirchhoff's rules.
Week 9: Electric and magnetic fields of charge in motion. The relativistic transformation of electric and magnetic fields.
Week 10: Magnetostatics: Biot-Savart's and Ampere's law
Week 11: The magnetic dipole moment. Magnetism in materials. The vector potential.
Week 12: Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. Lenz's rule. Eddy currents.
Week 13: The coil as part of the circuit. Mutual induction and self-induction.
Week 14: Alternating currents and their circles. The method of phasors. The method of complex numbers.
Week 15: Maxwell's equations. Electromagnetic waves in a vacuum.

Students are required to regularly attend lectures, seminars and exercises, and actively participate in solving problems during exercises. Furthermore, students are required to pass two colloquiums and four tests during the semester, and to achieve at least 33% of the total number of points on them.

The final exam consists of written and oral examinations, final score is the average value of grades obtained on each of them. Additional points can be achieved by successful solving homework assignments and prize tasks. Written exam can be replaced by a successful solving of two colloquiums.
  1. H.D.Young and R.A. Freedman: University Physics, Pearson-Addison Wesley, San Francisco, 2004.
    Skripta iz kolegija dostupna na sustavu za e-učenje Merlin.
    E.M.Purcell, Elektricitet i magnetizam (Udžbenik fizike Sveučilišta u Berkeleyu), Tehnička knjiga, Zagreb,1988.
    Richard Feynman: Lectures in Physics II, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1964.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : General Physics 1

Examination :
Passed : General Physics 1
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Bachelor of Geophysics
Consultations schedule: