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Interpretation of geochcemical data

Code: 44113
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Zorica Petrinec
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Zorica Petrinec - Practicum
Take exam: Studomat
English level:


The lecturer is not able to offer courses in English at this time.

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Practicum 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Geochemical data, geological processes and their geochemical significance, analytical techniques in data acquisition, sources of errors. Data analysis, correlation, regression, discriminant analysis.Variation diagrams, rock classification. Usage of trace elements, geochemical control of element distributions, REE, spider-diagrams, PGE, Transitional elements-diagrams, bivariant diagrams, modeling of data (vector diagram, partial melting, crystal fractionation, AFC processes). Geotectonic discrimination, discrimination in the group of basalts, andesites, and granites. Radiogenic isotopes in geochronology, isochrone methods, errochrones, geochrones, T-CHUR, blocking temperature, crystallization temperature, metamorphic age, mineral age. Radiogenic isotopes in petrogenesis, recognition of isotope reservoir, epsilon notation, isotope correlation diagrams, mantle-crust dynamics, geodynamics. Stabel isotopes in genesis of igneous and metamorphic rocks, O,C,S-isotopes. Sedimentary rocks, geodynamic setting, provenance od detrital component, REE, Sr-isotope stratigraphy.

Learning outcomes:

The content of the course is linked to the interpretation of magmatic and metamorphic rocks on the basis of geochemical dana. The focus oft he study is directed to the numerical analysis of major and trace elements, rare earth elements, radiogenic and stabile isotopes.
Work in classroom with small group of students
enables efficient contact and control of calculation performance. At the same time, field work in the vicinity of Zagreb gives opportunity to collelct samples, to be elaborated by classical and instrumental analyses in the department laboratory. The results are compared with those obtained in previous studies, and contribute to the research performed and mentored by the teacher.
  1. Rollinson, H.: Using geochemical data: evaluation, presentation, interpretation. Longman, 1993, str. 348.
  2. Ragland, P.C.: Basic analytical petrology. Oxford university press. 1989, str. 370.
2. semester
Izborni kolegiji za Mineralogiju i petrologiju (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Geology

4. semester
Izborni kolegiji za Mineralogiju i petrologiju (ljetni semestar) - Regular study - Geology
Consultations schedule:
  • doc. dr. sc. Zorica Petrinec:

    To arrange a consultation appointment, please contact the teacher by e-mail.

    Location: 3 MPZ
  • doc. dr. sc. Zorica Petrinec:

    To arrange a consultation appointment, please contact the teacher by e-mail.

    Location: 3 MPZ