About employee

Matea Čelar, mag. math.

Title: Assistant
Location: 213/II
Public phone number:5730
E-mail: E-mail
Official web page URL: https://web.math.pmf.unizg.hr/~macelar/
Department: Zavod za topologiju
Graduation year:2019
Employed in this institution since:2020


Wednesdays 1pm-3pm or by appointment

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Computable Type of Certain Quotient Spaces

Čelar, Matea ; Iljazović, Zvonko

Computability of glued manifolds

Čelar, Matea ; Iljazović, Zvonko
Journal of logic and computation

Computability of Products of Chainable Continua

Čelar, Matea ; Iljazović, Zvonko
Theory of computing systems
More information about publications