Enrollment of students to the first year of the undergraduate study of Geology is published every year in May on the website of the University of Zagreb, as part of the text of the enrollments for the entire university.

Enrollment for the first year of graduate studies in Geology and Environmental Geology are published every year in July, also on the website of the University of Zagreb.

The text about the enrollment for the current academic year, as well as enrollment quotas, can be found on the University website. FOR DETAILS PLEASE SEE THE SUBPAGE FOR THE APPROPRIATE STUDY LEVEL.


Head of Students Office: Katarina Međeral
Phine: +385 1 4606075
E-mail: referada@geol.pmf.unizg.hr


Office hours for undergraduate and graduate students:

Monday to Thursday: 12:00 – 14:30


Office hours for doctoral students:

Monday to Friday; by arranged appointment

Enrollment in academic year 2020/2021 - other students

Enrollment in the same or higher year of study for the Undergraduate University Study of Geology and Graduate University Studies in Geology and Environmental Geology will begin on September 16, 2020 and will last until September 30, 2020.

This does not apply to students who have completed or are just completing their undergraduate studies.




Before admission students need to:

  • Check through the "Studomat" that all their passed exams are registered in the ISVU system and, if necessary, contact the subject teacher;
  • Pay the amount of HRK 130.00 for enrollment costs via general payment slip or e-banking (IBAN: HR5823600001101522208; model 00; reference number for approval of students of the GEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT is 604070-107- OIB OF THE STUDENT;
  • Return all books to the libraries of the Faculty of Science.
  • After enrollment via "Studomat", send a copy of the payment to the mail office


  • All those who enroll in one of the courses for the third time cannot enroll through the "Studomat", but must write an application for approval of enrollment.
  • Subsequent enrollment is approved exceptionally upon request (HRK 400.00).

Enrollment fees in Academic year 2020/21

At the session of the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science held on March 26, 2020. decisions were made on the costs of enrollment in acad. yr. 2020/21, and on participation in the costs of studies for the same acad. year.

Mentioned documents can be found at the following links:

Decision about the enrollment fees (2020./21.)
Decision on participation in study costs (2020./21.)