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Algae and Fungi

Code: 40657
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge:
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Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
.Course objectives: Students should learn and adopt: the basic principles of taxonomic classification, cell structure, anatomy, and morphology thali shape, color pigments, the principles of reproduction and development cycles, methods of collecting and preserving materials, and research in the field and laboratory, environmental features, the importance in daily life and distribution in the sea, freshwater and on land, making durable products, methods of growing pure cultures, development of school models and collections.
Enrolment requirements and required entry competencies for the course: Students should have attended the courses of General Botany and Cell Biology.
Course content
Introductory Lectures (2 hours) General information about the maintenance of the course. View the study of literature and Internet sources. Rules of the practicum and the necessary accessories. Fieldwork. Liabilities and continuous monitoring of knowledge. Importance algology past and present. The use of algae in everyday life.
General terms (2 hours) stromatolites and the emergence of aerobic conditions. Spatial representation of aquatic ecosystems on Earth, vertical zonation stagnant and running waters. Development of pramonera to the heterotrophic and autotrophic cells. The spectrum of the basic pigments. History of classification systems, development tree and taxonomic distribution of wildlife. The nomenclature and hierarchical systems. Types of reproduction, locomotion, modified forms of generation, haplonts and diplonts.
Procariota: Cyanobacteria and Prochlorobacteria, 2 hours: structure and function of prokaryotic cells, forms of litter, type of reproduction, distribution, role in the living world, ecological relevance and application of blue-green algae and prochlorobacteria.
Eucariota: Archaeplastida: Glaucophyta, Rhodophyceae, Chloroplastida, 6 hours: structure and function of eukaryotic cells, forms of litter, type of reproduction, distribution, role in the living world, ecological relevance and application.
Eucariota: Chromalveolata: Cryptophyceae, Haptophyta, Stramenopiles, 6 hours; forms of litter, type of reproduction, distribution, role in the living world, ecological relevance and application.
Eucariota: Excavata: Alveolata, Euglenozoa, 4 hours: thali forms, type of reproduction, distribution, role in the living world, ecological relevance and application.
Eucariota: Mushrooms, 4 hours: the history of the development of mycology, general terms, distribution patterns, environmental features, and the importance of human life.
The fungus-like protozoa: Acrasiomycota, Dictyosteliomycota, Myxomicota and Plasmodiophoromicota) and fungus-like chromista (Hyphochytridiomycota and Oomycota.
Eucariota: Mushrooms, 4 hours: the biology of fungi, reproduction, and distribution, ecological features, important for human life. Zygomycota, Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and Lichenes.
Lectures are accompanied by practical training: exercises and fieldwork, where students work independently to adopt new and complement the knowledge acquired at the classes.
Type of instruction: lectures, exercises, fieldwork, independent study, multimedia and the internet, laboratory, work with the mentor. Active students participation in all forms of teaching
Student responsibilities: Students are required to regularly attend all forms of teaching. Students may be absent only once from practical work during the entire course without compensation. After successfully passed practical work student is required to submit a notebook to the assistant. In case of corrections according to assistant suggestions, students necessarily must revise it. Assistants signature in the student's notebook confirms the correctness of the text and graphics or images parts. The practical work is an integral part of the course, and without it, it is not possible to make the final score. During the course, a student by prearranged and declared deadlines are obligated to write two colloquia and for their transience is necessary to achieve 60%. The results of each colloquium will be declared: web and bulletin boards, within 24 hours and there is no possibility to repeat any of the colloquia if students achieve less than 60%. Results of colloquia determine the success of the students' passes. In the case, that student is not satisfied with his success (achieved through colloquia) or did not pass one of the colloquia he is obligated to register for the exam according to schedule (exam includes the whole course materials). If a student failed in the above, he must reenroll to the course.
Grading and evaluation of student work over the course of instruction and at a final exam: Active participation in lectures 5%, Independence and creativity in practical training 20%, Tests 50%, Oral exam 25%.
  1. Lee, R.E., 1999: Phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
  2. Plenković-Moraj A. 2010: Alge - koliko ih poznajemo? Interna skripta za studente Biološkog odsjeka PMF-a Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, p.p. 1-180.
  3. Margulis, L., Schwartz, K.V., 1999: Five kingdoms. An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on Earth. W.H.Freeman and Comp., New York
  4. Bellinger, E.G. and D. C. Sigee. 2010: Freshwater Algae. Wiley-BlackwellA John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Publication, UK
  5. Viličić, D., 2002: Fitoplankton Jadranskoga mora. Biologija i taksonomija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
3. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: