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General Botany

Code: 36148
ECTS: 6.0
Lecturers in charge:
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Recognize the most important anatomical and morphological features of plants
2. Link the anatomical and morphological features of plants with environmental conditions they live in
3. Link the anatomical and morphological structure of plants with their life processes
4. Use the knowledge on anatomy and morphology in comparing the most important systematic groups of plants
5. Apply learned anatomical and morphological features of plants in the process of their determination
6. Recognize most common plant species

1. Chemistry and function of the main components of the plant cell: starch and other ergastic substances, vacuole and its content
2. Structure and chemistry of cell wall
3. Type of tissues in vascular plants: meristems and parenchyma
4. Epidermis, collenchyma, sclerenchyma
5. Xylem, phloem, excretory and secretory tissue (cells)
6. Anatomy of vegetative plant organs: anatomy of leaf, primary and secondary structure of the stem
7. Primary and secondary structure of root, wood and secondary bark
8. Life cycles of Embryophta (Bryophyta, Pterydophyta)
9. Life cycles of Embryophta (Seed plants, flowering plants)
10. Vegetative morphology and modifications (root-shoot organisation, stem, leaf)
11. Flower morphology (perianth, androecium, gynoecium)
12. Inflorescence (racemose, cymose)
13. Pollination, fertilisation, seeds
14. Fruits

It is anticipated 15 practica, 13 of them in practicum room and 2 in the form of participation in the field trip to Zagreb and its surroundings.
1. Ergastic substances
2. Dermal tissue
3. Mechanical and conductive tissues
4. Stem primary and turn from primary to secondary growth
5. Root primary growth
6. Stem secondary growth
7. Gametophyte and sporophyte of mosses, ferns and seed plants
8. Sporophyte of gymnosperms; Sporophyte of angiosperms, seeds and germination
9. Sporophyte of angiosperms, Homologous and analogous organs
10. Flowers, perianth
11. Flowers, androeceum and gyneceum
12. Inflorescences
13. Fruits; Function and instructions for student herbarium
  1. Mitić B. (2014): Morfologija bilja. Interna skripta.
  2. Mitić B. (2014): Morfologija bilja. Predavanja (web BO).
  3. Mitić B. (2014): Terrenska nastava iz botanike za studente 1. godine studija biologije. Interna skripta.
  4. Rusak G. (2014): Anatomija bilja. Predavanja (web BO)
  5. D. Denfer, H. Ziegler (1982): Morfologija i fiziologija, Školska knjiga, Zagreb.
  6. Sitte P., Ziegler H., Ehrendorfer F., Bresinsky A. (1998): Lehrbuch der Botanik für Hochschulen. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart.
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular study - Biology and Chemistry Education
Consultations schedule: