The aim of the course is to develope the following competences: understanding the principles of a scientific approach to educational research, knowledge of the phases of scientific research, differentiating and knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of qualitative and quantitative research, ability to participate in conducting scientific educational research and the ability for applying research results for the purpose of improving the educational practice.
1. Characteristics of scientific educational research. The purpose of scientific research: description, explanation, prediction and control of the researched problem. Advancement of education through research.
2. Phases of educational research. Selecting and defining the research problem, choice of research design, sample selection and measurement, testing research hypotheses, publishing research results.
3. Descriptive and inferential statistics. The difference between the correlation method and causal-comparative methods. Bivariate and multivariate statistics. How to interpret a correlation?
4. Qualitative educational research. Methods of qualitative research. Advantages and disadvantages of the qualitative and quantitative approach. Validity of qualitative methods.
5. Evaluation research in education. Quantitative and qualitative models of evaluation. Formative and summative evaluation. Evaluation and educational needs analysis.
6. Research and the development of education. R & DE as strategies for improving educational practice R & DE as a process of development and validation of educational "products" (programmes, methods, textbooks, educational techniques, etc.). The relationship between educational research and the R & DE processes.
7. Ethical principles in educational research. Voluntarism, confidentiality and data protection, areas where subject "cheating" is allowed, desensitising of subjects. Legal limitations.