1. To define conservation biology, its goals and principles; to define biological diversity, landscape ecology, restoration ecology, as well as in situ and ex situ conservation.
2. To name categories of national and international site protection and to compare and analyse theoretical and functional biodiversity categories on three levels (genetic, species and ecosystem diversity).
3. To calculate main biodiversity measures and indices and to compare extinction types and explain extinction vortex.
4. To compare in situ and ex situ protection.
5. To estimate extinction risk based on the IUCN criteria.
6. To analyse habitat protection considering aims, purpose and conservation principles and to analyse positive and negative effects of the renewable energy sources.
7. To identify threats to biodiversity on all levels and adequate solutions and to match causes of endangerment with their effects in biological communities and ecosystems.
8. To match site protection purpose with adequate protection category and international conventions.
9. To independently create programmes and projects with both, conservational and educational components and involve primary and secondary school pupils into their implementation.
10. To evaluate lessons about nature protection with regards to growing importance of the field, implement new examples and choose adequate teaching method.
1. Introduction: conservation biology definition, comparison with other biological disciplines, aims and principles, main threats to nature and biodiversity
2. Biological diversity: structure and function of biodiversity, levels of organization, value, measuring biodiversity (functional and theoretical categories), graphs, intraspecific diversity, genetic diversity
3. Main principles in species protection: extinction risk estimation, Red Lists and Red Books, categories, action plans
4. Extinction: definition, sixth mass extinction vs. historical ones, causes of extinction, spatial distribution of endangerment and extinction rates, extinction vortex, extinction types, problems of small populations
5. Threats to biodiversity: habitat degradation and fragmentation, climate change
6. Threats to biodiversity: invasive species, overexploitation
7. Habitat conservation: categories of protected areas in Croatia, internationally proclaimed protected areas, IUCN protected areas categories, objectives and principles of habitat protection, protected areas management
8. Habitat and species conservation: networks of protected areas, landscape ecology, NATURA 2000
9. Habitat conservation: ecological restoration and principles of restoration ecology, ecological restoration programmes.
10. Applied population biology: population biology disciplines and its application in conservation, gathering ecological information, Population Viability Analysis
11. Ex situ conservation and re-establishing populations: pros and cons, facilities, captive breeding methods, augmentation, introduction, translocation, reintroduction, reintroduction programmes
12. Renewable energy sources: hidroenergy, photoenergy, wind energy, biomass energy, energy of tide and waves.
13. Introduction into conservation genetics.
14. Law and nature protection: Croatian laws and international conventions connected with nature conservation.
15. Teaching methods for nature conservation lessons.
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