Course objectives: To introduce and overview: the principles of taxonomic classification, cell structure, anatomy and morphology of heterotrophic and autotrophic protists forms, principles of reproduction and developmental cycle as well as their distribution and importance in ecosystems and human life.
Enrolment requirements and required entry competences for the course: basic knowledge of biology ecology and other contents of nature.
Learning outcomes:
at the level of the study programme to which the course contributes: The learning outcomes, competencies, knowledge and skills that students acquire by completion of the degree program after completing undergraduate and graduate studies are manifested in: 1 motivation for expanding knowledge and developing self esteem and confidence in their abilities, 2 stimulation to persevere the desire for learning and knowledge transfer, 3 are aimed at encouraging assessment, clear communication, systems thinking, analytical and critical approach to problem oriented tasks, (iii) developing readiness for cooperation and negotiation skills and students are able to approach the subject of their study and use it in its wider context, 4 use a highly specialized theoretical and practical knowledge which provides the basis for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, 5 the expression of independence and a high level of understanding of the learning process, solving problems involving complex sources of knowledge and argumentative response to the social, scientific and ethical issues encountered in the work.
at the level of the course: Active preparation and participation in the program, students will acquire a foundation for studying ecological processes in nature experimental work. They will master the basics of protists anatomy and morphology that is a prerequisite for other courses (botany, zoology, ecology) at higher years of study. Students will develop the ability to recognize and determine the most common protists species, they will understand protists role in the living world, and will, through practical and field work gain knowledge on how to devise a practical approach to research. Students will be able to apply: 1 knowledge about the basic autotrophic and heterotrophic organisms in nature, their evolution and adaptation to different environmental conditions, 2 the definition, classification and development concepts, 3 adopted in field and laboratory methods 4 the understanding of environmental effects on primitive organisms and humans, 5 the theoretical and practical bases for developing effective learning strategies, and 6 adopted the principle of giving feedback in the process of learning the practical application of acquired skills. Upon completion of the course, students will develop analytical abilities and critical thinking and utilization of information will increase communication skills, ability to develop mutual respect and acceptance of diversity.
Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus)
R. Matoničkin Kepčija
1st lecture (2 hours) Position of Protists in the distribution of wildlife. Cellular organization of Protista.
2nd lecture (2 hours) Comparative morphology and physiology of heterotrophic protists (protozoa).
3rd lecture (2 hours) Morphogenesis and proliferation, the development cycle, evolution and distribution of Protozoa. The principles of taxonomic classification.
4th lecture (2 hours) Lumber, a way of life and diversity flagelate and ameboid protozoa.
5th lecture (2 hours) Apicomplexa, and Ciliophora.
6th lecture (2 hours) A brief overview of the pramonera development to the heterotrophic and autotrophic cells. The spectrum of the basic pigments. Types of reproduction. Regular haplonts, regular diplonts, exchange of generations. The use and importance of autotrophic and heterotrophic forms in everydays life, the application in ecological research.
7th to 9th lecture Eucariota Archaeplastida: Glaucophyta, Rhodophyceae, Chloroplastida (6 hours), General and evolutionary characteristics of groups: the role, reproduction, distribution, systematics, life forms, the transition from water to land, the development of multicellular forms, practical application and significance.
10th to 12th lecture Eucariota Chromalveolata: Cryptophyceae, Haptophyta, Stramenopiles (6 hours) General characteristics of the groups, reproduction, distribution, systematics, practical application and significance
13th to 14th lecture Eucariota Excavata: Alveolata, Euglenozoa (4 hours) General characteristics of the group, reproduction, distribution, systematics, practical application and significance
15th lecture (2 hours) General and evolutionary characteristics of groups: the role, reproduction, distribution, systematics, life forms, the transition from water to land, the development of multicellular forms, practical application and significance, the practice and importance of Protista in the ecosystem (plankton, benthos, sea, inland waters), the relationship to the group Monera (Cyanobacteria and Prochloroxibacteria) and Mycota (Ascomycota, Basidiomycota and fungi in symbiosis).
Exercises (3 hours/week) regularly complement the content of lessons. Students through practical work and individual tasks acquire the practical knowledge, applications, and the importance of Protists in nature
Seminars (1 hour/week) on the base of scientific journals and online sources students processed the independent work
Type of instruction: lectures, seminars and workshops, exercises, independent study, multimedia and the internet, work with the mentor
Student responsibilities: Students are required to regularly attend all forms of teaching. Students may be absent only once from the exercises during the entire course without compensation. After successfully passed exercises student is required to submit a notebook to the assistant. In case of corrections according to assistant suggestions, student necessarily must revise it. Assistant signature in the students notebook confirms the correctness of the text and graphics or images parts. The exercises and seminars are an integral part of the course, and without them it is not possible to make the final score. During the course a student by prearranged and declared deadlines are obligate to write two colloquia and for their transience is necessary to achieve not less than 60%. The results of each colloquium will be declared (web, bulletin boards) within 24 hours and there is no possibility to repeat any of colloquia if student achieve less than 60%. Results of colloquia determine the success of the students pass. In the case, that student is not satisfied with his success (achieved through colloquia) or did not pass one of the colloquia he is obligate to register the exam according to schedule (exam includes the whole course materials). If student failed in the above reenroll the course.
Grading and evaluation of student work over the course of instruction and at a final exam: Active participation in lectures 3%, Independence and creativity in practical training 12%, Tests (colloquia) 43%, Seminar essay 28%, Oral exam 14%.
Methods of monitoring quality that ensures acquisition of exit competences: Student evaluation of teaching and teachers, internal and external evaluation of the expert committees, Self evaluation of teachers, statistical analysis of passing the exam, survey of graduates.
- Habdija, I., Primc Habdija, B., Radanović, I., Vidaković, J., Kučinić, M., Špoljar, M., Matoničkin, R., Miliša, M., 2004: Protista-Protozoa i Metazoa-Invertebrata. Funkcionalna građa i praktikum.- Meridijani, Samobor.
- Lee, R.E., 1999: Phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
- Margulis, L., Schwartz, K.V., 1999: Five kingdoms. An illustrated guide to the phyla of life on Earth. W.H.Freeman and Comp., New York
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- Habdija, I., Primc Habdija, B., Radanović, I., Špoljar, M., Matoničkin Kepčija, R., Vujčić Karlo, S., Miliša, M. Ostojić, A., Sertić Perić, M. (2011): Protista-Protozoa i Metazoa-Invertebrata. Strukture i funkcije.- Alfa d.d., Zagreb, 584 str.
- Hausmann, K., Huelsmann, N., Radek, R., 2003: Protistology. E. Schwezerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Berlin.
- Hoek, van den C., Mann, D.G., Jahns, H.M., 1995: Algae. An introduction to phycology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
- John, D.M., Whitton, B:A., Brook, A.J., 2002: The freshwater algal flora of the British isles. Natural History Museum. Cambridge University.
- Viličić, D., 2002: Fitoplankton Jadranskog mora. Biologija i taksonomija. Školska knjiga , Zagreb
- Znanstveni časopisi i internetske stranice.