Living world and paleogeography of the Triassic. Continental and epicontinental Triassic successions. Tethyan Triassic successions. Dinaridic Triassic successions. Living world and paleogeography of the Jurassic. Epicontinental Jurassic successions. Tethian Jurassic successions. Dinaridic Jurassic successions. Living world and paleogeography of the Cretaceous. Epicontinental and Tethyan Cretaceous successions. Dinaridic Cretaceous successions. Living world of the Tertiary. Paleogeography and climate of the Tertiary. European and Dinaridic Paleogene successions. Tethian and Paratethian Neogene successions, Quaternary: ice ages.
Learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding of the essential features, processes, materials, history and the development of the Earth through Mesozoic and Cenozoic;
Awareness and understanding of the temporal and spatial dimensions in Earth through Mesozoic and Cenozoic; Ability to integrate field and laboratory evidence with theory following the sequence from observation to recognition, synthesis and modeling; Recognition of the need for, and engagement in self-managed and life-long learning.
- Bucković, D: 2006: E-Book: Historijska Geologija 2. Udžbenici Sveučilišta u Zagrebu - Manualia universitatis studiorum Zagrabiensis.
- Levin, L.H. 2003: The Earth Through Time. John Wiley & Sons.
- Cooper, J.D., Miler, R.H. & Patterson, J.1990: A Trip Through Time: Principals of Historical Geology. Merrill Publishing Co.
- Wicander, R., Monroe, J.S.1989: Historical Geology - Evolution of the Earth and Life Through Time. West Publishing Co.
- Stanley, S.M.1989: Earth and Life Through Time. W. H. Freeman and Co.
- Herak, M.1990: Geologija. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.