Number of visits:

Original reserach/scientific papers or riew papers:

(Median impact factors for 2014 of the journals in  the group: „Geosciences, Multidisciplinary“, Median IF = 1,605; „Geochemistry & Geophysics“, Median IF = 1,612; „Engineering, Geological“, Median IF = 1,187; „Geology“, Median IF = 1,151)

  1. Sović, I., Šariri, K. (2016): Explaining anisotropic macroseismic fields in terms of fault zone attenuation- a simple model, Tectonophysics, Vol. 680 (12), 113-121. 
  2. Stipčević, J., Kennett, B. L. N., Tkalčić, H. (2017): Simultaneous use of multiple seismic array. Geophysical journal international, 2; 770-783.
  3. Subašić, Senad; Prevolnik, Snježan; Herak, Davorka; Herak, Marijan (2017): Observations of SKS splitting in the Central External Dinarides-Adria collision zone. Tectonophysics, 705; 93-100.
  4. Herak, Davorka; Sović, Ivica; Cecić, Ina; Živčić, Mladen; Dasović, Iva; Herak, Marijan (2017): Historical seismicity of the Rijeka region (NW External Dinarides, Croatia) - Part I: Earthquakes of 1750, 1838 and 1904 in the Bakar epicentral area. Seismological research letters, 88; 1-12.
  5. Majstorović, J., Belinić, T., Namjesnik, D., Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M. (2017): Intrinsic and scattering attenuation of high-frequency S-waves in the central part of the External Dinarides. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 270, 73–83.
  6. Belinić, T. and S. Markušić: Empirical criteria for the accuracy of earthquake locations on the Croatian territory. Geofizika, 34 (2017), 1; 1-17.
  7. Belinić, Tena; Stipčević, Josip; Živčić, Mladen. (2017);  Lithospheric thickness under the Dinarides. Earth and planetary science letters, 484, 229-240.
  8. Ivančić, Ines; Herak, Davorka; Herak, Marijan; Allegretti, Ivo; Fiket, Tomislav; Kuk, Krešimir; Markušić, Snježana; Prevolnik, Snježan; Sović, Ivica; Dasović, Iva; Stipčević, Josip (2018): Seismicity of Croatia in the period 2006–2015. Geofizika (prihvaćen za objavljivanje).
  9. Molinari, Irene; Dasović, Iva; Stipčević, Josip; Šipka, Vesna; Kissling, Edi; Clinton, John; Salimbeni, Simone; Prevolnik, Snježan; Giardini, Domenico; Wiemer, Stefan; AlpArray-CASE Field Team; AlpArray-CASE Working Group (2018): Investigation of the Central Adriatic Lithosphere structure with the AlpArray-CASE seismic experiment. Geofizika
  10. Hetényi, György; Molinari, Irene; Clinton, John; Bokelmann, Götz; Bondár, István; Crawford, Wayne C.; Dessa, Jean-Xavier; Doubre, Cécile; Friederich, Wolfgang; Fuchs, Florian; Giardini, Domenico; Gráczer, Zoltán; Handy, Mark R.; Herak, Marijan; Jia, Yan; Kissling, Edi; Kopp, Heidrun; Korn, Michael; Margheriti, Lucia; Meier, Thomas; Marco Mucciarelli, Marco; Paul, Anne; Pesaresi, Damiano; Piromallo, Claudia; Plenefisch, Thomas; Plomerová, Jaroslava; Ritter, Joachim; Rümpker, Georg; Vesna Šipka, Daniele Spallarossa, Christine Thomas, Frederik Tilmann, Joachim Wassermann, Michael Weber, Zoltán Wéber, Viktor Wesztergom, Mladen Živčić (2018): The AlpArray Seismic Network - a large-scale European experiment to image the Alpine orogen. Surveys in geophysics.
  11. Herak, Marijan; Živčić, Mladen; Sović, Ivica; Cecić, Ina; Dasović, Iva; Stipčević, Josip; Herak, Davorka (2018): Historical seismicity of the Rijeka region (NW External Dinarides, Croatia) – Part II: The Klana earthquakes of 1870.  Seismological research letters, 89, 1524-1536.
  12. Środoń, Jan,  Anczkiewicz, Aneta A.,  Dunkl, István, Vlahović, Igor, Velić, Ivo, Tomljenović, Bruno,  Kawiak, Tadeusz,  Banaśa, Michal, von Eynattenb, Hilmar (2018): Thermal history of the central part of the Karst Dinarides, Croatia: Combined application of clay mineralogy and low-T thermochronology, Tectonophysics, 744, 155-176.
  13. Palenik, D., Matičec, D., Fuček, L., Matoš, B., Herak, M. Vlahović, I. (2019): Geological and structural setting of the Vinodol valley (NW Adriatic, Croatia): insights into tectonic evolution based on structural investigations. Geologia Croatica, 72 (3),   79–193. DOI:


Research/scientific papers in other perr-reviewd journals:

  1. Molinari, I.; Clinton, J.; Kissling, E.; Hetényi, G.; Giardini, D.; Stipčević, J.; Dasović, I.; Herak, M.; Šipka, V.; Wéber, Z.; Gráczer, Z.; Solarino, S.; the Swiss-AlpArray Field Team, and the AlpArray Working Group (2016): Swiss-AlpArray temporary broadband seismic stations deployment and noise characterization.  Advances in geosciences, 43, 15-29.
  2. Stanko, D., Markušić, S., Ivančić, I. and Z. Gülerce (2017): Preliminary estimation of kappa (κ)in Croatia. IOP series journal: Earth and Environmental Sciences. doi : 10.1088/1755-1315/95/3/032014. 



  1. Dasović, I., Ruščić, M., Herak, D., Herak, M. (2015): Attenuation of high-frequency body waves in the crust of the Central External Dinarides, 26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, 22.06. – 2.07. 2015. (poster).
  2. Subašić, S., Prevolnik, S., Herak, M.: Seismic anisotropy beneath the greater region of the Central External Dinarides from observations of SKS-splitting, EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, 23-28 April 2016, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 18, EGU2016-2877 (oral presentation).
  3. Dasović, I.; Namjesnik, D.; Belinić, T.; Herak, D.; Herak, M. (2016): Attenuation of high-frequency body waves and its anisotropy in the External Dinarides, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 5-8 September 2016, Trieste, Italy (oral presentation).
  4. Herak, M; Herak, D.; Dasović, I. (2016): Fault-plane solutions and stress orientation in the greater region of northern and central Dinarides, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 5-8 September 2016, Trieste, Italy (poster).
  5. Herak, D.; Sović, I.; Herak, M. (2016): Reassessment of macroseismic data for eight historical earthquakes in the region of Hrvatsko Primorje and Mt. Velebit, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 5-8 September 2016, Trieste, Italy (poster).
  6. Belinić, T.; Stipčević, J. (2016): Litospheric thickness under the Dinarides, 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 5-8 September 2016, Trieste, Italy (poster).
  7. Tomljenović, Bruno; Matoš, Bojan; Vlahović, Igor; Kljajo, Dubravka; Šajatović, Branimir (2017): Analiza sustava pukotina i rasjeda na području NP Sjeveni Velebit: Prilog rekonstrukciji tektogeneze Velebita. Krasno, Hrvatska, 24-25.05.2017. (oral presentation).
  8. Herak, Marijan; Herak, Davorka (2017): Seismicity and seismic sources in the greater Kvarner-Velebit area, Croatia: Recent advances. 5th Regional scientific meeting on quaternary geology dedicated to geohazards, Starigrad-Paklenica, Hrvatska, 9-10.11.2017. (oral presentation).
  9. Tomljenović, Bruno; Balling, Phillip; Matoš, Bojan; Vlahović, Igor; Herak, Marijan; Herak, Davorka; Blažok, Lovro; Posarić, Dino; Širol, Andre; Schmid, Stefan; Ustaszewski, Kamil (2017): Kinematic analysis of outcrop-scale joint and fault systems in the Mt. Velebit – implication to tectogenesis and active seismo-tectonics. 5th Reg. Mtg. Quaternary Geology dedicated to Geohazards & Final Conf. LoLADRIA project. Starigrad-Paklenica, Hrvatska, 9-10.11.2017. (oral presentation).
  10. Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak, M. (2017): Anisotropy of attenuation of high-frequency body waves in the External Dinarides. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19. 2017. EGU2017-9260 (poster).
  11. Dasović, I., Molinari, I., Stipčević, J., Šipka, V., Salimbeni, S., Jarić, D., Prevolnik, S., Kissling, E., Clinton, J., Giardini, D., the AlpArray-CASE Working Group, the AlpArray-CASE Field Team: The AlpArray-CASE project: temporary broadband seismic network deployment and characterization . Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19., 2017. EGU2017-13952-1 (poster).
  12. Salimbeni, Simone; Prevolnik, Snježan; Pondrelli, Silvia; Molinari, Irene; Stipčević, Josip; Dasović, Iva; Vesna Šipka; Herak, Marijan; Kissling, Edward and the Alparray-CASE Working group. Preliminary results on seismic anisotropy in the Central Apennines and the Dinarides from the ”Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment” (CASE) project. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20. Beč, 2018. EGU2018-14303-EGU2018-14303 (poster).
  13. Stipčević, Josip; Belinić, Tena; Živčić, Mladen. Lithospheric thickness under the Dinarides. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20. Vienna, Austria, 2018. EGU2018-3267-EGU2018-3267 (oral presentation).
  14. Govorčin, Marin; Matoš, Bojan; Herak, Marijan; Pribičević, Boško; Vlahović, Igor (2018): Coseismic deformation analysis of the 1996 Ston–Slano (southern Croatia) ML 6.0 earthquake: preliminary results using DInSAR and geological investigations, 9th International INQUA Workshop on Paleoseismology, Active Tectonics and Paleoseismology, Koukousioura, O.; Chatzipetros, A. (ur.). - Possidi: INQUA, 2018. 87-90. Possidi, Grčka, 25-27.06.2018. (oral presentation).
  15. Šalić,  Radmila;  Gulerce, Zeynep; Kuka, Neki; Markušić, Snježana; Mihaljević, Jadranka; Kovačević, Vladan; Sandikaya, Abdullah;  Milutinović, Zoran; Duni, Llambro; Stanko, Davor; Kaludjerović, Nataša; Kovačević, Svetlana (2018):  Harmonized Seismic Hazard Maps For The Western Balkan Countries, 16th European Conference On Earthquake Engineering, 18-21 June 2018, Thessaloniki. (oral presentation).
  16. Dasović, I., Andrić, T., Jerčić, V., Herak, M., Herak, D. (2018): Intrinsic and scattering attenuation of high-frequency s-waves in the southern part of the External Dinarides. Book of Abstracts of the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission ( D'Amico, Sebastiano ; Galea, Pauline ; Bozionelos, George ; Colica, Emanuele ; Farrugia, Daniela ; Agius, Matthew (ur.)). Valletta : University of Malta, ESC2018-S30-831-ESC2018-S30-831 (poster).
  17. Dasović, I., Herak, D., Herak M. (2018): Anisotropy of attenuation of high-frequency body waves in the southern External Dinarides.  Book of Abstracts of the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ( D'Amico, Sebastiano ; Galea, Pauline ; Bozionelos, George ; Colica, Emanuele ; Farrugia, Daniela ; Agius, Matthew (ur.)). Valletta : University of Malta, ESC2018-S30-620-ESC2018-S30-620 (oral presentation).
  18. Herak M., Herak D. (2018): Influence of the station geometry, picking errors and choice of Earth model on earthquake locations using the source-specific station corrections in the Kvarner-Velebit region, Croatia. Book of Abstracts of the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, ( D'Amico, Sebastiano ; Galea, Pauline ; Bozionelos, George ; Colica, Emanuele ; Farrugia, Daniela ; Agius, Matthew (ur.)). Valletta, University of Malta, ESC2018-S42-486-ESC2018-S42-486 (poster).
  19. Markušić, S., Stanko, D., Sović, I., Gazdek, M., Korbar, T. (2018): Estimation of near-surface attenuation in the Northwestern External Dinarides. Book of Abstracts of the 36th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, (D'Amico, Sebastiano; Galea, Pauline ; Bozionelos, George ; Colica, Emanuele ; Daniela Farrugia, Daniela ; Agius, Matthew R. (ur.)). - Valletta, University of Malta, ESC2018,  440-440 (poster).
  20. Anczkiewicz, A., Srodon, J., Dunkl, I., Vlahović, I., Velić, I., Tomljenović, B., Kawiak, T., Banas, M. & von Eynatten, H. (2018) Thermal history and exhumation of the central part of the Karst Dinarides, Croatia. U: Neubauer, F., Brendel, U. & Friedl, G. (ur.) XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), ABSTRACTS, Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts. Sofia, Geologica Balcanica, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, str. 204-204.
  21. Balling, P., Tomljenović, B. & Ustaszewski, K. (2018) The tectonic setting of the Promina Beds - A flexural foreland basin induced by a contrasting style of along strike deformation in the External Dinarides. U: Neubauer, F., Brendel, U. & Friedl, G. (ur.) XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), ABSTRACTS, Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts. Sofia, Geologica Balcanica, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, str. 203-203

  22. Vlahović, I., Velić, I., Tomljenović, B., Matoš, B. & Enos, P. (2018) Massive Cenozoic carbonate breccia in the Karst Dinarides of Croatia. U: Neubauer, F., Brendel, U. & Friedl, G. (ur.) XXI International Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA), ABSTRACTS, Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts. Sofia, Geologica Balcanica, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, str. 201-201.

  23. Stipčević, J. Herak, M., Molinari, I., Dasović I. (2019): New Moho depth map for the wider Dinarides region. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21. Vienna, Austria, EGU2019-13536-EGU2019-13536 (predavanje).

  24. Salimbeni, S., Prevolnik, S., Pondrelli, S., Molinari, I.,  Stipčević, J., Dasović, I., Šipka, V., Herak, M., Kissling, E., ALPARRAY-CASE working group (2019): Seismic anisotropy distribution in Southern Italy and Dinaric region: new results from ”Central Adriatic Seismic Experiment” (CASE) project. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21. Vienna, Austria, EGU2019-15176-EGU2019-15176 (poster).

  25. Belinić, T., Kolínsky, P., Stipčević, J. (2019): Shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Dinarides from the inversion of Rayleigh-wave dispersion. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21. Vienna, Austria, EGU2019-13775-EGU2019-13775 (poster).