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Code: 158576
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Maja Telišman Prtenjak
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Maja Telišman Prtenjak - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The course prepares students (i) for understanding how atmosphere affects the biosphere, and (ii) for the development and understanding of the analysis and forecasts of agrometeorological processes at different scales of varying complexity.
General impact of the atmosphere to the biosphere. Exchange of heat and energy in the biosphere. Relief and fitoclimate. Soil temperature. Temperature sums and heat stress. Dependency of plants' metabolism to the atmospheric conditions. Development phases of plants (phenology). Evapotranspiration and water balance components. Soil moisture. Drought indices. Vegetation fires and methods of their detection, prediction and warning. Numerical models in agrometeorology; analysis and forecast. Basics in agrometeorological modelling of crop yields. Climate change and plant life. Climate change and the potential hazard of vegetation fire.
Students will be able to:
1. explain the basic concepts in agrometeorology;
2. define main components of the atmosphere-biosphere interaction;
3. identify and discuss the limitations of methods and equations when calculating water balance components, drought indices, the index of vegetation fire, evapotranspiration, etc.;
4. properly apply the numerical model to the selected problem with the correct choice of model parameterization and other simplifications/options during numerical computation for the agrometeorological purpose;
5. explain the impact of climate change on plant life and the potential hazard of vegetation fire.
Attending classes.
Lectures, seminars, independent assignments.
Finished project tasks and seminar papers, participation in teaching, written and oral exam.
Attending lectures and exercises, homework, seminars.
The final grade includes the points gained during the course through practical work and seminars and oral exam.
Dynamic Meteorology 3, 4 (completed)
  1. Penzar, I. & B. Penzar, 2000: Agrometeorologija, Školska knjiga, 222 str.
    Sivakumar, M.V.K., & J. Hansen, 2007:Climate Prediction and Agriculture, Advances and Challenges, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 306 str.
    Hudson I. L., Keatley,(ed.), 2010: Phenological Research: Methods for Environmental and Climate Change Analysis, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 518 str.
    Bertović, S., T. Dimitrov, I. Galović, V. Jurčec, D. Kiš. M. Knežević, A.-Ž.Lovrić, J. Martinović, I. Velić & J. Velić,1987: Osnove zaštite šuma od požara, Nakladno-novinska radna organizaija, Centar za informacije i publicitet, Zagreb, 340 str.
    Klečar, S., M. Kratohvil, R. Marotti, M. Paluh, N. Szabo, M. Vinković & M. Vučetić, 2010: Osnove gašenje požara raslinja, Mi Star d.o.o., Zagreb, 327 str.
    Bonan Gordon, 2016: Ecological climatology. Concepts and Applications. Third edition. Cambridge University Press, 692 str.
    Lalić Branislava, Eitzinger Josef, Dalla Marta Anna, Orlandini Simone, Firanj Sremec Ana, Pacher Bernhard, 2018: Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology. Firenze University Press. Firenze, Italy. 354 str.
  2. Sivakumar, M.V.K., and J. Hansen, 2007:Climate Prediction and Agriculture, Advances and Challenges, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 306 str.
  3. Hudson I. L., Keatley,(ed.), 2010: Phenological Research: Methods for Environmental and Climate Change Analysis, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 518 str.
  4. Bertović, S., T. Dimitrov, I. Galović, V. Jurčec, D. Kiš. M. Knežević, A.-Ž.Lovrić, J. Martinović, I. Velić i J. Velić,1987: Osnove zaštite šuma od požara, Nakladno-novinska radna organizaija, Centar za informacije i publicitet, Zagreb, 340 str.
  5. Klečar, S., M. Kratohvil, R. Marotti, M. Paluh, N. Szabo, M. Vinković i M. Vučetić, 2010: Osnove gašenje požara raslinja, Mi Star d.o.o., Zagreb, 327 str.
  6. Bonan Gordon, 2016: Ecological climatology. Concepts and Applications. Third edition. Cambridge University Press, 692 str.
  7. Lalić Branislava, Eitzinger Josef, Dalla Marta Anna, Orlandini Simone, Firanj Sremec Ana, Pacher Bernhard, 2018:
    Agricultural Meteorology and Climatology. Firenze University Press. Firenze, Italy. 354 str.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Dynamic Meteorology 3
Attended : Dynamic Meteorology 4
4. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular study - Meteorology and Physical Oceanography
Consultations schedule: