Students independently perform five of the following 10 exercises:
Free and forced oscillations: Using torsional pendulum with suffocation and excitation, students study the behavior of free oscillators, dumped oscillators and driven and dumped oscillators.
Coupled pendulums: Students study phenomena in coupled oscillation of the pendulum: the oscillation of the phase oscillation in antiphase, and the regime of shock.
Stefan-Boltzmann law of radiation: Students use Moll thermopile and incandescent lamps to experimentally determine energy exitance dependence on body temperature, and compare observations with the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Franck-Hertz experiment: Students perform Franck-Hertz experiment on the apparatus with neon tubes.
Magnetic susceptibility of liquids: Students measure the magnetic susceptibility solution with different concentrations of paramagnetic salts.
Photoelectric effect and Planck's constant. Polarization of light: Students using the photoelectric effect determine the value of Planck's constant. In the second part of exercise linear polarizers and lambda / 4 tiles are used for polarizing light.
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of speed: Students use the apparatus to simulate the thermodynamic phenomena using glass balls to study the distribution of speed.
Chaotic oscillations in an electric oscillating circuit: Students examine the emergence of chaotic oscillations in the electrical oscillating circuit with non-linear element (diode).
Measurement of low resistance: Students learn to measure electrical resistance method with four relays, and by van der Pauw method.
Skin effect: Students measure the thickness of the conductive layer (the skin) in the metal bars.
Student makes each exercise in two consecutive terms.
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
independently use measuring devices and apparatus in the field of mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, thermodynamics and quantum physics, to perform complex experiments;
analyze the measured data using statistical methods and graph the results;
present the results of their work in the form of a written report, which is structured as a scientific work, as well as a short oral report, which is structured as a lecture at a scientific conference;
connect theoretical knowledge with performing exercises and functioning of the components of the apparatus;
generalize the results of measurements and critically examine and interpret in the light of the well-known theory.