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Research at the Department of Geophysics

The Department of Geophysics is a modern scientific institution – scientific research is performed almost entirely at the Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute. Its thirty or so scientists and associates carry out quality and valuable professional and scientific research in many domestic and international scientific and research projects. Focus is placed mainly on the processes and phenomena in the region, but research results often extend beyond regional boundaries as new methods are developed and/or existing methods are improved.

Geomagneticists work on the analysis and general interpretation of data measured at the magnetic observatories, on modelling the global magnetic model, examining the interaction of solar activity with the Earth’s magnetic field, and taking care of the Lonjsko polje Geomagnetic Observatory. Meteorologists study bora wind, turbulences, coastal circulations, extraordinary weather phenomena as well as both theoretical and numerical models. They also conduct climatology studies by computer modelling and data analysis. Atmospheric pollution, i.e. air quality, is also investigated. Today’s problems caused by climate change are increasingly shifting the focus of research toward agrometeorology and agroclimatology, as well as toward the study of climate and weather in urban areas. Oceanographers study seiches, internal waves, general circulation, and turbulence in the sea, the interaction between the atmosphere and the sea causing phenomena such as high sea levels and coastal flooding, meteotsunamis, wind currents etc. Seismologists investigate the causes and properties of earthquakes in Croatia and the physical properties of the Earth’s lithosphere throughout Croatia. Their research involves also topics of engineering seismology and seismic hazard assessment.

The Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute publishes the internationally peer-reviewed open-access scientific journal Geophysics, which had its beginning in the publication Radovi of 1923. The journal is referenced in several world bibliographic databases such as Current Contents Connect, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, and others.


Geofizika Journal

The Andrija Mohorovičić Geophysical Institute publishes scientific journal Geofizika with an international peer review and open access. It started as publication Radovi from 1923. The journal is referenced in several worldwide bibliographic databases such as Web of Science Current Contents Connect, Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus and others.