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Fundamentals of Geophysical Exploration II

Code: 45541
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Franjo Šumanovac
Lecturers: dr. sc. Josipa Kapuralić - Exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Exercises 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Lectures :
Seismic research - Introduction. Seismic wave spreading. Time-distance graph for a layered medium. Instruments and equipment: seismic sources, seismometers seismographs. Seismic Refraction: measuring and data processing, interpretation methods, difficulties in interpretation, application of refraction methods.
Seismic reflection: seismic velocity measuring, data processing, static, NMO, and residual corrections, velocity analysis. Interpretation of seismic profiles, migration Application of seismic reflection methods.
Geophysical research in boreholes - introduction to logging methods, electrical properties of rocks and formation factor. Distribution of liquids and resistivity in permeable layer. Self-potential (SP) logging. Resistivity logging: normal and lateral logs, focused current logs, microlog, induction log. Sonic logging, other logging methods: temperature logging, caliper logging, dipmeter logging.
Introduction. Defining 4 exercises. Explanations related to preliminary exams and field work.
Geoelectrical profiling - Introduction. Calculation of resistivity on profiles. Interpretation of lateral resistivity changes.
Seismic Refraction - Introduction. First arrivals on seismograms. Calculation of average 3 velocity for each layer, calculation of layers depths and inclination.v
Seismic reflection - Introduction. Estimating velocoties from first arrivals and selected reflexes. Diagram of seismic velocites. Calculation of NMO correction. Interpretation of seismic reflection profile.
Resistivity logging - measuring normal and lateral logs in the borehole model. Working in teams. Measuring normal and lateral logs in the borehole model. Working in teams. Measuring normal and lateral logs in the borehole model. Working in teams. Measuring normal and lateral logs in the borehole model. Working in teams. Measuring normal and lateral logs in the borehole model. Working in teams. Calculating resistivity for borehole model. Interpretation of resistivity curve. Determination of layer boundaries and depths in model.
Field work - Measuring using seismic refraction and reflection methods. Geological and geophysical interpretation.

To understand creation and spreading of seismic waves, to interpret seismic profile using seismic refraction method, to understand the application of static and NMO corrections, to interpret seismic profile using seismic reflection method, to understand the operation of a seismometer and seismograph. To understand the logging methods in borehole geophysical explorations, to interpret resistivity distribution diagram on the borehole model.
  1. Šumanovac, F. (2012): Osnove geofizičkih istraživanja, Sveučilište u Zagrebu.
  2. Parasnis, D.S. (1986): Principles of Applied Geophysics, Chapman and Hall, New York.
  3. Griffits, D.H. & King, R.F. (1981): Applied Geophysics for Engineers and Geologists, Pergamon Press, Oxford.
3. semester
Izborni predmeti - Regular study - Seismology and Physics of Solid Earth
Consultations schedule: