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Inorganic chemistry laboratory 1

Code: 72876
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Višnja Vrdoljak
Lecturers: dr. sc. Mladen Borovina - Laboratory exercises
dr. sc. Dino Kuzman - Laboratory exercises
prof. dr. sc. Željka Soldin - Laboratory exercises
Juraj Toplak , univ. mag. chem. - Laboratory exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Laboratory exercises 60
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Metal halides
a) Synthesis of iron(III) chloride
b) Synthesis of tin(IV) chloride
c) Synthesis of copper(I) chloride
d) Synthesis of tin(II) chloride
e) Synthesis of ammonium hexachloroplumbate(IV)
f) Synthesis of lead(II) iodide

2. Oxides and peroxides
a) Synthesis of iron(III) oxides
b) Synthesis of chromium(VI) oxide and chromium(VI) oxide
c) Synthesis of copper(I) oxide
d) Synthesis of barium peroxide octahydrate

3. Phosphates
a) Synthesis of ammonium manganese(II) phosphate monohydrate
b) Synthesis of calcium dihydrogenphosphate monohydrate
c) Synthesis of zinc phosphate tetrahydrate

4. Carboxylato complexes
a) Synthesis of tetrakis(acetato)diaquacopper(II)
b) Synthesis of potassium tris(oxalato)alumiate(III) trihydrate
c) Synthesis of zinc acetate
d) Synthesis of basic zinc acetate
e) Synthesis of aqua(1,10-phenantroline-N,N)(malonato-O,O)copper(II) monohydrate
f) Synthesis of aqua(1,10-phenantroline-N,N)(serinato-O,N)copper(II) sulfate

5. Clathrates
a) Synthesis of hydroquinone-sulphur(IV) oxide
b) Synthesis of chlorine hexahydrate
c) Synthesis of {{tris-{-[(2,3-butanedione dioximato)-O:O}-difluorodiborato(2-)}-N,N',N'', N''', N'''', N'''''}iron(II)

6. Ion exchange in separation and synthesis of inorganic compounds
a) Separation of Al(III) and Fe(III) cations
Complexometric determination of alumminum with disodium ethylenediamminetetraacetate
b) Synthesis of HSCN
Tritrimetric determination of concentration HSCN with mercury(II) nitrate
c) Millon's base as ion exchanger

a) Synthesis of sodium hydrogensulphite
b) Synthesis of hydrogen peroxide
c)Synthesis of aluminum (III) chloride
d) Synthesis of aluminium acetylacetonate
e) Synthesis of tetrakis(acetato)lead(II)

During the semester student have to make seven laboratory experiments (including identification of some products by chemical or instrumental methods of analysis (IR spectroscopy, thermogravimetry or X-ray structure analysis on powder sample)

The experiments are chosen to supplement and enhance the lecture content of the associated Inorganic chemistry 1 course.
After completion of this course, the successful student will be able to:
1. Apply laboratory skills to synthesize and separate compounds associated with Inorganic chemistry 1 course using published reactions, protocols, standard laboratory equipment.
2. Demonstrate safe laboratory skills (including proper handling of materials and chemical waste) for particular laboratory experiments.
3. Analyse and interpret data of the carried out experimental protocol.
4. Characterize prepared compounds using modern instrumentation.
5. Identify a given inorganic compound based on a series of chemical reactions.
6. Demonstrate knowledge of the element classification to predict important properties of chemical compounds, including stability, solubility, redox properties and reactivity.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Enrolled : Inorganic chemistry 1
Passed : Analytical chemistry laboratory 1
Passed : Organic chemistry laboratory 1
5. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Chemistry
Consultations schedule: