About employee

dr. sc. Mladen Borovina

Title: Senior expert associate
Location: 117
Public phone number:+385 1 460 6305
Internal phone number:6305
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Division of General and Inorganic Chemistry
Graduation year:2013
PhD graduation year:2018
Employed in this institution since:2015


Education at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: Master thesis (Chemistry, 2013), Doctoral thesis (Chemistry, 2018)

Affiliation and current position: Division of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb: expert associate (2019–)

Research interest: crystallography, crystal engineering, supramolecular chemistry, molecular modeling of organic and anorganic compounds, solution and mechanochemical synthesis of transition metal complexes

Scientific papers: co-author of 7 scientific papers indexed in the Current Contents database.

Participation in research projects: 

Associate on "From form to function: Mechanically flexible crystalline materials with controllable responses" (Funded by the Croatian Science Foundation)

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

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List of select publications

  1. M. Borovina, I. Kodrin, M. Đaković, "Predicting Supramolecular Connectivity of Metal-Containing Solid-State Assemblies using Calculated Molecular Electrostatic Potential Surfaces", Cryst. Growth Des. 19 (2019) 1985–1995. doi: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01930
  2. I. Kodrin, M. Borovina, L. Šmital, J. Valdés-Martínez, C.B. Aakeröy, M. Đaković, " Exploring and predicting intermolecular binding preferences in crystalline Cu (II) coordination complexes", Dalton Trans. 43 (2019), 16222-16232. doi: https://doi.org/10.1039/C9DT03346G
  3. M. Borovina, I. Kodrin, M. Đaković, "Testing the limits of halogen bonding in coordination chemistry", CrystEngComm 5 (2018), 531-549. (article featured on the cover page of the journal) doi: https://doi.org/10.1039/C7CE01989K
  4. M. Đaković, M. Borovina, M. Pisačić, C.B. Aakeröy, Ž. Soldin, B.-M. Kukovec, I. Kodrin, "Mechanically responsive crystalline coordination polymers with controllable elasticity", Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57 (2018) 14801-14805. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201808687

List of select projects

2020 - current Associate "From form to function: Mechanically flexible crystalline materials with controllable responses" (Funded by the Croatian Science Foundation)

2015-2017 Associate on Engineering crystalline materials using metal complexes and non-covalent interactions (Funded by the Croatian Science Foundation)