Number of visits:


scientific cruIse with research vessel bios dva (05/2021)

Scientific cruise was performed in the period 18-24 May 2021 with research vessel BIOS DVA in the middle Adriatic. We measured biological, chemical and physical properties of the sea around islands Jabuka and Blitvenica and at a transect between them. Details about the cruise can be found on Geofizika uživo Facebook page.


Fifth video meeting

On 31 March 2021 the fifth video meeting was held via ZOOM. Researchers from four institutions (IOR, PMF-ST, PMF-ZG and DHMZ) discussed the realisation of scientific objectives planned for the current period (12/2019–04/2021). Also, they discussed realisation of the financial plan as well as preparation of a periodic report.


Fourth video meeting

On 1 December 2020 the fourth video meeting was held via ZOOM. Researchers from four institutions (IOR, PMF-ST, PMF-ZG and DHMZ) discussed the realisation of scientific objectives planned for the current period (12/2019–04/2021). Also, they reviewed the financial plan and plans for upcoming scientific cruises. Participants presented their results giving 10-min talks sharing ppt presentations.


scientific cruIse with research vessel bios dva (11/2020)

In the period 4 – 5 November 2020 colleagues from IOR (Laboratory of Marine Microbiology, Laboratory of Chemical Oceanography and Sedimentology of the Sea, Laboratory of Plankton and Shellfish toxicity and Physical Oceanography Laboratory) performed field research near the islands of Blitvenica and Jabuka. CTD measurements were carried out at sea stations and transparency of the sea was determined. Also, disolved oxygen (Winkler's method), nutrient salts and PH of seawater were determined. Primary production was measured by C14 method. Biomass (by chlorophyll A), phytoplankton masses and their abundance was also determined at the stations. Sampling of seawater was performed to determine the number of heterotrophic bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates and cyanobacteria. 3D profile of currents was measured along the track by ship-mounted ADCP.


Master's thesis - Iva Dominović


On 27 August 2020 Iva Dominović defended her master's thesis Coherence of sea level variability at Blitvenica and Split (in Croatian) under the supervision of dr. sc. Miroslava Pasarić, using data collected within MAUD project.


scientific cruise with research vessel bIOS DVA (08/2020)

A scientific cruise was conducted with research vessel BIOS DVA in the Middle Adriatic In the period 1 – 4 August 2020. On this occasion researchers downloaded sea temperature, pressure and oxygen data from moored loggers at three locations (near the islands of Jabuka, Blitvenica and Balun). The loggers were cleaned, calibrated and returned to the sea for the next cycle of measurements. Temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll were measured around Blitvenica and Jabuka islands, and along the transect from the coast to Jabuka island. This was carried out with CTD probe (SBE25) mounted on undulating vehicle. Profiling was performed in a surface layer (up to 45 m) with high spatial resolution – about 10 cm in the vertical and 200 m in the horizontal direction. Details on the cruise can be found on Facebook page (in Croatian) Gefizika uživo.


Third video meeting


The third video meeting was held on 16 July 2020, attended by associates from Split (IOR, PMF-ST) and Zagreb (PMF-ZG and DHMZ). Participants discussed progress on current objectives, realisation of the financial plan and the upcoming cruise planned for the end of July 2020.


second work meeting

The second meeting was held on 28 October 2019 in Split (IOR). Researchers from Zagreb and Split discussed several topics:

  1. realisation of the objectives planned for the first project year (short ppt presentations),

  2. realisation of the financial plan in the first year of the project,

  3. work plan for the second year of the project,

  4. financial plan for the second year of the project,

  5. arrangements for the upcoming periodic report.


second video meeting

The second video meeting was held on 5 September 2019. Researchers from Zagreb (PMF-ZG and DHMZ) and Split (IOR) discussed realisation of project objectives and upcoming activities (objectives, cruises and meetings).


scientific cruise with research vessel bIOS DVA (2019)


In the period from 3 to 7 June 2019, a team of researchers from the MAUD project deployed temperature loggers on the submarine rocks in the area of the Jabuka island. Also, an air-pressure logger was installed on the Jabuka. Loggers for dissolved oxygen (DO) were deployed in the area of Blitvenica and Balun islands, while near Jabuka they will be set up during the next field trip. In addition, the first testing of combined work of CTD SBE25 and undulating vehicle was performed. Testing began in the canal between Čiovo and Šolta and continued, with several modifications, around Jabuka, and on the transect towards and around Blitvenca. This allowed high-resolution measurements of not only temperature and salinity, but also dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll.


First video meeting


The first video meeting was held on 26 March 2019. The meeting was attended by associates from PMF-ZG (Zagreb) and IOR (Split). Discussion was about progress and results on the current project objectives. Also, upcoming activities were revised as well as the financial plan of the project.


first work meeting

The first work meeting was held on 3 December 2018 at the Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries in Split. The meeting was attended by researchers from three institutions: Department of Geophysics (Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb; PMF-ZG), Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (IOR), and Croatian Meteorological and Hydrological Service (DHMZ). Co-workers presented short ppt presentations showing plans for the first project year. Also, details about project administration were agreed. The meeting was led by MAUD principal investigator prof. dr. sc. Mirko Orlić.