About employee

dr. sc. Miroslav Požek, prof.

Location: 215, 010
Public phone number:4605541,4605503
Internal phone number:5541,5503
E-mail: E-mail
Department: Physics Department
Graduation year:1988
PhD graduation year:1992
Employed in this institution since:1998


integrated undergraduate and graduate



Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database

Evaluating PVP coated iron oxide particles for localized magnetic hyperthermia and MRI imaging

Milić, Mirjana M.; Orsini, Nataša Jović; Požek, Miroslav
Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing

Magnetic resonance study of rare-earth titanates

Najev, Ana; Hameed, S.; Alfonsov, A.; Joe, J.; Kataev, V.; Greven, M.; Požek, Miroslav; Pelc, Damjan
Physical review. B

Abstract Book

požek, miroslav

Magnetic resonance study of rare-earth titanates

Najev, Ana ; Hameed, Sajna ; Alfonsov, Alexey ; Joe, Joseph ; Kataev, Vladislav ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav ; Pelc, Damjan

NMR and ESR: interplay between orbital and spin degrees of freedom in rare‐earth titanates

Najev, Ana ; Hameed, Sajna ; Alfonsov, Alexey ; Joe, Joseph ; Kataev, Vladislav ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav ; Pelc, Damjan

Uniaxial stress study of spin and charge stripes in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 by 139La NMR and 63Cu NQR

Jakovac, Ivan; Dioguardi, Adam P.; Grbić, Mihael S.; Gu, Genda G.; Tranquada, John M.; Hicks, Clifford W.; Požek, Miroslav; Grafe, Hans-Joachim
Physical review. B

Uniaxial Strain Control of Bulk Ferromagnetism in Rare-Earth Titanates

Najev, A. ; Hameed, S. ; Gautreau, D. ; Wang, Z. ; Joe, J. ; Požek, M. ; Birol, T. ; Fernandes, R. M. ; Greven, M. ; Pelc, D.
Physical review letters

Effects of in-plane stress on the spin order and dynamics in stoichiometrically doped La1.875Ba0.125CuO4

Jakovac, Ivan ; Dioguardi, Adam Paul ; Grafe, Hans- Joachim ; Gu, Genda ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav

Influence of structural distortions on the magnetic order of rare earth titanates

Najev, Ana ; Hameed, Sajna ; Gautreau, Dominique ; Wang, Zhentao ; Joe, Joseph ; Pozek, Miroslav ; Birol, Turan ; Fernandes, Rafael ; Greven, Martin ; Pelc, Damjan

Reply to “Comment on ‘Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals' ”

Grbić, M. S. ; Požek, M. ; Paar, D. ; Hinkov, V. ; Raichle, M. ; Haug, D. ; Keimer, B. ; Barišić, N. ; Dulčić, A.
Physical review. B

NMR and NQR study of magnetic field induced quantum criticality in strongly correlated systems Ce3Pd20Si6 and m-NO2PhBNO

Jakovac, Ivan ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Paschen, Silke ; Prokofiev, Andrey ; Mitamura, Hiroyuki ; Sakakibara, Toshiro ; Horvatić, Mladen ; Hosokoshi, Yuko ; Požek, Miroslav

NMR study of 89Y and 139La in perovskite Ti oxides

Najev, Ana ; Hameed, Sajna ; Pelc, Damjan ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav

Unusual behavior of cuprates explained by heterogeneous charge localization

Pelc, Damjan ; Popčević, Petar ; Požek, Miroslav ; Greven, Martin ; Barišić, Neven
Science advances

NMR study of 89Y and 139La in perovskite Ti oxides

Najev, Ana ; Hameed, Sajna ; Pelc, Damjan ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav

Emergence of superconductivity in the cuprates via a universal percolation process

Pelc, Damjan ; Vučković, Marija ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Požek, Miroslav ; Yu, Guichuan ; Sasagawa, Takao ; Greven, Martin ; Barišić, Neven
Nature communications

Percolative nature of the direct-current paraconductivity in cuprate superconductors

Popčević, Petar ; Pelc, Damjan ; Tang, Yang ; Velebit, Kristijan ; Anderson, Zachary ; Nagarajan, Vikram ; Yu, Guichuan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Barišić, Neven ; Greven, Martin
npj quantum materials

Percolative superconducting pre-pairing in the cuprates

Pelc, Damjan; Yu, Giuchuan; Vučković, Marija; Popčević, Petar; Grbić, Mihael; Velebit, Kristijan; Li, Yuan; Tang, Yang; Kaneko, Nobu-Hisa; He, Ruihua; Anderson, Zachary; Zhao, X; Sasagawa, Takao; Shekhter, Arkady; Požek, Miroslav; Barišić, Neven; Greven, Martin

Ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles: Magnetic and NMR relaxometric properties

Babić-Stojić, Branka ; Jokanović, Vukoman ; Milivojević, Dušan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Jagličić, Zvonko ; Makovec, Darko ; Jović Orsini, Nataša ; Marković, Mirjana ; Arsikin, Katarina ; Paunović, Verica
Current applied physics

Singlet state formation and its impact on the magnetic structure in the tetramer system SeCuO3

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Šurija, Vinko ; Prša, Krunoslav ; Zaharko, Oksana ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Babkevich, Peter ; Frontzek, Matthias ; Požek, Miroslav ; Berger, Helmuth ; Magrez, Arnaud ; Ronnow, Henrik M. ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Živković, Ivica
Physical review. B

Postoji li kvadrupolna nematska faza u frustriranome spinskom lancu LiCuSbO4? – Pogled NMR-om

Bosiočić, M. ; Bert, F. ; Dutton, S. E. ; Cava, R. J, ; Baker, P. J. ; Požek, M. ; Mendels, P.

Study of the organic Haldane system m-NO2PhBNO

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Yuko, Hosokoshi ; Požek, Miroslav

Ferromagnetism in Carbon Based Materials Probed by NMR

Požek, Miroslav ; Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Freitas, J.C.C. ; Scopel, W.L. ; Paz, W.S. ; Bernardes, L.V. ; Cunha-Filho, F.E. ; Speglich, C. ; Araújo-Moreira, F.M.

Ultrasmall iron oxide nanoparticles for positive contrast MR imaging: structural, colloidal and magnetic properties

Babić-Stojić, Branka ; Jokanović, V. ; Milivojević, D. ; Požek, M ; Jagličić, Z. ; Makovec, D. ; Jović Orsini, N. ; Marković, M. ; Arsikin, K. ; Paunović, V.

Charge stripes, nematicity and disorder in a cuprate superconductor

Pelc, Damjan ; Vučković, Marija ; Grafe, Hans-Joachim ; Bake, Seung-Ho ; Požek, Miroslav

Possible quadrupolar nematic phase in the frustrated spin chain LiCuSbO4: An NMR investigation

Bosiočić, Marko ; Bert, Fabrice ; Dutton, Siân E. ; Cava, Robert J, ; Baker, Peter J. ; Požek, Miroslav ; Mendels, Philippe
Physical review. B

Cu nuclear magnetic resonance study of charge and spin stripe order in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4

Pelc, Damjan ; Grafe, Hans-Joachim ; Gu, Genda D. ; Požek, Miroslav
Physical review. B

NMR studies of intrinsic fields in ferromagnetic carbon

Požek, Miroslav ; Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Freitas, J.C.C. ; Scopel, W.L. ; Paz, W.S. ; Bernardes, L.V. ; Cunha-Filho, F.E. ; Speglich, C. ; Araújo-Moreira, F.M.

NMR spektri i relaksacije LSCO-0.06 kristala – fazna separacija ispod 50 K

Vučković, Marija ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav

Cu-NMR/NQR study of quasi-0D spin S = ½ tetramer SeCuO3: ordered phase and spin excitations

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Berger, Helmuth ; Požek, Miroslav

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of SeCuO3

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Berger, Helmuth ; Požek, Miroslav

Unconventional charge order in a co-doped high-Tc superconductor

Pelc, Damjan ; Vučković, Marija ; Grafe, Hans-Joachim ; Baek, Seung-Ho ; Požek, Miroslav
Nature communications

Gd2O3 nanoparticles stabilized by hydrothermally modified dextrose for positive contrast magnetic resonance imaging

Babić-Stojić, Branka ; Jokanović, Vukoman ; Milivojević, Dušan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Jagličić, Zvonko ; Makovec, Darko ; Arsikin, Katarina ; Paunović, Verica
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials

Fermi Arc Evolution and Doping Mechanism in High-Temperature Superconductors

Sunko, Denis ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Despoja, Vito ; Lazić, Predrag

Effects of Sr and Zn doping on the metallicity and superconductivity of LSCO and YBCO

Lazić, Predrag ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Despoja, Vito ; Sunko, Denis
Journal of superconductivity and novel magnetism

Pojava radiofrekventnog drugog harmonika u vodljivosti na Tc u kupratima

Došlić, Marija ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek Miroslav

Mechanism of metallization and superconductivity suppression in YBa2Cu2.97Zn0.03O6.92 revealed by 67Zn NQR

Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Despoja, Vito ; Sunko, Denis
New journal of physics

Determination of the hyperfine magnetic field in magnetic carbonbased materials: DFT calculations and NMR experiments

Freitas, Jair C. C. ; Scopel, Wanderla L. ; Paz, Wendel S. ; Bernardes, Leandro V. ; Cunha-Filho, Francisco E. ; Speglich, Carlos ; Araújo-Moreira, Fernando M. ; Pelc, Damjan ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Požek, Miroslav
Scientific reports

O-17-NMR Knight shift study of the interplay between superconductivity and pseudogap in (CaxLa1-x)(Ba1.75- xLa0.25+x)Cu3Oy

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Amit, Eran ; Keren, Amit
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Contactless measurement of nonlinear conductivity in the radio-frequency range

Došlić, Marija ; Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav
Review of scientific instruments

Charge stripe melting in cuprates: an experimental study

Pelc, Damjan ; Došlić, Marija ; Grafe, Hans-Joachim ; Požek, Miroslav

NMR relaxometric properties and cytotoxicity of Gd2O3 nanoparticle suspensions in an organic liquid

Babić-Stojić, Branka ; Jokanović, Vukoman ; Milivojević, Dušan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Jagličić, Zvonko ; Makovec, Darko ; Arsikine, Katarina ; Trajković, Vladimir
Journal of nanoparticle research

Solid-State NMR/NQR and First-Principles Study of Two Niobium Halide Cluster Compounds

Perić, Berislav ; Gautier, Régis ; Pickard, Chris J. ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Požek, Miroslav
Solid state nuclear magnetic resonance

Role of Microscopic Phase Separation in Gelation of Aqueous Gelatin Solutions

Pelc, Damjan ; Marion, Sanjin ; Požek, Miroslav ; Basletić, Mario
Soft matter

NMR/µSR investigation of frustrated J1-J2 chain LiCuSbO4

Bosiočić, Marko ; Bert, Fabrice ; Quilliam, Jeffrey ; Dutton Sian E. ; Cava, Robert J. ; Požek, Miroslav, Mendels, Philippe

17O NMR Study of High-Tc Cuprate (CaLa)(BaLa)CuO

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Požek, Miroslav ; Keren, Amit ; Amit, Eran

Dynamic correlations in ionic conductor Cu2HgI4 probed by NMR

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek, Miroslav

Istraživanje J1−J2 frustriranog lanca LiCuSbO4 tehnikama nuklearne magnetske rezonancije(NMR)i mionske spinske rotacije(μSR)

Bosiočić, Marko ; Bert, Fabrice ; Quilliam, Jeffrey ; Dutton, Sian E. ; Cava, Robert J. ; Požek, Miroslav ; Mendels, Philippe

Mikrovalnaž fluktuacijska vodljivost u supravodiču LaSrCuO

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Peligrad, D.-N. ; Požek, Miroslav ; Sasagawa, T. ; Greven, M. ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije ;

Istraživanje nabojnih uređenja u monokristalima kupratih supravodiča

Pelc, Damjan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Cvitanić, Tonči ;

NMR i NQR istraživanje pseudoprocjepa u visokotemperaturnom supravodiču CaLaBaLaCuO

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Požek, Miroslav ; Pelc, Damjan ; Keren, Amit ; Amit, Eran

Mesoscopic Dynamics and the Mechanism of Gelatin Sol-gel Transition

Pelc, Damjan ; Marion, Sanjin ; Požek, Miroslav ; Basletić, Mario

Static solid-state NMR investigations of two niobium halide cluster compounds

Perić, Berislav ; Planinić, Pavica ; Požek, Miroslav ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Gauter Régis

Cooperative Mercury Motion in the Ionic Conductor Cu2HgI4

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek, Miroslav

Low frequency response of superconducting fluctuations in La2-xSrxCuO4

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Peligrad, Dragos ; Požek, Miroslav ; Sasagawa, Takao ; Greven, Martin ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije

Cooperative mercury motion in the ionic conductor Cu2HgI4

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek, Miroslav
Physical review letters

Istraživanje heksanuklearnih metalnih klastera širokopojasnim NMR-om i NQR-om

Požek, Miroslav ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Pandey, Brajesh ; Perić, Berislav ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Planinić, Pavica ; Gautier, Regis

Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Hinkov, Vladimir ; Raichle, Markus ; Haug, Daniel ; Keimer, Bernd ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Static solid state NMR and NQR investigation of niobium halide clusters

Požek, Miroslav ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Perić, Berislav ; Grbić, Mihael ; Planinić, Pavica ; Gautier Régis

Magnetic interactions in hexanuclear cluster compounds of niobium and tantalum

Perić, Berislav ; Planinić, Pavica ; Cordier, Stéphane ; Gautier, Régis ; Požek, Miroslav ; Bosiočić, Marko

Static ssNMR and NQR investigation of hexanuclear metallic clusters

Bosiočić, Marko ; Perić, Berislav ; Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael ; Planinić, Pavica ; Gautier Régis

Mesoscale organization in the gelation of gelatin

Pelc, Damjan ; Marion, Sanjin ; Šijaković-Vujićić, Nataša ; Petrović, Saša ; Basletić, Mario ; Požek, Miroslav

Static solid state NMR investigation of niobium cluster [Nb6Br12(H2O)6][HgBr4]•12H2O

Požek, Miroslav ; Perić, Berislav ; Planinić, Pavica ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Gautier Régis

Investigation of glassy and crystal ethanol by broadband nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Sudić, Ivan ; (mentor: Požek, Miroslav)

Anomalous diffusion in gelatin gelation

Pelc, Damjan ; Požek, Miroslav

Phase transition and conduction mechanism in the ionic conductor Cu2HgI4

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek, Miroslav

Solid state NMR investigation of two niobium clusters: [Nb6Br12(H2O)6][HgBr4]•12H2O and Nb6Cl12(H2O)4(OH)2]•4H2O

Perić, Berislav ; Planinić, Pavica ; Požek, Miroslav ; Bosiočić, Marko ; Gautier Régis

Phase transition and conductivity mechanism in the ionic conductor Cu2HgI4

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek Miroslav

Cooperative motion of mercury ions in ionic conductor Cu2HgI4

Pelc, Damjan ; Marković, Igor ; Požek, Miroslav

Molekulske dinamike i relaksacije u kristalnom i staklastom etanolu

Sudić, Ivan ; Cvitanić, Tonči ; Požek, Miroslav ; Ilakovac-Kveder, Marina

Study of glassy and crystal ethanol by broadband nuclear magnetic resonance

Cvitanić, Tonči ; Sudić, Ivan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Kveder, Marina

Doseg supravodljivih fluktuacija iznad kritične temperature Tc u monokristalima YBa2Cu3O7‐delta

Grbić, Mihael S. ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Hinkov, V. ; Raichle, M. ; Haug, D. ; Keimer, B. ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije

Distinctive Behavior of Superconducting Fluctuations and Pseudogap in Nearly Optimally Doped Single Crystal of HgBa2CuO4+delta

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Li, Yuan ; Zhao, Xudong ; Yu, Guichuan ; Dressel, Martin ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav
Physica. C, Superconductivity

New Experimental Facility for Broadband Solid State NMR and NQR in Zagreb, Croatia

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Barišić, Slaven ; Sunko, Denis ; Buljan, Hrvoje ; Kupčić, Ivan

Superconducting Fluctuations Probed by Microwave Absorption Technique

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije

Sensitivity of Microwave Measurements of Semitransparent Superconducting Samples

Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Barišić, Neven ; Li, Yuan ; Greven, Martin

Superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap in HgBa2CuO4+delta single crystals

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Barišić, Neven ; Požek, Miroslav ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Li, Yuan ; Zhao, Xudong ; Dressel, Martin ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Greven, Martin

Anisotropy of critical fields in HgBa2CuO4+delta

Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Barišić, Neven ; Li, Yuan ; Zhao, Xudong ; Dressel, Martin ; Greven, Martin

Microwave measurements of the in-plane and c-axis conductivity in HgBa$_2$CuO$_{; ; 4+\delta}; ; $: Discriminating between superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap effects

Grbić, Mihael S. ; Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Li, Yuan ; Zhao, Xudong ; Yu, G. ; Dressel, Martin ; Greven, Martin ; Požek, Miroslav
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Anisotropy and Dimensional Nature of Superconductivity in HgBa2CuO4+δ

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Barišić, Neven ; Li, Yuan ; Zhao, Xudong ; Dressel, Martin ; Greven, Martin

Upper critical field, penetration depth, and depinning frequency of the high-temperature superconductor LaFeAsO_0.9F_0.1 studied by microwave surface impedance

Narduzzo, A. ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Kondrat, A. ; Hess, C. ; Hellmann, I. ; Klingeler, R. ; Werner, J. ; Köhler, A. ; Behr, G. ; Büchner, B.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Microwave and magnetotransport properties of RuSr2RCu2O8 (R = Eu, Gd) doped with Sn

Požek, Miroslav ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Hamzić, Amir ; Paar, Dalibor ; Basletić, Mario ; Tafra, Emil ; Williams, Grant V. M.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Kolosalni magnetootpor čak i u supravodljivim rutenat-kupratima

Požek, Miroslav ; Kupčić, Ivan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Hamzić, Amir ; Paar, Dalibor ; Basletić, Mario ; Tafra, Emil ; Williams, Grant V.M.

Microwave study of magnetic field penetration parallel to thin niobium films

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Wagner, Thomas

Microwave investigations of thin niobium films

Grbić, Mihael S. ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Wagner, Thomas

Microwave study of magnetic field penetration parallel to thin niobium films

Grbić, Mihael S. ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Wagner, Thomas
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Mixed state conductivity of thin niobium films in perpendicular magnetic fields

Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Wagner, Thomas
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Magnetotransport of lanthanum doped RuSr_2GdCu_2O_8 - the role of gadolinium

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Hamzić, Amir ; Basletić, Mario ; Tafra, Emil ; Williams, Grant V. M. ; Krämer, Steffen
European physical journal B : condensed matter physics

Depolarization crossovers in the microwave response of silicon crystals in slab geometry

Babić, Bakir ; Basletić, Mario ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav
Fizika A

Microwave response of thin niobium films under perpendicular static magnetic fields

Janjušević, Dragan ; Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Nebendahl, Bernd ; Wagner, Thomas
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Mixed state conductivity of thin niobium films in perpendicular magnetic fields

Požek, Miroslav ; Grbić, Mihael S. ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Nebendahl, Bernd ; Wagner, Thomas

Microwave study of magnetic field penetration parallel to thin niobium films

Grbić, Mihael Srđan ; Požek, Miroslav ; Janjušević, Dragan ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Wagner, Thomas

Ovisnost supravodljivih parametara o debljini filma niobija (Nb)

Grbić, Mihael (mentor: Požek, Miroslav)

Microwave study of the coherence lengths in superconductors

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor

Anisotropy in MgB2 thin film studied by magnetic field dependent complex microwave conductivity

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Choi, E.-M. ; Kim, H.-J. ; Kang, W.N. ; Lee, S.-I.
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Analiza gornjeg kritičnog polja u optimalno dopiranim i poddopiranim monokristalima YBCO

Paar, Dalibor ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav

Anisotropy in MgB2 thin film studied by magnetic field dependent complex microwave conductivity

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Choi, E. M. ; Kim, H.-J. ; Kang, W. N ; Lee, S.-I. ;

Coherence lengths and anisotropy in MgB2 superconductor

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Choi, E.-M. ; Kim, H.-J. ; Kang, W. N. ; Lee, S.-I.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Upper critical fields and depinning frequency in MgB2

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor ; Choi, E.M. ; Kim, H.J. ; Kang, W.N. ; Lee, S.I.

Magnetization and Microwave Study of Superconducting MgB2

Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Požek, Miroslav ; Williams, Grant V. M. ; Krämer, Steffen
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Decoupled CuO2 and RuO2 layers in superconducting and magnetically ordered RuSr2GdCu2O8

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Hamzić, Amir ; Basletić, Mario ; Tafra, Emil ; Williams, G. V. M. ; Krämer, S.
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

A Transport and Microwave Study of Superconducting and Magnetic RuSr_2EuCu_2O_8

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Paar, Dalibor ; Williams, Grant ; Krämer, Steffen
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

General solution for the complex frequency shift in microwave measurements of thin films

Peligrad, D.-N. ; Nebendahl, B. ; Mehring, M. ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Koegzistencija supravodljivosti i magnetizma u rutenokupratima

Paar, Dalibor ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Hamzić, Amir ; Basletić, Mario ; Tafra, Emil

An AC method for the precise measurement of Q-factor and resonance frequency of a microwave cavity

Nebendahl, Bernd ; Peligrad, Dragos ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Mehring, Michael
Review of scientific instruments

Microwave conductivity of thin YBCO film in magnetic field

Barišić, Neven ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor
Fizika A

Mikrovalna istraživanja visokotemperaturnog supravodiča YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-delta)

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor

Fizički praktikum I i II

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije

Cavity perturbation by superconducting films in microwave magnetic and electric fields

Peligrad, D.N. ; Nebendahl, B. ; Kessler, C. ; Mehring, M. ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paar, Dalibor
Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics

Critical Fields in High Tc Superconductors

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav
Europhysics news

Local field distribution of the vortex lattice near the surface of type-II superconductors - magnetic resonance lineshapes

Požek, Miroslav ; Habermeier, H. U. ; Maier, Andreas ; Mehring, Michael
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Microwave Study of the Mixed State and Superconducting Fluctuations in YBa2Cu3O7 Single Crystals

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav ; Ukrainczyk, Igor

Microwave Absorption in High-Tc Superconductors at High Magnetic Fields

Požek, Miroslav ; Ukrainczyk, Igor ; Dulčić, Antonije
Applied magnetic resonance

Determination of the field distribution of the vortex lattice in YBCO thin films by pulsed ESR on surface spin labels

Požek, Miroslav ; Habermeier, H.-U. ; Grupp, A. ; Mehring, M.
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Superconducting Mixed-Metal Oxide Compounds of the Type Sr_2Ln_(1.5)Ce_(0.5)MCu_2O_(10-delta), Ln = Sm, Eu ; M = Nb, Ta

Brničević, Nevenka ; Bašić, Ivan ; Planinić, Pavica ; Paljević, Matija ; Požek, Miroslav ; Rakvin, Boris ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Desnica, Uroš ; Desnica, Dunja ; Reissner, M. ; Steiner, W. ; Forsthuber, M. ; Hilscher, G. ; Kirchmayr, H.

Microwave surface impedence in the mixed state of type-II superconductors

Dulčić, Antonije ; Požek, Miroslav
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Comparison of direct and modulated microwave magnetoresistance in ceramic and single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-delta

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Dynamic measurements of flux creep and flow in YBa2Cu3O7−δ single crystals

Požek, Miroslav ; Ukrainczyk, Igor ; Rakvin, Boris ; Dulčić, Antonije
Europhysics letters

Supravodljivost u sustavima Y_(1-x)Gd_xBa_2Cu_3O_(7-delta) i YBa_2Cu_(3-x)Gd_xO_(7-delta)

Žerjav, Vesna ; Planinić, Pavica ; Brničević, Nevenka ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Forsthuber, M. ; Hilscher, G. ; Kirchmayr, H.

Stabilization of orthorhombic Ba2YCu3O7-delta phase by the 5a group transition metal elements,

Brničević, Nevenka ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Planinić, Pavica ; Popović, Stanko ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Leising, G. ; Aichholzer, K. D. ; Schweiger, E. ; Wippel, V.
Journal of alloys and compounds

Magnetic flux inhomogeneity in ceramic YBa2Cu3O7-delta superconductors studied by EPR

Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije
Physica. C, Superconductivity

EPR of a Paramagnetic Probe on the Surface of YBa_2Cu_3O_(7-delta)

Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije

Model for Field-Dependent Microwave Absorption in Granular High-Tc Superconductors

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris

Field-modulated microwave absorption in granular superconductors: First and second harmonic signals

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris
Physica. C, Superconductivity

Y_(1-x)Gd_xBa_2Cu_3O_(7-delta) and YBa_2Cu_(3-x)Gd_xO_(7-delta) : Similarities and Differences

Brničević, Nevenka ; Planinić, Pavica ; Žerjav, Vesna ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Forsthuber, M. ; Hilscher, G. ; Kirchmayr, H.

Investigation of Oxide Superconductor Ca2BiSrCu2Ox

Đurek, Danijel ; Medunić, Zvonko ; Manojlović, V. ; Prester, Mladen ; Babić, Emil ; Zadro, Krešo ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav
Modern physics letters B

Effects of alternating magnetic fields on the microwave absorption in ceramic high-Tc superconductors

Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris
Solid state communications

Utjecaj olova na stabiliziranje visokotemperaturno-supravodljive faze u sustavima Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O

Veselić, Juraj ; Planinić, Pavica ; Ćurić, Manda ; Požek, Miroslav ; Turković, Aleksandra ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Brničević, Nevenka ; Abt, R. ; Schweiger, E., Wippel, V. ; Leising, G. ; Stadlober, B. ; Knoll, P.

Mechanisms of Field-Dependent Microwave Absorption in High-Tc Ceramic Superconductors

Dulčić, Antonije ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav
Europhysics letters

High-Temperature Superconducting Oxides: Their Thermal Treatment, Structural, Spectroscopic and Transport Properties

Brničević, Nevenka ; Paljević, Matija ; Ćurić, Manda ; Ružić-Toroš, Živa ; Tonković, Maja ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Planinić, Pavica ; Rakvin, Boris ; Trojko, Rudolf ; Požek, Miroslav ; Prester, Mladen ; Babić, Emil

High-Tc Phase Stabilization in Bi-Ca-Sr-Cu-O Systems by Lead Doping

Brničević, Nevenka ; Planinić, Pavica ; Veselić, J. ; Ćurić, Manda ; Požek, Miroslav ; Turković, Aleksandra ; Abt, E. ; Schweiger, E. ; Wippel, V. ; Leising, G. ; Stadlober, S. ; Knoll, P.
Journal of alloys and compounds

Magnetic field modulation dependence of zero field microwave response in the high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O6.93

Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Paljević, Matija ; Brničević, Nevenka
Solid state communications

EPR detection of the flux distribution in ceramic high-Tc superconductors

Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Dulčić, Antonije
Solid state communications

Fizikalna svojstva supravodljivog sustava Ba_2YCu_(3-x)M_xO_(7-delta) (M = V, Nb, Ta)

Toman, Željka ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Ćurić, Manda ; Planinić, Pavica ; Popović, Stanko ; Požek, Miroslav ; Turković, Aleksandra ; Brničević, Nevenka

Priprava, strukturna, spektroskopska i transportna svojstva visokotemperaturno-supravodljivih oksida

Brničević, Nevenka ; Paljević, Matija ; Prester, Mladen ; Tonković, Maja ; Ćurić, Manda ; Ružić-Toroš, Živa ; Tušek-Božić, Ljerka ; Bronzan-Planinić, Pavica ; Rakvin, Boris ; Požek, Miroslav ; Trojko, Rudolf ; Babić, Emil ; Stubičar, Mirko ; Cooper, John
More information about publications

List of select publications

University textbooks (approved by the Senate of the University of Zagreb):

  • A. Dulčić, M. Milin, N. Poljak & M. Požek, Elektromagnetizam, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2024. (u tisku)
  • A. Dulčić, N. Poljak & M. Požek, Mehanika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 2023. ISBN 978-953-0-31694-2
  • M. Požek & A. Dulčić: Fizički praktikum I i II, Sunnypress, Zagreb, 1999. ISBN 953-97851-1-1

Selected scientific papers:

  • I. Jakovac, A. P. Dioguardi, M. S. Grbić, G. D. Gu, J. M. Tranquada, C. W. Hicks, M. Pozek, H. J. Grafe, Uniaxial stress study of spin and charge stripes in La1.875Ba0.125CuO4 by 139La NMR and 63Cu NQR, Phys. Rev. B 108, 205113 (2023)
  • A. Najev, S. Hameed, D. Gautreau, Z. Wang, J. Joe, M. Požek, T. Birol, R. M. Fernandes, M. Greven, D. Pelc, Uniaxial Strain Control of Bulk Ferromagnetism in Rare-Earth Titanates, Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 167201 (2022)
  • D. Pelc, P. Popčević, M. Požek, M. Greven, N. Barišić, Unusual behavior of cuprates explained by heterogeneous charge localization, Science advances 5, eaau4538 (2019)
  • D. Pelc, M. Vučković, M. S. Grbić, M. Požek, G. Yu, T. Sasagawa, M. Greven, N. Barišić, Emergence of superconductivity in the cuprates via a universal percolation process, Nature Commun. 9, 4327 (2018)
  • P. Popčević, D. Pelc, Y. Tang, K. Velebit, Z. Anderson, V. Nagarajan, G. Yu, M. Požek, N. Barišić, M. Greven, Percolative nature of the direct-current paraconductivity in cuprate superconductors, npj Quantum Materials 3, 42 (2018)
  • M. Bosiočić, F. Bert, S. E. Dutton, R. J. Cava, P. J. Baker, M. Požek, P. Mendels,  Possible quadrupolar nematic phase in the frustrated spin chain LiCuSbO4: An NMR investigation, Phys. Rev. B 96, 224424 (2017)
  • D. Pelc, M. Vučković, H.-J. Grafe, S.-H. Baek, M. Požek, Unconventional charge order in a co-doped high-Tc superconductor, Nature Commun. 7, 12775 (2016)
  • J. C. C. Freitas, W. L. Scopel, W. S. Paz, L. V. Bernardes, F. E. Cunha-Filho, C. Speglich, F. M. Araújo-Moreira, D. Pelc, T. Cvitanić, M. Požek, Determination of the hyperfine magnetic field in magnetic carbon based materials: DFT calculations and NMR experiments, Sci. Rep. 5, 14761 (2015)
  • D. Pelc, M. Požek, V. Despoja, D. Sunko, Mechanism of metallization and superconductivity suppression in YBa2Cu2.97Zn0.03O6.92 revealed by 67Zn NQR, New J. Phys. 17, 083033 (2015)
  • M. S. Grbić, M. Požek, D. Paar, V. Hinkov, M. Raichle, D. Haug, B. Keimer, N. Barišić, A. Dulčić, Temperature range of superconducting fluctuations above Tc in YBa2Cu3O7-d single crystals, Phys.Rev. B 83,  144508 (2011)
  • M. S. Grbić, N. Barišić, A. Dulčić, I. Kupčić, Y. Li, X. Zhao, G. Yu, M. Dressel, M. Greven, M. Požek, Microwave measurements of the in-plane and c-axis conductivity in HgBa2CuO4+d: Discriminating between superconducting fluctuations and pseudogap effects, Phys.Rev. B 80,  094511 (2009)
  • D. Janjušević, M. S. Grbić, M. Požek, A. Dulčić, D. Paar, B. Nebendahl, T. Wagner, Microwave response of thin niobium films in the perpendicular static magnetic fields, Phys. Rev. B 74, 104501 (2006)
  • A. Dulčić, D. Paar, M. Požek, G. V. M. Williams and S. Krämer, Magnetization and Microwave Study of Superconducting MgB2, Phys. Rev. B 66, 014505 (2002).
  • M. Požek, A. Dulčić, D. Paar, A. Hamzić, M. Basletić, E. Tafra, G. V. M. Williams and S. Krämer, Decoupled CuO2 and RuO2 layers in superconducting and magnetically ordered RuSr2GdCu2O8, Phys. Rev. B 65, 174514 (2002).
  • B. Nebendahl, D.-N. Peligrad, M. Požek, A. Dulčić, M. Mehring, An AC Method for the precise measurement of Q-factor and resonance frequency of a microwave cavity, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 72, 1876-1881 (2001).
  • D.-N. Peligrad, B. Nebendahl, C. Kessler, M. Mehring, A. Dulčić, M. Požek and D. Paar, Cavity perturbation by superconducting films in microwave magnetic and electric fields, Phys. Rev. B 58, 11652-11671 (1998).
  • M. Požek, A. Dulčić and B. Rakvin, Comparison of direct and modulated microwave magnetoresistance in ceramic and single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-d, Physica C 197, 175-182 (1992).
  • M. Požek, I. Ukrainczyk, B. Rakvin and A. Dulčić, Dynamic Measurements of Flux Creep and Flow in YBa2Cu3O7-delta Single Crystals, Europhys. Lett. 16, 683 (1991).
  • B. Rakvin, M. Požek and A. Dulčić, EPR Detection of the Flux Distribution in Ceramic High-Tc Superconductors, Solid State Commun. 72, 199-201 (1989).
  • A. Dulčić, B. Rakvin and M. Požek, Mechanisms of Field-Dependent Microwave Absorption in High-Tc Ceramic Superconductors, Europhys. Lett. 10, 593-598 (1989).

List of select projects

Principal investigator:

  • 2020.-2024. “Interplay of structure, spin, and orbital order in perovskite cuprates and titanates”, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, #1022249-HRV-IP
  • 2018.-2023. „Microscopic investigations of induced phases in strongly correlated electronic systems“, Croatian Science Foundation, IP-2018-01-2970
  • 2014.-2018. “Local Probe and Mesoscopic Dynamics of Strongly Correlated Electron Systems”, Croatian Science Foundation, IP-11-2013-2729
  • 2009.-2012. “„Strengthening the SOLid state research capacities in Zagreb by the introduction of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance method – SOLeNeMaR“, Europska komisija, FP7 #229390
  • 2007.-2012. “Mikrovalna istraživanja novih materijala”, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports


  • 2015-2017: UKF project „Quantum Critical Matter in Strongly Correlated Electronic Systems“, PI asoc.prof. dr. Mihael S. Grbić
  • 2005.: FP6 projekt #516938 WYP2005 EUROPE – nositelj dvaju radnih paketa
  • 1996.-98.: projekt "Mikrowelleneigenschaften von Supraleitern in hohen Magnetfeldern", Volkswagen-Stiftung, PIs: Prof. Dr. Michael Mehring & Prof. Dr. Antonije Dulčić