Career development is a lifelong process that begins not only in college, but at birth. The factors influencing career development include person’s interests, abilities, values, personality, family and social background, and circumstances. People change throughout their lives, just like situations, so you actually need to make career and life decisions constantly. Career counseling is a process that helps to know and to understand yourself and the world of business, to make the right decisions about your career, education and life, and provide the knowledge and skills needed to make future career and life decisions.


The career counseling offered by the Faculty of Science in Zagreb may be suitable for every student, including freshmen, undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate students. The sooner you start making well-thought-out decisions about your future, the readier you will be! That is why we invite everyone to feel free to contact the Career Centre and come and talk to our career counselors!


"I have no idea what I want to do after graduation ..."

"It's hard for me to choose one of several potential career options ..."

"I like a lot of things and I'm not sure which area is the best for me…"

"I don't like any course and no course of study seems appealing to me ..."

"I'm afraid I chose wrong college ..."

"I've always thought I wanted to pursue _________, but now when I've enrolled in that major, I see that's not my cup of tea!"

"My family wants me to be a _______, but I'm not sure if that's what I really want ..."

"I can't find a job, so I'm thinking about continuing my education ..."

"I've always planned to stay in Zagreb, but in order to do what I want to do, I would have to move..."

"I'm completely lost ..."



Your career counselor…

- …will help you to find resources and sources of career information;
- …is someone who you can talk to about your thoughts, ideas and worries about career choices and education, someone to help you organize and understand your thoughts and feelings;
- …will help you to understand who you are and what you want from your education, career and your life;
- …will not tell you what you need to do, what you should study or what you should do;
- …will help you to identify the factors that affect your career development and to discover your interests, abilities and values;
- …will help you to determine the next steps in your career development and to develop a plan to achieve your goals;
- …will help you to take personal responsibility for your career choices;



Students can contact the expert associates of the Career Centre via e-mail address in order to arrange an appointment:

Ružica Branković Klun, univ. spec. Psych., Expert associate of the Career Centre ruzica.brankovic.klun@karijere.pmf.hr
Tereza Oreb, MSW, Expert associate of the Career Centre tereza.oreb@karijere.pmf.hr

Also, students can arrange an appointment in person by coming to the Career Centre.