The Division of Computer Science was founded in 2011. Its general objective is to follow all relevant trends within ICT, software engineering, and computer science. Special emphasis is put on studying those parts of computer science that are closely related to mathematics.
The Division members are engaged in various research projects, thus reaching top-level competences in the following disciplines: discrete optimization, robust optimization, design and analysis of algorithms, distributed algorithms, meta-heuristics, data structures, database systems, formal methods in software engineering, computability, computational complexity, machine learning, automated translation, didactics of teaching computer science, etc.
Within their teaching activities, the Division members have designed and realized many computer-science courses on undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate level. Special attention is given to continuous improvement of two graduate university studies, which are held by the Department of Mathematics and are focused on computer science. Those two studies are called Computer Science and Mathematics, and Mathematics and Computer Science Education, respectively.
Additional activities of the Division are: organizing a Seminar on Theoretical Computer science within the Croatian Doctoral Program in Mathematics, and stimulating the development of ICT infrastructure within the Department of Mathematics.