izv. prof. dr. sc. Nela Bosner
Title: | Associate Professor |
Public phone number: | 01 4605781 |
E-mail: |
Official web page URL: |
Zavod za numeričku matematiku i znanstveno računanje
Graduation year: | 1997 |
mr.sc. graduation year: | 2001 |
PhD graduation year: | 2006 |
Consulting time for the school year 2022/23 in the witer semester is :
- Tuesday 10.00 - 12.00 in ofice 302.
- by appointment - during the exams.
Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)
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List of select publications
- N. Bosner, Parallel Prony's method with multivariate matrix pencil approach and its numerical aspects, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications vol. 42 (2), 2021, pp. 635 - 658.
- N. Bosner, Parallel reduction of four matrices to condensed form for a generalized matrix eigenvalue algorithm, Numerical Algorithms, vol. 86 (1), 2021, pp. 153 - 178.
- N. Bosner, Z. Bujanović, Z. Drmač, Parallel solver for shifted systems in a hybrid CPU-GPU framework, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 40 (4), 2018, pp. C605 - C633.
- N. Bosner, L. Karlsson, Parallel and heterogeneous m-Hessenberg-triangular-triangular reduction, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 39 (1), 2017, pp. C29 - C47.
- N. Bosner, Efficient algorithm for simultaneous reduction to the m-Hessenberg-triangular-triangular form, BIT Numerical Mathematics, vol. 55 (3), 2015, pp. 677 – 703.
- N. Bosner, Balancing three matrices in control theory, Mathematical Communications, vol. 19 (3), 2014, pp. 497 – 516.
- N. Bosner, Z. Bujanović, Z. Drmač, Efficient Generalized Hessenberg Form and Applications, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 39 (3), 2013, pp. 19:1 - 19:19.
- N. Bosner, Z. Drmač, Subspace Gap Residuals for Rayleigh-Ritz Approximations, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 31 (1), 2009, pp. 54 – 67.
- N. Bosner, Increasing efficiency of inverse iteration, Annali dell'Universita di Ferrara, vol 54 (2), 2008, pp. 203 – 216.
- N. Bosner, J. L. Barlow, Block and parallel versions of one-sided bidiagonalization, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, vol. 29 (3), 2007, pp. 927 – 953.
- J. L. Barlow, N. Bosner, Z. Drmač, A new stable bidiagonal reduction algorithm, Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 397, 2005, pp. 35 – 84.
- N. Bosner, Z. Drmač, On accuracy properties of one-sided bidiagonalization algorithm and its applications, u Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Z. Drmač, M. Marušić, Z. Tutek, editori, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005, pp. 141 – 150.
- N. Bosner, Numerical stability of Krylov subspace iterative methods for solving linear systems, u Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Z. Drmač, V. Hari, L. Sopta, Z. Tutek, K. Veselić, editori, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York, 2003, pp. 209 – 217.
- Doctoral thesis : Fast Methods for Large Scale Singular Value Decomposition, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 2006.
- Master thesis : Iterative methods for solving linear systems, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, 2001 (in Croatian)
Professional memberships
Professional interest: numerical linear algebra and scientific computing
- iterative methods for solving linear systems
- numerical analysis
- methods for large scale singular value and eigenvalue problems
- high performance computing (parallel algorithms, GPU)
- solving matrix problems in control theory
- efficient simultaneous factorization of multiple matrices
Member of the Croatian Mathematical Society.
List of select projects
Randomized low rank approximations and applications to parameter dependent problems IP-2019-04-6268
Past employments
- February 1998. - November 2007: junior researcher
- 1998. - 2006.: teaching assistant
- 2006. - 2007.: higher teaching assistant
- November 2007. - today: assistant professor
Hobbies and interests
Memeber of Speleological Section of Mountaineering Society "Željezničar"