Systematization of basic chemical concepts about the properties of matter at the macroscopic, particles, and symbolic level. Integration of existing and new knowledge in a conceptual entity.
Atomic-molecular structure of matter and non-bonded interactions (1 to 7):
1 Periodic table of elements: metals, crystal structure and basics of crystal structure.
2 - 7 Models of chemical bonding (ionic, covalent, metallic), the shapes of molecules (Lewis structures, VSEPR), theories of covalent bonding (valence bond, orbital hybridization, molecular orbital), electronegativity and bond polarity, intermolecular forces (hydrogen bond, states of mater- particle s level), the relation of structure and bonding to the physical and chemical properties of matter.
8 - 15 Properties of solutions, basic concepts of chemical kinetics and equilibrium, equilibrium in solutions of acids and bases, electrochemistry, systematization of basic concepts