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Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1

Code: 43995
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Adriana Kenđel
Lecturers: Nikolina Ilić , mag. chem. - Practicum
dr. sc. David Klarić - Practicum
doc. dr. sc. Ivan Nemet - Practicum
Marijana Pocrnić , mag. chem. - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Practicum 60
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Higher laboratory in analytical chemistry 1 exercises are based on analysis of various real samples using appropriate techniques for sample preparation and modern instrumental analytical methods.
1. Flame photometry: Determination of sodium in apples and apple juice after microwave-assisted digestion
2. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES): Determination of elements in apples and apple juice
3. Ultraviolet and visible (UV/Vis) absorption spectroscopy: Determination of caffeine and benzoic acid in energy drink
4. Fluorescence spectroscopy: Determination of fluorescein in antifreeze
5. Infrared (IR) spectroscopy: Identification of polymeric recycling packaging
6. Raman spectroscopy: Determination of citric acid in the effervescent tablet of vitamin C
7. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC): Determination of caffeine and benzoic acid in energy drink

To analyze real samples using instrumental analytical methods.
To prepare the sample for analysis by means of microwave assisted digestion.
To quantify metals by flame photometry and atomic emission spectroscopy.
To quantify selected compounds in liquid samples using UV/Vis spectroscopy.
To quantify selected compounds in liquid samples using spectrofluorimetry.
To identify samples of the organic composition by infrared spectroscopy.
To qualitatively and quantitatively determine the selected organic compounds by Raman spectroscopy.
To qualitatively and quantitatively determine the selected organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography.
  1. 1. Viši praktikum analitičke kemije 1 (interna skripta)
    2. D.A. Skoog, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch, Principles of instrumental analysis, Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont CA, 2006.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Enrolled : Instrumental analysis 1
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Analytical and inorganic chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Analytical and organic chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Analytical and physical chemistry
Mandatory course - Regular study - Analytical chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Physical and organic chemistry

3. semester
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Biochemistry and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic and organic chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic and physical chemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Inorganic chemistry and biochemistry
Izborni predmeti izvan odabranih grana - Regular study - Physical and organic chemistry
Consultations schedule: