Principal investigator: Maja Planinić, PhD, Associate Professor
Institution: Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Research group: Katarina Jeličić, PhD, (Faculty of Science, Zagreb), Ana Sušac, PhD (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Zagreb), Lana Ivanjek, PhD (Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna, Austria), Karolina Matejak Cvenić, PhD, (Faculty of Science, Zagreb)
Project duration: 22. October 2018. – 21. July 2023.
Funding: Croatian Science Foundation
Project aim
Project results:
Publications from the project:
Planinic, M., Jelicic, K., Matejak Cvenic, K., Susac, A. & Ivanjek, L. (2024). Effect of an inquiry-based teaching sequence on secondary school students’ understanding of wave optics, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 20, 010156
- Matejak Cvenić, K., Ivanjek, L., Planinić, M., Jeličić, K., Sušac, A., Hopf, M. & Cindric Brkic, M. (2023). Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 19, 2; 020118, 25.
- Matejak Cvenic, K., Planinic, M., Susac, A., Ivanjek, L., Jelicic, K. & Hopf, M. (2022). Development and validation of the Conceptual Survey on Wave Optics, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 18, 010103
- Matejak Cvenic, K., Ivanjek, L., Planinic, M., Jelicic, K., Susac, A. & Hopf, M. (2021). Analyzing high school students’ reasoning about polarization of light, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 17, 010136
- Susac, A., Planinic, M., Bubic, A., Jelicic, K., Ivanjek, L., Matejak Cvenic, K. & Palmovic, M. (2021). Effect of students' investigative experiments on students' recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 17, 010110
- Susac, A., Planinic, M., Bubic, A., Ivanjek, L. & Palmovic, M. (2020). Student recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study, Phys. Rev. Phys. Educ. Res. 16, 020133
- Planinić, M., Matejak Cvenić, K. M., Sušac, A., Ivanjek, L., Jeličić, K. (2024) What is Difficult in Learning Physics and What We Can Do About It: The Case of Wave Optics, In: Faletič, S., Pavlin, J. (eds) Teaching and Learning Physics Effectively in Challenging Times. Challenges in Physics Education. Springer, Cham.
Meetings with teachers:
An introductory seminar was held for teachers as part of the HRZZ project INVESTIGATE
Results of the seminar:
- 11 teachers signed up to participate in the teaching intervention,
- 23 teachers signed up to participate in the research-oriented teaching of wave optics,
- 15 teachers signed up to test the Conceptual Survey on Wave Optics (CSWO) for the school year of 2018/19.
- 13 teachers signed up to test the CSWO for the school year 2019/20,
- 13 teachers signed up for testing teaching materials.
Announcement of teacher training as part of the INVESTIGATE project
Venue: Department of Physics at Faculty of Scienc. Bijenička 32, Zagreb
Time of performance: August. 29th until August 31tg 2022, every day 10 a.m. - 4 p.m
Application method: via the platform of the Education Agency (ettaedu)
Participants: 50 high school physics teachers from all counties
Workshop managers: Assistan Professor Maja Planinić, PhD (Faculty of Science), Associate Professor Ana Sušac, PhD (FER), Jun. Prof. Dr. Lana Ivanjek (Technische Universität Dresden), lecturer Katarina Jeličić, PhD. (Faculty of Science) and Karolina Matejak Cvenić, inf. (Faculty of Science).
Within the INVESTIGATE project, our research group has prepared a teaching sequence of wave optics for 8 teaching hours, which includes several student research experiments (the topics included are interference, diffraction and polarization of light). The equipment for the experiments was acquired and the corresponding teaching materials were developed. During the three-day training, the participants would be introduced in detail to the research teaching approach, student and teacher experiments, and teaching materials related to the topic of wave optics in high school. After the introductory lecture, we would work in small groups every day (analysis of teaching materials, performing experiments and parts of the teaching sequence), and each day would end with a joint discussion of what was covered. The participants would receive all the necessary teaching materials so that they can carry out that teaching sequence with their students later. Lunch is also provided for the participants every day. This inter-county meeting will be published on ettaedu platform 2-3 weeks before the date of the meeting, and after publication, interested teachers will be able to register (we cannot accept earlier pre-registrations).
Held teacher training within the HRZZ project IP-2018-01-9085 INVESTIGATE
The meeting was held at the Physical Department of the Faculty of Science, Bijenička 32, 10000 Zagreb. Here you can find the program of the meeting.
As part of the meeting, a series of lectures was held on the results of the INVESTIGATE project, which investigates the impact of including student research experiments in high school physics classes on students' conceptual understanding and scientific reasoning in the context of the Wave Optics curriculum. A series of workshops were held in which the new teaching sequence of wave optics, developed as part of the project, was presented, as well as the equipment for school experiments acquired as part of the project. The purpose of the meeting was the education of a large number of high school physics teachers about research-oriented physics teaching and the results of the project, as well as the training of teachers involved in the project. 46 teachers from all regions of Croatia participated. The participants received all the teaching materials as well as the necessary experimental equipment for implementing the new teaching sequence in their schools.
Workshop managers: Assistan Professor Maja Planinić, PhD (Faculty of Science), Associate Professor Ana Sušac, PhD (FER), Jun. Prof. Dr. Lana Ivanjek (Technische Universität Dresden), lecturer Katarina Jeličić, PhD. (Faculty of Science) and Karolina Matejak Cvenić, inf. (Faculty of Science), and senior advisor for physics Ivana Katavić, prof. (AZOO, Zagreb)
Workshop co-managers: Mirjana Dabac, prof. mentor (Gymnasium Sesvete), Marko Movre, prof. mentor (XV. gymnasium, Zagreb), Ivana Fundurulić, prof. mentor (II. gymnasium, Zagreb), Boris Štimac, prof. (IV. gymnasium, Zagreb), Jelka Delić, prof. (Vladimir Prelog School of Natural Sciences), Ivana Božičković Peričić, prof. mentor (I. gymnasium, Zagreb), Emil Šatalić, prof. advisor (Ruđer Bošković Technical school, Zagreb)
Note: The teaching materials available on this website were developed within the HRZZ project IP-2018-01-9085 INVESTIGATE. The materials can be freely downloaded and used in classes, but it is not allowed to transfer them (in whole or in parts) to printed or electronic materials such as textbooks, manuals, etc. or to publish them on other websites. For additional questions regarding the materials and their application, methodical instructions or sharing your experiences with the application of the materials in class, feel free to contact us at the following addresses: