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About employee

prof. dr. sc. Branko Grisogono

Title: Full Professor
Location: 317
Public phone number:+385 1 460 5927
Internal phone number:5927
E-mail: E-mail
Personal web page:
Official web page URL:|Grisogono,%20Branko%20%2818996%29|text|profile
Department: Department of Geophysics
Graduation year:1983 graduation year:1987
PhD graduation year:1992
Employed in this institution since:2003






Individual agreement.


Full (tenure) professor at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, where he graduated and obtained his master's degree in 1983 and 1987; received his PhD in physics in 1992 from the Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, USA; first postdoc in the USA, second in Uppsala, Sweden (40 months in total); he was an associate professor at the University of Uppsala and then at the University of Stockholm, Sweden, from 1996 and 1997 to 2003, when he returned to Zagreb after 15 years of working abroad. Duration of education: 25 years, i.e., (8 elementary + 4 gymnasium + 4 undergrad + 2 master + 4 PhD + 3 postdoc) years. He has published over 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers mainly in journals of significantly above-average impact factors in atmospheric physics and meteorology with climatology. His cumulative or total impact factor is over 420, he has been cited about 2440 to over 2620 and over 3830 times [W-o-S, Scopus and Google Scholar], so he is one of the most cited Croatian meteorologists [h - index between 29 and 34, i10 - index 65]. He has coauthored about 200 conference papers, a dozen of those were invited ones and provided a few tens of internatially invited seminars. In addition to atmospheric waves and turbulence, he deals with mountain and coastal meteorology and (micro)climatology. He has led or collaborated in a number of international scientific projects including fieldwork, intensive airborne measurements, radar and radiosonde measurements. He has been involved in the improvement of numerical meteorological models: from numerical schemes to parameterization of turbulent processes. Moreover, he has been a member of the editorial boards of several international journals including Tellus A series (since 2003), etc., reviewed over 150 scientific papers and projects (including the IPCC 2021 report, for 3 chapters), participated in over 45 PhD committees in 11 countries on three continents, teaches several university courses in Dynamic Meteorology at all levels, (co-)led 11 PhD dissertations and over 45 diploma or master theses and introduced a few new scientific approaches in mesoscale and microscale meteorology, i.e., in geophysical fluid dynamics.

Publication list and more:

Published papers recorded in the Croatian Scientific Bibliography Database (CROSBI)

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List of select publications

Toman, I., B. Bašić, N. Vikić-Topić, Ž. Večenaj and B. Grisogono, 2024: Simulation of the observed Kelvin-Helmoholtz waves above Dubrovnik. Weather, In press.

Golem, P., Ž. Večenaj, H. Kozmar and B. Grisogono, 2024: Misalignment between the propagation direction of the Bora wind and its pulsations. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 150, 1194-1205.

Golem, P., I. Toman, Ž. Večenaj, H. Kozmar and B. Grisogono, 2022: Unique windward measurements and WRF simulation of an extremely long-lasting severe Bora event. Bound.-Layer Meteorol. 183, 495-504.

Kozmar, H. and B. Grisogono, 2021: Characteristics of downslope wind storms in the view of the typical atmospheric boundary layer. Chapter 5 in: The Oxford Handbook of Non-Synoptic Wind Storms, edited by H. Hangan and A. Kareem. Oxford Univ. Press, 85-114, DOI:

Grisogono, B., J. Sun and D. Belušić, 2020: A note on MOST and HOST for turbulence parameterization. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 146, 1991-1997.
Mayr, G.J., D. Plavcan, L. Armi, A. Elvidge, B. Grisogono, K. Horvath, P. Jackson, A. Neururer, P. Seibert, J.W. Steenburgh, I. Stiperski, A. Sturman, Ž. Večenaj, J. Vergeiner, S. Vosper and G. Zängl, 2018: The community Foehn classification experiment.  Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 99, 2229-2235doi:10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0200.1
Sun, J., C. J. Nappo, L. Mahrt, D. Belušić, B. Grisogono, D. R. Stauffer, M. Pulido, C. Staquet, Q. Jiang, A. Pouquet, C. Yague, B. Galperin, R. B. Smith, J. J. Finnigan, S. D. Mayor, G. Svensson, A. A. Grachev and W. D. Neff, 2015: Review of wave-turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer. Rev. Geophys. 53, 956-993.
Grisogono, B., T. Jurlina, Ž. Večenaj and I. Güttler, 2015: Weakly nonlinear Prandtl model for simple slope flows. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 141, 883-892. DOI: 10.1002/qj.2406
Baklanov, A., B. Grisogono, R. Bornstein, L. Mahrt, S. Zilitinkevich, P. Taylor, S. Larsen, M. Rotach and H.J.S. Fernando, 2011: The nature, theory and modeling of atmospheric planetary boundary layers. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 92, 123-128.
Grisogono, B. and D. Belušić, 2009: A review of recent advances in understanding the meso- and micro-scale properties of the severe Bora wind. Tellus, 61A, 1-16.

Grisogono, B., L. Kraljević and A. Jeričević, 2007: The low-level katabatic jet height versus Monin-Obukhov height. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 133, 2133-2136.
Mauritsen, T., G. Svensson, S. Zilitinkevich, I. Esau, L. Enger and B. Grisogono, 2007: A total turbulent energy closure model for neutrally and stably stratified atmospheric boundary layers. J. Atmos. Sci. 64, 4113-4126.

Oerlemans, J. and B. Grisogono, 2002: Glacier wind and parameterization of the related surface heat flux. Tellus, 54A, 440-452.
Tjernström, M. and B. Grisogono, 2000: Simulations of super-critical flow around points and capes in a coastal atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci. 57, 108-135.
Enger, L. and B. Grisogono, 1998: The response of bora-type flow to sea surface temperature. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 124, 1227-1244.
Smedman, A.-S., H. Bergström and B. Grisogono, 1997: Evolution of stable internal boundary layers over a cold sea. J. Geophys. Res. 102, 1091-1099.
Grisogono, B. and M. Tjernström, 1996: Thermal mesoscale circulations on the Baltic coast. Part II: Perturbation of surface parameters. J. Geophys Res. 101, 18999-19012.
Grisogono, B., 1994: Dissipation of wave drag in the atmospheric boundary layer. J. Atmos. Sci. 51, 1237-1243.
Grisogono, B., S.C. Pryor and R.E. Keislar, 1993: Mountain wave drag over double bell-shaped orography. Quart. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. 119, 199-207.

Professional memberships

Croatian Meteorological Society
Royal Meteorological Society
American Geophysical Union
Croatian Agrometeorological Society
European Meteorological Society

List of select projects

Projects after coming back to Croatia:

Past employments

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