General chemistry


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General chemistry

Code: 271376
ECTS: 7.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Višnja Vrdoljak
Lecturers: dr. sc. Mateja Pisačić - Seminar
dr. sc. Edi Topić - Seminar
dr. sc. Darko Vušak - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 60
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Matter: Pure substances. Mixtures. Chemical and physical properties (extensive and intensive property). Physical and chemical changes. Physical states, phase, number and amount of substance, Avogadro's constant. Mol. Expressing the chemical composition of phase), Laws of chemical combination.
2. Atoms: atomic structure, electron (Thomson's and Millikan's experiment), nucleus (Rutherford's experiment, Moseley's law), nucleons, isotopes, Atomic emission spectra, the Bohr model of atom, electron diffraction, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The quantum-mechanical model: wave function, electron's orbit, orbital, electron configuration, Aufbau principle. the Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule. Mendeleev's Periodic table.
3. Chemical periodicity (atomic size, ionization energy, electron affinity), Elemental substances (properties), diffraction of X-rays, structures and properties of elemental substances. Molecular and metallic crystals. Alotropy.
4. Gases: the ideal gas laws for pure gases and mixtures.
5. The chemical reactions: stoichiometric numbers (coefficients), stoichiometry of chemical reaction. Extent of reaction. determination of empirical and molecular forumale, definitions of acids and bases. the classes of chemical reactions (precipitation, acid-base, redox), standard reduction potentials and their diagrammatic representation. Elemental substances in redox reactions. Reversible reactions.
6. Thermodynamics: work and heat, spontaneous processes, the first law of thermodynamic, internal energy, enthalpy, standard reaction enthalpy. Hess's law.
7. Chemical bonding: ionic and covalent bonding, Ionic compounds in the solid state. Bond lengths. Bond dissociation, Lewis structures, Hypovalent and hypervalent molecules. Radicals. Sigma and pi- bonds, conjugated molecules, delocalization, electronegativity, bond polarity, VSEPR. LCP. dipole moments. Molecular Polarity.
8. Intermolecular forces: dipole-dipole, dipole-induced dipole and dispersion (London) forces. Hydrogen bonding.
9. Real gases, critical state. Liquid state: physical properties (viscosity, surface tension). Solid state: structural features. Amorphous solids, allotropy, polymorphy, isomorphy. Phase, phase transitions. Phase diagrams. Solutions.
10. Chemical equilibrium: The rate of a reaction. Equilibrium constant, the composition at equilibrium, le Chatelier's principle. Phase equilibrium.
11. Acid-base equilibrium. Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases. Polyprotic acids. Electrolyte solutions, hydrolysis, solvolysis.
12. Solutions: the solubility constant, Ions in solutions. The Colligative properties of solutions. vapor pressure, boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure.
13. Electrochemical cells, reduction and oxidation process. Electrolysis. Faraday's laws, Corrosion.

LEARNING OUCOMES: After completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:

1. Solve quantitative problems (stoichiometric) involving chemical formulas and equations, solutions, gases.
2. Describe and explain the major features of the subatomic composition of atoms, isotopes, and ions and their relationship to atomic number, mass number, average atomic mass and charge.
3. Explain periodicity of atomic size, ionization energy and electron affinity.
4. Describe and explain structural features of elements and their compounds.
5. Distinguish the major types of chemical reaction and the main characteristics associated with them.
6. Explain characteristics of ionic and covalent bonding.
7. Describe and explain intermolecular interactions.
8. Describe the characteristics of the different states of matter.
9. Determine the qualitative and quantitative relationships between matter and energy involved in chemical or physical processes.
10. Explain meaning of dynamic equilibrium, and Le Chatelier's principle as applied in chemical reactions.
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Chemistry
Consultations schedule: