The Department of Physics established the following Divisions: Experimental Physics Division, Division of Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Physics Division of Particles and Fields, and the Division of Theoretical Physics. Additionally was established a Center for technical support to the Department of Physics.
Experimental Physics Division has particular interest in
experimental solid state physics, atomic and molecular physics, nuclear
physics, and physics of medium and high energy, astrophysics, biophysics
and methodology of educational physics. There are a dozen advanced research laboratories for investigations in low temperature physics, high magentic fields, solid state NMR and high frequency measurements, microstructural research, synthesis and measurement of transport, magnetic and thermodinamic properites, nuclear physics, intermediate and high energies, optical spectroscopy, investigation of magnetic and electrical phenomena and observational astrophysics. |
Theoretical Physics Division is Croatia's flagship research center in the field of theoretical physics, in particular in atomic and nuclear physics, optics and photonics, physics of condensed matter, and biophysics. Members of the Division publish their frontier research work in leading international scientific journals and lead a number of competitive research projects and agreements on international scientific cooperation.
Theoretical Physics Division of Particles and Fields covers research
subjects Gravitation and black holes and Phenomenology of elementary
particles and fields. Research projects are Graparion - Gravity and
parity violation and MIAU - Matter and Interactions at Accelerators and
in Universe. |