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Field Course

Code: 92841
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Buj
prof. dr. sc. Sven Jelaska
Lecturers: Nikola Renić , mag. educ. biol. et chem. - Field exercises
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Field exercises 120
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
1. Capability of vegetation field sampling.
2. Capability of making an releve (phytosociological sample).
3. Measurement of abiotic factors (light, pH, salinity, temperature).
4. Understanding of gradient in ecology.
5. Estimation of CSR strategy in plants.
6. Measuring productivity of ecosystem.
7. Multivariate data analyses.
1. Capability of vegetation field sampling.
2. Capability of making an releve (phytosociological sample).
3. Measurement of abiotic factors (light, pH, salinity, temperature).
4. Understanding of gradient in ecology.
5. Estimation of CSR strategy in plants.
6. Measuring productivity of ecosystem.
7. Multivariate data analyses.


1. Learn the methods for assessing population size.
2. Recognise the vertebrate fauna of Gorski Kotar and understand how to obtain models of their population structures. Learn about the vertebrate fauna of the forests.
3. Learn to develop a research program for vertebrate populations.
4. Use telemetry for monitoring animals.
5. Calculate the diversity index based on independently collected data.

Students will attain fundamental knowledge on how to assess vertebrate population size. Obtaining population parameters and modelling population growth. Knowledge will be attained through the examples:
1. methods of assessing population size, ecological parameters such as growth, mortality, age structure, fecundity, fertility, sex ratio, density dependent growth,
2. methods for sampling amphibians and reptiles
3. methods for assessing population size using line transects and point transects for birds
4. methods to assess mammal population size, and monitoring bats
5. methods to research the populations of owl Strix uralensis by monitoring owl houses (model and population parameters)
6. Model to assess population size using the program RAMAS GIS and Krebs population ecology.
7. Basic principles of monitoring mammals using telemetry
8. Wild game species in Gorski Kotar
9. Applied determination keys for vertebrates
10. Vocal determination of birds (Cramp)
2. semester
Mandatory course - Regular module - Terrestrial Ecosystems
Consultations schedule: