Didactics 2 - Teaching and educational system


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Didactics 2 - Teaching and educational system

Code: 230318
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Nevenka Maras
Lecturers: Borna Nemet - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The goal of the course is to introduce students with modern didactic theories, strategies and methods of teaching and to enable (qualify) them for using all this for practical purposes in primary and secondary schools. The course should make it easier for the students to cope with concrete school situations which , on one hand, reffer to the realization of the subject teaching plan which they are educating themselves for. It also reffers to the competences in communicating and co-operating with parents, local community, development of schools, creating the programme,etc.

1. Teaching. The definition and the historical development. The macro and micro structure of the teaching process. Aspects of situations in teaching and learning: teleological, axiological, progamme-organizational, methodics, integrational. Classes-learning and teaching. Teaching factors-teacher, student, content, teaching technology, communication. Types of teaching. Teaching dramaturgy.
2. Teaching tasks. Substantial task (knowledge and coordinaton skills). Functional task (the development of skills). Educational task (values, attitudes, habits). The concretezation of teaching tasks. Analyzing the influence of inner and outer factors on the task definig. The ability of measuring and the clarity of tasks (levels of knowledge, skills,etc.).
3. Communication in teaching and learning. The importance of communicating. The structure of the communication cycle and the flowing of information. Prejudice regarding communication. Dialogue as a process of exchanging information, remodelling of information and the final processing of information. Communication cycle. Murmurs in communication. Types of communication. Communication at a distance. Metacommunication. Listening as communication (active listening).
4. The material-technical and psychological aspects of teaching and learning. Place for class realization. Equipment:original situation, teaching devices, technical aids, instruments and equipment,. Original situation. Teaching aids/devices. The information value of teaching devices and other sources of information. Technical devices. The psychological and emotional experience of learning and teaching. The theory of expectation and motivation.
5. The cognitive aspect of teaching and learning. Gnoseological learning (sensualism, rationalism,pragmatism). The gnoseological triangle ( observing-thinking-practice) and how it is applied in teaching and learning situations. Sources of information in view of how concrete the level is. Assumptions and conditions of high quality cognition.
6. The methodics aspect of teaching and learning. The dimensions of methodics problems. The orientation towards the learning goals and the student goals.Method in relation to the subject (mutual dependence between content and methods).Research methods. Researching the efficiency of teaching methods. Using methods in teaching. Types of methods.
7. Macrocomponents (situations) of teaching and learning: introducing; reception and processing teaching contents- the use of notion of the cognitive model of processing information. Teaching as the process of learning and discovering and researching. The unity of concrete and abstract, senses and logical-rational. The intensity and extensity of the microstructual components of teaching. Didactics. Possible mistakes in the cognitive process. The choice and dimensionalization of teaching contents.
8. Macrocomponents of teaching and learning: repetition and practice. The reproductive and productive repetition and their transfer value. Active thinking operating. Types, freuency and organization of repetition. The proces of practicing. The contents of practicing. Corrective practicing.
9. Macrocomponents of teaching and learning: evaluation, testing, grading. What is evaluated? The procedures of measuring and estimating. Possible mistakes. What is the technique of testing (oral and written). Demands for observing, testing and evaluating the student' s development and progress.
10. Organizational (sociological) teaching and learning forms. The frontal form. The individual form. Pair work. Group work.The structure of organizational forms, ways of choosing the members, ways of givng tasks, the presentation of tasks, dicussion,synthetizing and conlusion.
11. Team Teaching (learning). The concept of teams and team learning. The purpose and goals of team teaching (learning). The necessary conditions for the realization of team learning. The organization and forms of team learning. The leaders of team learning. Communication during team learning Team work as a teaching strategy. Advantages of team teaching.
12. Planning and preparing students and teachers for teaching (classes). The planning of learning. The preparation for introducing and analyzing he goals. Preparing the content of teaching (choice, structure, correlations, previou student's knowledge, the level and quality of of expected knowledge, the choice of contents for individual work, differentiation). Didactic-methodics decison making (the working out of fundamental teaching and learning situations (events), choice of methods, procedures, work forms, technique, time dynamics).
13. Teaching and learning systems. The relationship among modern teaching factors. Systems: Lectures. Teaching in connection with the methods of researching new notions. Programmed teaching. Exemplary teaching. Problem-research teaching. Mentorship and autodidactic work.
14. Teaching principles. The principle of: equal opportunities, social integration, the effect (success), the scientific aspects of teaching and learning, individualization, differentiation, activities, understanding.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Didactics 1 - Curriculum approach

Examination :
Passed : Didactics 1 - Curriculum approach
8. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Mathematics and Physics Education
Consultations schedule: